path: root/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/github_import/representation')
7 files changed, 442 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/diff_note.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/diff_note.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb7439a0641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/diff_note.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module GithubImport
+ module Representation
+ class DiffNote
+ include ToHash
+ include ExposeAttribute
+ attr_reader :attributes
+ expose_attribute :noteable_type, :noteable_id, :commit_id, :file_path,
+ :diff_hunk, :author, :note, :created_at, :updated_at,
+ :github_id
+ NOTEABLE_ID_REGEX = /\/pull\/(?<iid>\d+)/i
+ # Builds a diff note from a GitHub API response.
+ #
+ # note - An instance of `Sawyer::Resource` containing the note details.
+ def self.from_api_response(note)
+ matches = note.html_url.match(NOTEABLE_ID_REGEX)
+ unless matches
+ raise(
+ ArgumentError,
+ "The note URL #{note.html_url.inspect} is not supported"
+ )
+ end
+ user = Representation::User.from_api_response(note.user) if note.user
+ hash = {
+ noteable_type: 'MergeRequest',
+ noteable_id: matches[:iid].to_i,
+ file_path: note.path,
+ commit_id: note.commit_id,
+ diff_hunk: note.diff_hunk,
+ author: user,
+ note: note.body,
+ created_at: note.created_at,
+ updated_at: note.updated_at,
+ github_id:
+ }
+ new(hash)
+ end
+ # Builds a new note using a Hash that was built from a JSON payload.
+ def self.from_json_hash(raw_hash)
+ hash = Representation.symbolize_hash(raw_hash)
+ hash[:author] &&= Representation::User.from_json_hash(hash[:author])
+ new(hash)
+ end
+ # attributes - A Hash containing the raw note details. The keys of this
+ # Hash must be Symbols.
+ def initialize(attributes)
+ @attributes = attributes
+ end
+ def line_code
+ diff_line =
+ Gitlab::Git
+ .diff_line_code(file_path, diff_line.new_pos, diff_line.old_pos)
+ end
+ # Returns a Hash that can be used to populate `notes.st_diff`, removing
+ # the need for requesting Git data for every diff note.
+ def diff_hash
+ {
+ diff: diff_hunk,
+ new_path: file_path,
+ old_path: file_path,
+ # These fields are not displayed for LegacyDiffNote notes, so it
+ # doesn't really matter what we set them to.
+ a_mode: '100644',
+ b_mode: '100644',
+ new_file: false
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/expose_attribute.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/expose_attribute.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c3405759631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/expose_attribute.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module GithubImport
+ module Representation
+ module ExposeAttribute
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ module ClassMethods
+ # Defines getter methods for the given attribute names.
+ #
+ # Example:
+ #
+ # expose_attribute :iid, :title
+ def expose_attribute(*names)
+ names.each do |name|
+ name = name.to_sym
+ define_method(name) { attributes[name] }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/issue.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/issue.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3071b3e2b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/issue.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module GithubImport
+ module Representation
+ class Issue
+ include ToHash
+ include ExposeAttribute
+ attr_reader :attributes
+ expose_attribute :iid, :title, :description, :milestone_number,
+ :created_at, :updated_at, :state, :assignees,
+ :label_names, :author
+ # Builds an issue from a GitHub API response.
+ #
+ # issue - An instance of `Sawyer::Resource` containing the issue
+ # details.
+ def self.from_api_response(issue)
+ user =
+ if issue.user
+ Representation::User.from_api_response(issue.user)
+ end
+ hash = {
+ iid: issue.number,
+ title: issue.title,
+ description: issue.body,
+ milestone_number: issue.milestone&.number,
+ state: issue.state == 'open' ? :opened : :closed,
+ assignees: do |u|
+ Representation::User.from_api_response(u)
+ end,
+ label_names:,
+ author: user,
+ created_at: issue.created_at,
+ updated_at: issue.updated_at,
+ pull_request: issue.pull_request ? true : false
+ }
+ new(hash)
+ end
+ # Builds a new issue using a Hash that was built from a JSON payload.
+ def self.from_json_hash(raw_hash)
+ hash = Representation.symbolize_hash(raw_hash)
+ hash[:state] = hash[:state].to_sym
+ hash[:assignees].map! { |u| Representation::User.from_json_hash(u) }
+ hash[:author] &&= Representation::User.from_json_hash(hash[:author])
+ new(hash)
+ end
+ # attributes - A hash containing the raw issue details. The keys of this
+ # Hash (and any nested hashes) must be symbols.
+ def initialize(attributes)
+ @attributes = attributes
+ end
+ def truncated_title
+ title.truncate(255)
+ end
+ def labels?
+ label_names && label_names.any?
+ end
+ def pull_request?
+ attributes[:pull_request]
+ end
+ def issuable_type
+ pull_request? ? 'MergeRequest' : 'Issue'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/note.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/note.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a68bc4c002f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/note.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module GithubImport
+ module Representation
+ class Note
+ include ToHash
+ include ExposeAttribute
+ attr_reader :attributes
+ expose_attribute :noteable_id, :noteable_type, :author, :note,
+ :created_at, :updated_at, :github_id
+ NOTEABLE_TYPE_REGEX = /\/(?<type>(pull|issues))\/(?<iid>\d+)/i
+ # Builds a note from a GitHub API response.
+ #
+ # note - An instance of `Sawyer::Resource` containing the note details.
