path: root/lib/gitlab/database
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/database')
6 files changed, 382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb
index 6dabbe0264c..298b1a1f4e6 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/migration_helpers.rb
@@ -498,6 +498,29 @@ module Gitlab
columns(table).find { |column| == name }
+ # This will replace the first occurance of a string in a column with
+ # the replacement
+ # On postgresql we can use `regexp_replace` for that.
+ # On mysql we find the location of the pattern, and overwrite it
+ # with the replacement
+ def replace_sql(column, pattern, replacement)
+ quoted_pattern =
+ quoted_replacement =
+ if Database.mysql?
+ locate = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.
+ new('locate', [quoted_pattern, column])
+ insert_in_place = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.
+ new('insert', [column, locate, pattern.size, quoted_replacement])
+ else
+ replace = Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.
+ new("regexp_replace", [column, quoted_pattern, quoted_replacement])
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89530082cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# This module can be included in migrations to make it easier to rename paths
+# of `Namespace` & `Project` models certain paths would become `reserved`.
+# If the way things are stored on the filesystem related to namespaces and
+# projects ever changes. Don't update this module, or anything nested in `V1`,
+# since it needs to keep functioning for all migrations using it using the state
+# that the data is in at the time. Instead, create a `V2` module that implements
+# the new way of reserving paths.
+module Gitlab
+ module Database
+ module RenameReservedPathsMigration
+ module V1
+ def self.included(kls)
+ kls.include(MigrationHelpers)
+ end
+ def rename_wildcard_paths(one_or_more_paths)
+ rename_child_paths(one_or_more_paths)
+ paths = Array(one_or_more_paths)
+, self).rename_projects
+ end
+ def rename_child_paths(one_or_more_paths)
+ paths = Array(one_or_more_paths)
+, self).rename_namespaces(type: :child)
+ end
+ def rename_root_paths(paths)
+ paths = Array(paths)
+, self).rename_namespaces(type: :top_level)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/migration_classes.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/migration_classes.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4fdcb682c2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/migration_classes.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Database
+ module RenameReservedPathsMigration
+ module V1
+ module MigrationClasses
+ module Routable
+ def full_path
+ if route && route.path.present?
+ @full_path ||= route.path
+ else
+ update_route if persisted?
+ build_full_path
+ end
+ end
+ def build_full_path
+ if parent && path
+ parent.full_path + '/' + path
+ else
+ path
+ end
+ end
+ def update_route
+ prepare_route
+ end
+ def prepare_route
+ route || build_route(source: self)
+ route.path = build_full_path
+ @full_path = nil
+ end
+ end
+ class Namespace < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include MigrationClasses::Routable
+ self.table_name = 'namespaces'
+ belongs_to :parent,
+ class_name: "#{}::Namespace"
+ has_one :route, as: :source
+ has_many :children,
+ class_name: "#{}::Namespace",
+ foreign_key: :parent_id
+ # Overridden to have the correct `source_type` for the `route` relation
+ def
+ 'Namespace'
+ end
+ end
+ class Route < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = 'routes'
+ belongs_to :source, polymorphic: true
+ end
+ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include MigrationClasses::Routable
+ has_one :route, as: :source
+ self.table_name = 'projects'
+ def repository_storage_path
+ Gitlab.config.repositories.storages[repository_storage]['path']
+ end
+ # Overridden to have the correct `source_type` for the `route` relation
+ def
+ 'Project'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_base.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_base.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de4e6e7c404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_base.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Database
+ module RenameReservedPathsMigration
+ module V1
+ class RenameBase
+ attr_reader :paths, :migration
+ delegate :update_column_in_batches,
+ :replace_sql,
+ to: :migration
+ def initialize(paths, migration)
+ @paths = paths
+ @migration = migration
+ end
+ def path_patterns
+ @path_patterns ||= { |path| "%#{path}" }
+ end
+ def rename_path_for_routable(routable)
+ old_path = routable.path
+ old_full_path = routable.full_path
+ # Only remove the last occurrence of the path name to get the parent namespace path
+ namespace_path = remove_last_occurrence(old_full_path, old_path)
+ new_path = rename_path(namespace_path, old_path)
+ new_full_path = join_routable_path(namespace_path, new_path)
+ # skips callbacks & validations
+ routable.class.where(id: routable).
+ update_all(path: new_path)
+ rename_routes(old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ [old_full_path, new_full_path]
+ end
+ def rename_routes(old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ replace_statement = replace_sql(Route.arel_table[:path],
+ old_full_path,
+ new_full_path)
+ update_column_in_batches(:routes, :path, replace_statement) do |table, query|
+ query.where(MigrationClasses::Route.arel_table[:path].matches("#{old_full_path}%"))
+ end
+ end
+ def rename_path(namespace_path, path_was)
+ counter = 0
+ path = "#{path_was}#{counter}"
+ while route_exists?(join_routable_path(namespace_path, path))
+ counter += 1
+ path = "#{path_was}#{counter}"
+ end
+ path
+ end
+ def remove_last_occurrence(string, pattern)
+ string.reverse.sub(pattern.reverse, "").reverse
+ end
+ def join_routable_path(namespace_path, top_level)
+ if namespace_path.present?
