path: root/lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb b/lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4d1505ea91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ee_compat_check.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# rubocop: disable Rails/Output
+module Gitlab
+ # Checks if a set of migrations requires downtime or not.
+ class EeCompatCheck
+ CE_REPO = ''.freeze
+ EE_REPO = ''.freeze
+ CHECK_DIR = Rails.root.join('ee_compat_check')
+ attr_reader :repo_dir, :patches_dir, :ce_repo, :ce_branch
+ def initialize(branch:, ce_repo: CE_REPO)
+ @repo_dir = CHECK_DIR.join('repo')
+ @patches_dir = CHECK_DIR.join('patches')
+ @ce_branch = branch
+ @ce_repo = ce_repo
+ end
+ def check
+ ensure_ee_repo
+ ensure_patches_dir
+ generate_patch(ce_branch, ce_patch_full_path)
+ Dir.chdir(repo_dir) do
+ step("In the #{repo_dir} directory")
+ status = catch(:halt_check) do
+ ce_branch_compat_check!
+ delete_ee_branch_locally!
+ ee_branch_presence_check!
+ ee_branch_compat_check!
+ end
+ delete_ee_branch_locally!
+ if status.nil?
+ true
+ else
+ false
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def ensure_ee_repo
+ if Dir.exist?(repo_dir)
+ step("#{repo_dir} already exists")
+ else
+ cmd = %W[git clone --branch master --single-branch --depth 200 #{EE_REPO} #{repo_dir}]
+ step("Cloning #{EE_REPO} into #{repo_dir}", cmd)
+ end
+ end
+ def ensure_patches_dir
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(patches_dir)
+ end
+ def generate_patch(branch, patch_path)
+ FileUtils.rm(patch_path, force: true)
+ depth = 0
+ loop do
+ depth += 50
+ cmd = %W[git fetch --depth #{depth} origin --prune +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master]
+ Gitlab::Popen.popen(cmd)
+ _, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%w[git merge-base FETCH_HEAD HEAD])
+ raise "#{branch} is too far behind master, please rebase it!" if depth >= MAX_FETCH_DEPTH
+ break if
+ end
+ step("Generating the patch against master in #{patch_path}")
+ output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%w[git format-patch FETCH_HEAD --stdout])
+ throw(:halt_check, :ko) unless
+ File.write(patch_path, output)
+ throw(:halt_check, :ko) unless File.exist?(patch_path)
+ end
+ def ce_branch_compat_check!
+ if check_patch(ce_patch_full_path).zero?
+ puts applies_cleanly_msg(ce_branch)
+ throw(:halt_check)
+ end
+ end
+ def ee_branch_presence_check!
+ status = step("Fetching origin/#{ee_branch}", %W[git fetch origin #{ee_branch}])
+ unless
+ puts
+ puts ce_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_and_no_ee_branch_msg
+ throw(:halt_check, :ko)
+ end
+ end
+ def ee_branch_compat_check!
+ step("Checking out origin/#{ee_branch}", %W[git checkout -b #{ee_branch} FETCH_HEAD])
+ generate_patch(ee_branch, ee_patch_full_path)
+ unless check_patch(ee_patch_full_path).zero?
+ puts
+ puts ee_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_msg
+ throw(:halt_check, :ko)
+ end
+ puts
+ puts applies_cleanly_msg(ee_branch)
+ end
+ def check_patch(patch_path)
+ step("Checking out master", %w[git checkout master])
+ step("Reseting to latest master", %w[git reset --hard origin/master])
+ step("Checking if #{patch_path} applies cleanly to EE/master")
+ output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W[git apply --check #{patch_path}])
+ unless
+ failed_files = output.lines.reduce([]) do |memo, line|
+ if line.start_with?('error: patch failed:')
+ file = line.sub(/\Aerror: patch failed: /, '')
+ memo << file unless file =~ IGNORED_FILES_REGEX
+ end
+ memo
+ end
+ if failed_files.empty?
+ status = 0
+ else
+ puts "\nConflicting files:"
+ failed_files.each do |file|
+ puts " - #{file}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ status
+ end
+ def delete_ee_branch_locally!
+ command(%w[git checkout master])
+ step("Deleting the local #{ee_branch} branch", %W[git branch -D #{ee_branch}])
+ end
+ def ce_patch_name
+ @ce_patch_name ||= "#{ce_branch}.patch"
+ end
+ def ce_patch_full_path
+ @ce_patch_full_path ||= patches_dir.join(ce_patch_name)
+ end
+ def ee_branch
+ @ee_branch ||= "#{ce_branch}-ee"
+ end
+ def ee_patch_name
+ @ee_patch_name ||= "#{ee_branch}.patch"
+ end
+ def ee_patch_full_path
+ @ee_patch_full_path ||= patches_dir.join(ee_patch_name)
+ end
+ def step(desc, cmd = nil)
+ puts "\n=> #{desc}\n"
+ if cmd
+ start =
+ puts "\n$ #{cmd.join(' ')}"
+ status = command(cmd)
+ puts "\nFinished in #{ - start} seconds"
+ status
+ end
+ end
+ def command(cmd)
+ output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(cmd)
+ puts output
+ status
+ end
+ def applies_cleanly_msg(branch)
+ <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
+ =================================================================
+ 🎉 Congratulations!! 🎉
+ The #{branch} branch applies cleanly to EE/master!
+ Much ❤️!!
+ =================================================================\n
+ end
+ def ce_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_and_no_ee_branch_msg
+ <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
+ =================================================================
+ 💥 Oh no! 💥
+ The #{ce_branch} branch does not apply cleanly to the current
+ EE/master, and no #{ee_branch} branch was found in the EE repository.
+ Please create a #{ee_branch} branch that includes changes from
+ #{ce_branch} but also specific changes than can be applied cleanly
+ to EE/master.
+ There are different ways to create such branch:
+ 1. Create a new branch based on the CE branch and rebase it on top of EE/master
+ # In the EE repo
+ $ git fetch #{ce_repo} #{ce_branch}
+ $ git checkout -b #{ee_branch} FETCH_HEAD
+ # You can squash the #{ce_branch} commits into a single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE" commit
+ # before rebasing to limit the conflicts-resolving steps during the rebase
+ $ git fetch origin
+ $ git rebase origin/master
+ At this point you will likely have conflicts.
+ Solve them, and continue/finish the rebase.
+ You can squash the #{ce_branch} commits into a single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE".
+ 2. Create a new branch from master and cherry-pick your CE commits
+ # In the EE repo
+ $ git fetch origin
+ $ git checkout -b #{ee_branch} origin/master
+ $ git fetch #{ce_repo} #{ce_branch}
+ $ git cherry-pick SHA # Repeat for all the commits you want to pick
+ You can squash the #{ce_branch} commits into a single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE" commit.
+ Don't forget to push your branch to #{EE_REPO}:
+ # In the EE repo
+ $ git push origin #{ee_branch}
+ You can then retry this failed build, and hopefully it should pass.
+ Stay 💪 !
+ =================================================================\n
+ end
+ def ee_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_msg
+ <<-MSG.strip_heredoc
+ =================================================================
+ 💥 Oh no! 💥
+ The #{ce_branch} does not apply cleanly to the current
+ EE/master, and even though a #{ee_branch} branch exists in the EE
+ repository, it does not apply cleanly either to EE/master!
+ Please update the #{ee_branch}, push it again to #{EE_REPO}, and
+ retry this build.
+ Stay 💪 !
+ =================================================================\n
+ end
+ end