+ def self.from_api_response(note)
+ matches = note.html_url.match(NOTEABLE_TYPE_REGEX)
+ if !matches || !matches[:type]
+ raise(
+ ArgumentError,
+ "The note URL #{note.html_url.inspect} is not supported"
+ )
+ end
+ noteable_type =
+ if matches[:type] == 'pull'
+ 'MergeRequest'
+ else
+ 'Issue'
+ end
+ user = Representation::User.from_api_response(note.user) if note.user
+ hash = {
+ noteable_type: noteable_type,
+ noteable_id: matches[:iid].to_i,
+ author: user,
+ note: note.body,
+ created_at: note.created_at,
+ updated_at: note.updated_at,
+ github_id:
+ }
+ new(hash)
+ end
+ # Builds a new note using a Hash that was built from a JSON payload.
+ def self.from_json_hash(raw_hash)
+ hash = Representation.symbolize_hash(raw_hash)
+ hash[:author] &&= Representation::User.from_json_hash(hash[:author])
+ new(hash)
+ end
+ # attributes - A Hash containing the raw note details. The keys of this
+ # Hash must be Symbols.
+ def initialize(attributes)
+ @attributes = attributes
+ end
+ alias_method :issuable_type, :noteable_type
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/pull_request.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/pull_request.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..593b491a837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/pull_request.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module GithubImport
+ module Representation
+ class PullRequest
+ include ToHash
+ include ExposeAttribute
+ attr_reader :attributes
+ expose_attribute :iid, :title, :description, :source_branch,
+ :source_branch_sha, :target_branch, :target_branch_sha,
+ :milestone_number, :author, :assignee, :created_at,
+ :updated_at, :merged_at, :source_repository_id,
+ :target_repository_id, :source_repository_owner
+ # Builds a PR from a GitHub API response.
+ #
+ # issue - An instance of `Sawyer::Resource` containing the PR details.
+ def self.from_api_response(pr)
+ assignee =
+ if pr.assignee
+ Representation::User.from_api_response(pr.assignee)
+ end
+ user = Representation::User.from_api_response(pr.user) if pr.user
+ hash = {
+ iid: pr.number,
+ title: pr.title,
+ description: pr.body,
+ source_branch: pr.head.ref,
+ target_branch: pr.base.ref,
+ source_branch_sha: pr.head.sha,
+ target_branch_sha: pr.base.sha,
+ source_repository_id: pr.head&.repo&.id,
+ target_repository_id: pr.base&.repo&.id,
+ source_repository_owner: pr.head&.user&.login,
+ state: pr.state == 'open' ? :opened : :closed,
+ milestone_number: pr.milestone&.number,
+ author: user,
+ assignee: assignee,
+ created_at: pr.created_at,
+ updated_at: pr.updated_at,
+ merged_at: pr.merged_at
+ }
+ new(hash)
+ end
+ # Builds a new PR using a Hash that was built from a JSON payload.
+ def self.from_json_hash(raw_hash)
+ hash = Representation.symbolize_hash(raw_hash)
+ hash[:state] = hash[:state].to_sym
+ hash[:author] &&= Representation::User.from_json_hash(hash[:author])
+ # Assignees are optional so we only convert it from a Hash if one was
+ # set.
+ hash[:assignee] &&= Representation::User
+ .from_json_hash(hash[:assignee])
+ new(hash)
+ end
+ # attributes - A Hash containing the raw PR details. The keys of this
+ # Hash (and any nested hashes) must be symbols.
+ def initialize(attributes)
+ @attributes = attributes
+ end
+ def truncated_title
+ title.truncate(255)
+ end
+ # Returns a formatted source branch.
+ #
+ # For cross-project pull requests the branch name will be in the format
+ # `owner-name:branch-name`.
+ def formatted_source_branch
+ if cross_project? && source_repository_owner
+ "#{source_repository_owner}:#{source_branch}"
+ elsif source_branch == target_branch
+ # Sometimes the source and target branch are the same, but GitLab
+ # doesn't support this. This can happen when both the user and
+ # source repository have been deleted, and the PR was submitted from
+ # the fork's master branch.
+ "#{source_branch}-#{iid}"
+ else
+ source_branch
+ end
+ end
+ def state
+ if merged_at
+ :merged
+ else
+ attributes[:state]
+ end
+ end
+ def cross_project?
+ return true unless source_repository_id
+ source_repository_id != target_repository_id
+ end
+ def issuable_type
+ 'MergeRequest'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/to_hash.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/to_hash.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a0f36ab8f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/to_hash.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module GithubImport
+ module Representation
+ module ToHash
+ # Converts the current representation to a Hash. The keys of this Hash
+ # will be Symbols.
+ def to_hash
+ hash = {}
+ attributes.each do |key, value|
+ hash[key] = convert_value_for_to_hash(value)
+ end
+ hash
+ end
+ def convert_value_for_to_hash(value)
+ if value.is_a?(Array)
+ { |v| convert_value_for_to_hash(v) }
+ elsif value.respond_to?(:to_hash)
+ value.to_hash
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/user.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/user.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e00dcfca33d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/github_import/representation/user.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module GithubImport
+ module Representation
+ class User
+ include ToHash
+ include ExposeAttribute
+ attr_reader :attributes
+ expose_attribute :id, :login
+ # Builds a user from a GitHub API response.
+ #
+ # user - An instance of `Sawyer::Resource` containing the user details.
+ def self.from_api_response(user)
+ new(id:, login: user.login)
+ end
+ # Builds a user using a Hash that was built from a JSON payload.
+ def self.from_json_hash(raw_hash)
+ new(Representation.symbolize_hash(raw_hash))
+ end
+ # attributes - A Hash containing the user details. The keys of this
+ # Hash (and any nested hashes) must be symbols.
+ def initialize(attributes)
+ @attributes = attributes
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end