path: root/lib/gitlab/git/commit.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/git/commit.rb')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/git/commit.rb b/lib/gitlab/git/commit.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d785516ebdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/git/commit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+# Gitlab::Git::Commit is a wrapper around native Rugged::Commit object
+module Gitlab
+ module Git
+ class Commit
+ include Gitlab::Git::EncodingHelper
+ attr_accessor :raw_commit, :head, :refs
+ :id, :message, :parent_ids,
+ :authored_date, :author_name, :author_email,
+ :committed_date, :committer_name, :committer_email
+ ].freeze
+ attr_accessor *SERIALIZE_KEYS # rubocop:disable Lint/AmbiguousOperator
+ def ==(other)
+ return false unless other.is_a?(Gitlab::Git::Commit)
+ methods = [:message, :parent_ids, :authored_date, :author_name,
+ :author_email, :committed_date, :committer_name,
+ :committer_email]
+ methods.all? do |method|
+ send(method) == other.send(method)
+ end
+ end
+ class << self
+ # Get commits collection
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # Commit.where(
+ # repo: repo,
+ # ref: 'master',
+ # path: 'app/models',
+ # limit: 10,
+ # offset: 5,
+ # )
+ #
+ def where(options)
+ repo = options.delete(:repo)
+ raise 'Gitlab::Git::Repository is required' unless repo.respond_to?(:log)
+ repo.log(options).map { |c| decorate(c) }
+ end
+ # Get single commit
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # Commit.find(repo, '29eda46b')
+ #
+ # Commit.find(repo, 'master')
+ #
+ def find(repo, commit_id = "HEAD")
+ return decorate(commit_id) if commit_id.is_a?(Rugged::Commit)
+ obj = if commit_id.is_a?(String)
+ repo.rev_parse_target(commit_id)
+ else
+ Gitlab::Git::Ref.dereference_object(commit_id)
+ end
+ return nil unless obj.is_a?(Rugged::Commit)
+ decorate(obj)
+ rescue Rugged::ReferenceError, Rugged::InvalidError, Rugged::ObjectError, Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository
+ nil
+ end
+ # Get last commit for HEAD
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # Commit.last(repo)
+ #
+ def last(repo)
+ find(repo)
+ end
+ # Get last commit for specified path and ref
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # Commit.last_for_path(repo, '29eda46b', 'app/models')
+ #
+ # Commit.last_for_path(repo, 'master', 'Gemfile')
+ #
+ def last_for_path(repo, ref, path = nil)
+ where(
+ repo: repo,
+ ref: ref,
+ path: path,
+ limit: 1
+ ).first
+ end
+ # Get commits between two revspecs
+ # See also #repository.commits_between
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # Commit.between(repo, '29eda46b', 'master')
+ #
+ def between(repo, base, head)
+ repo.commits_between(base, head).map do |commit|
+ decorate(commit)
+ end
+ rescue Rugged::ReferenceError
+ []
+ end
+ # Delegate Repository#find_commits
+ def find_all(repo, options = {})
+ repo.find_commits(options)
+ end
+ def decorate(commit, ref = nil)
+, ref)
+ end
+ # Returns a diff object for the changes introduced by +rugged_commit+.
+ # If +rugged_commit+ doesn't have a parent, then the diff is between
+ # this commit and an empty repo. See Repository#diff for the keys
+ # allowed in the +options+ hash.
+ def diff_from_parent(rugged_commit, options = {})
+ options ||= {}
+ break_rewrites = options[:break_rewrites]
+ actual_options = Gitlab::Git::Diff.filter_diff_options(options)
+ diff = if rugged_commit.parents.empty?
+ rugged_commit.diff(actual_options.merge(reverse: true))
+ else
+ rugged_commit.parents[0].diff(rugged_commit, actual_options)
+ end
+ diff.find_similar!(break_rewrites: break_rewrites)
+ diff
+ end
+ end
+ def initialize(raw_commit, head = nil)
+ raise "Nil as raw commit passed" unless raw_commit
+ if raw_commit.is_a?(Hash)
+ init_from_hash(raw_commit)
+ elsif raw_commit.is_a?(Rugged::Commit)
+ init_from_rugged(raw_commit)
+ else
+ raise "Invalid raw commit type: #{raw_commit.class}"
+ end
+ @head = head
+ end
+ def sha
+ id
+ end
+ def short_id(length = 10)
+ id.to_s[0..length]
+ end
+ def safe_message
+ @safe_message ||= message
+ end
+ def created_at
+ committed_date
+ end
+ # Was this commit committed by a different person than the original author?
+ def different_committer?
+ author_name != committer_name || author_email != committer_email
+ end
+ def parent_id
+ parent_ids.first
+ end
+ # Shows the diff between the commit's parent and the commit.
+ #
+ # Cuts out the header and stats from #to_patch and returns only the diff.
+ def to_diff(options = {})
+ diff_from_parent(options).patch
+ end
+ # Returns a diff object for the changes from this commit's first parent.
+ # If there is no parent, then the diff is between this commit and an
+ # empty repo. See Repository#diff for keys allowed in the +options+
+ # hash.
+ def diff_from_parent(options = {})
+ Commit.diff_from_parent(raw_commit, options)
+ end
+ def has_zero_stats?
+ rescue
+ true
+ end
+ def no_commit_message
+ "--no commit message"
+ end
+ def to_hash
+{}) do |key, hash|
+ hash[key] = send(key)
+ end
+ end
+ def date
+ committed_date
+ end
+ def diffs(options = {})
+, options)
+ end
+ def parents
+ { |c| }
+ end
+ def tree
+ raw_commit.tree
+ end
+ def stats
+ end
+ def to_patch(options = {})
+ begin
+ raw_commit.to_mbox(options)
+ rescue Rugged::InvalidError => ex
+ if ex.message =~ /Commit \w+ is a merge commit/
+ 'Patch format is not currently supported for merge commits.'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Get a collection of Rugged::Reference objects for this commit.
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # commit.ref(repo)
+ #
+ def refs(repo)
+ repo.refs_hash[id]
+ end
+ # Get ref names collection
+ #
+ # Ex.
+ # commit.ref_names(repo)
+ #
+ def ref_names(repo)
+ refs(repo).map do |ref|
+{^refs/(heads|remotes|tags)/}, "")
+ end
+ end
+ def message
+ encode! @message
+ end
+ def author_name
+ encode! @author_name
+ end
+ def author_email
+ encode! @author_email
+ end
+ def committer_name
+ encode! @committer_name
+ end
+ def committer_email
+ encode! @committer_email
+ end
+ private
+ def init_from_hash(hash)
+ raw_commit = hash.symbolize_keys
+ serialize_keys.each do |key|
+ send("#{key}=", raw_commit[key])
+ end
+ end
+ def init_from_rugged(commit)
+ author =
+ committer = commit.committer
+ @raw_commit = commit
+ @id = commit.oid
+ @message = commit.message
+ @authored_date = author[:time]
+ @committed_date = committer[:time]
+ @author_name = author[:name]
+ @author_email = author[:email]
+ @committer_name = committer[:name]
+ @committer_email = committer[:email]
+ @parent_ids =
+ end
+ def serialize_keys
+ end
+ end
+ end