+ File.join(namespace_path, top_level)
+ else
+ top_level
+ end
+ end
+ def route_exists?(full_path)
+ MigrationClasses::Route.where(Route.arel_table[:path].matches(full_path)).any?
+ end
+ def move_pages(old_path, new_path)
+ move_folders(pages_dir, old_path, new_path)
+ end
+ def move_uploads(old_path, new_path)
+ return unless file_storage?
+ move_folders(uploads_dir, old_path, new_path)
+ end
+ def move_folders(directory, old_relative_path, new_relative_path)
+ old_path = File.join(directory, old_relative_path)
+ return unless
+ new_path = File.join(directory, new_relative_path)
+, new_path)
+ end
+ def remove_cached_html_for_projects(project_ids)
+ update_column_in_batches(:projects, :description_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:id].in(project_ids))
+ end
+ update_column_in_batches(:issues, :description_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:project_id].in(project_ids))
+ end
+ update_column_in_batches(:merge_requests, :description_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:target_project_id].in(project_ids))
+ end
+ update_column_in_batches(:notes, :note_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:project_id].in(project_ids))
+ end
+ update_column_in_batches(:milestones, :description_html, nil) do |table, query|
+ query.where(table[:project_id].in(project_ids))
+ end
+ end
+ def file_storage?
+ == CarrierWave::Storage::File
+ end
+ def uploads_dir
+ File.join(CarrierWave.root, "uploads")
+ end
+ def pages_dir
+ Settings.pages.path
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_namespaces.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_namespaces.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b9f4f3cff3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_namespaces.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Database
+ module RenameReservedPathsMigration
+ module V1
+ class RenameNamespaces < RenameBase
+ include Gitlab::ShellAdapter
+ def rename_namespaces(type:)
+ namespaces_for_paths(type: type).each do |namespace|
+ rename_namespace(namespace)
+ end
+ end
+ def namespaces_for_paths(type:)
+ namespaces = case type
+ when :child
+ MigrationClasses::Namespace.where.not(parent_id: nil)
+ when :top_level
+ MigrationClasses::Namespace.where(parent_id: nil)
+ end
+ with_paths = MigrationClasses::Route.arel_table[:path].
+ matches_any(path_patterns)
+ namespaces.joins(:route).where(with_paths)
+ end
+ def rename_namespace(namespace)
+ old_full_path, new_full_path = rename_path_for_routable(namespace)
+ move_repositories(namespace, old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ move_uploads(old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ move_pages(old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ remove_cached_html_for_projects(projects_for_namespace(namespace).map(&:id))
+ end
+ def move_repositories(namespace, old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ repo_paths_for_namespace(namespace).each do |repository_storage_path|
+ # Ensure old directory exists before moving it
+ gitlab_shell.add_namespace(repository_storage_path, old_full_path)
+ unless gitlab_shell.mv_namespace(repository_storage_path, old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ message = "Exception moving path #{repository_storage_path} \
+ from #{old_full_path} to #{new_full_path}"
+ Rails.logger.error message
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def repo_paths_for_namespace(namespace)
+ projects_for_namespace(namespace)
+ map(&:repository_storage_path)
+ end
+ def projects_for_namespace(namespace)
+ namespace_ids = child_ids_for_parent(namespace, ids: [])
+ namespace_or_children = MigrationClasses::Project.
+ arel_table[:namespace_id].
+ in(namespace_ids)
+ MigrationClasses::Project.where(namespace_or_children)
+ end
+ def child_ids_for_parent(namespace, ids: [])
+ namespace.children.each do |child|
+ ids <<
+ child_ids_for_parent(child, ids: ids) if child.children.any?
+ end
+ ids
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_projects.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_projects.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..448717eb744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/rename_reserved_paths_migration/v1/rename_projects.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+module Gitlab
+ module Database
+ module RenameReservedPathsMigration
+ module V1
+ class RenameProjects < RenameBase
+ include Gitlab::ShellAdapter
+ def rename_projects
+ projects_for_paths.each do |project|
+ rename_project(project)
+ end
+ remove_cached_html_for_projects(
+ end
+ def rename_project(project)
+ old_full_path, new_full_path = rename_path_for_routable(project)
+ move_repository(project, old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ move_repository(project, "#{old_full_path}.wiki", "#{new_full_path}.wiki")
+ move_uploads(old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ move_pages(old_full_path, new_full_path)
+ end
+ def move_repository(project, old_path, new_path)
+ unless gitlab_shell.mv_repository(project.repository_storage_path,
+ old_path,
+ new_path)
+ Rails.logger.error "Error moving #{old_path} to #{new_path}"
+ end
+ end
+ def projects_for_paths
+ return @projects_for_paths if @projects_for_paths
+ with_paths = MigrationClasses::Route.arel_table[:path]
+ .matches_any(path_patterns)
+ @projects_for_paths = MigrationClasses::Project.joins(:route).where(with_paths)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end