path: root/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_base.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_base.rb')
1 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_base.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_base.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1a697396ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_base.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Database
+ module RenameReservedPathsMigration
+ module V1
+ class RenameBase
+ attr_reader :paths, :migration
+ delegate :update_column_in_batches,
+ :execute,
+ :replace_sql,
+ :quote_string,
+ :say,
+ to: :migration
+ def initialize(paths, migration)
+ @paths = paths
+ @migration = migration
+ end
+ def path_patterns
+ @path_patterns ||= paths.flat_map { |path| ["%/#{path}", path] }
+ end
+ def rename_path_for_routable(routable)
+ old_path = routable.path
+ old_full_path = routable.full_path
+ # Only remove the last occurrence of the path name to get the parent namespace path
+ namespace_path = remove_last_occurrence(old_full_path, old_path)
+ new_path = rename_path(namespace_path, old_path)
+ new_full_path = join_routable_path(namespace_path, new_path)
+ perform_rename(routable, old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ [old_full_path, new_full_path]
+ end
+ def perform_rename(routable, old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ # skips callbacks & validations
+ new_path = new_full_path.split('/').last
+ routable.class.where(id: routable)
+ .update_all(path: new_path)
+ rename_routes(old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ end
+ def rename_routes(old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ routes = Route.arel_table
+ quoted_old_full_path = quote_string(old_full_path)
+ quoted_old_wildcard_path = quote_string("#{old_full_path}/%")
+ filter = if Database.mysql?
+ "lower(routes.path) = lower('#{quoted_old_full_path}') "\
+ "OR routes.path LIKE '#{quoted_old_wildcard_path}'"
+ else
+ " IN "\
+ "( SELECT FROM routes WHERE lower(routes.path) = lower('#{quoted_old_full_path}') "\
+ "UNION SELECT FROM routes WHERE routes.path ILIKE '#{quoted_old_wildcard_path}' )"
+ end
+ replace_statement = replace_sql(Route.arel_table[:path],
+ old_full_path,
+ new_full_path)
+ update =
+ .table(routes)
+ .set([[routes[:path], replace_statement]])
+ .where(
+ execute(update.to_sql)
+ end
+ def rename_path(namespace_path, path_was)
+ counter = 0
+ path = "#{path_was}#{counter}"
+ while route_exists?(join_routable_path(namespace_path, path))
+ counter += 1
+ path = "#{path_was}#{counter}"
+ end
+ path
+ end
+ def remove_last_occurrence(string, pattern)
+ string.reverse.sub(pattern.reverse, "").reverse
+ end
+ def join_routable_path(namespace_path, top_level)
+ if namespace_path.present?
+ File.join(namespace_path, top_level)
+ else
+ top_level
+ end
+ end
+ def route_exists?(full_path)
+ MigrationClasses::Route.where(Route.arel_table[:path].matches(full_path)).any?
+ end
+ def move_pages(old_path, new_path)
+ move_folders(pages_dir, old_path, new_path)
+ end
+ def move_uploads(old_path, new_path)
+ return unless file_storage?
+ move_folders(uploads_dir, old_path, new_path)
+ end
+ def move_folders(directory, old_relative_path, new_relative_path)
+ old_path = File.join(directory, old_relative_path)
+ unless
+ say "#{old_path} doesn't exist, skipping"
+ return
+ end
+ new_path = File.join(directory, new_relative_path)
+, new_path)
+ end
+ def remove_cached_html_for_projects(project_ids)
+ project_ids.each do |project_id|
+ update_column_in_batches(:projects, :description_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:id].eq(project_id))
+ end
+ update_column_in_batches(:issues, :description_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:project_id].eq(project_id))
+ end
+ update_column_in_batches(:merge_requests, :description_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:target_project_id].eq(project_id))
+ end
+ update_column_in_batches(:notes, :note_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:project_id].eq(project_id))
+ end
+ update_column_in_batches(:milestones, :description_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:project_id].eq(project_id))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def track_rename(type, old_path, new_path)
+ key = redis_key_for_type(type)
+ Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis|
+ redis.lpush(key, [old_path, new_path].to_json)
+ redis.expire(key, 2.weeks.to_i)
+ end
+ say "tracked rename: #{key}: #{old_path} -> #{new_path}"
+ end
+ def reverts_for_type(type)
+ key = redis_key_for_type(type)
+ Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis|
+ failed_reverts = []
+ while rename_info = redis.lpop(key)
+ path_before_rename, path_after_rename = JSON.parse(rename_info)
+ say "renaming #{type} from #{path_after_rename} back to #{path_before_rename}"
+ begin
+ yield(path_before_rename, path_after_rename)
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ failed_reverts << rename_info
+ say "Renaming #{type} from #{path_after_rename} back to "\
+ "#{path_before_rename} failed. Review the error and try "\
+ "again by running the `down` action. \n"\
+ "#{e.message}: \n #{e.backtrace.join("\n")}"
+ end
+ end
+ failed_reverts.each { |rename_info| redis.lpush(key, rename_info) }
+ end
+ end
+ def redis_key_for_type(type)
+ "rename:#{}:#{type}"
+ end
+ def file_storage?
+ == CarrierWave::Storage::File
+ end
+ def uploads_dir
+ File.join(CarrierWave.root, "uploads")
+ end
+ def pages_dir
+ Settings.pages.path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end