path: root/lib/gitlab/github_import/user_finder.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/github_import/user_finder.rb')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/github_import/user_finder.rb b/lib/gitlab/github_import/user_finder.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be1259662a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/github_import/user_finder.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module GithubImport
+ # Class that can be used for finding a GitLab user ID based on a GitHub user
+ # ID or username.
+ #
+ # Any found user IDs are cached in Redis to reduce the number of SQL queries
+ # executed over time. Valid keys are refreshed upon access so frequently
+ # used keys stick around.
+ #
+ # Lookups are cached even if no ID was found to remove the need for querying
+ # the database when most queries are not going to return results anyway.
+ class UserFinder
+ attr_reader :project, :client
+ # The base cache key to use for caching user IDs for a given GitHub user
+ # ID.
+ ID_CACHE_KEY = 'github-import/user-finder/user-id/%s'.freeze
+ # The base cache key to use for caching user IDs for a given GitHub email
+ # address.
+ 'github-import/user-finder/id-for-email/%s'.freeze
+ # The base cache key to use for caching the Email addresses of GitHub
+ # usernames.
+ 'github-import/user-finder/email-for-username/%s'.freeze
+ # project - An instance of `Project`
+ # client - An instance of `Gitlab::GithubImport::Client`
+ def initialize(project, client)
+ @project = project
+ @client = client
+ end
+ # Returns the GitLab user ID of an object's author.
+ #
+ # If the object has no author ID we'll use the ID of the GitLab ghost
+ # user.
+ def author_id_for(object)
+ id =
+ if object&.author
+ user_id_for(
+ else
+ GithubImport.ghost_user_id
+ end
+ if id
+ [id, true]
+ else
+ [project.creator_id, false]
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns the GitLab user ID of an issuable's assignee.
+ def assignee_id_for(issuable)
+ user_id_for(issuable.assignee) if issuable.assignee
+ end
+ # Returns the GitLab user ID for a GitHub user.
+ #
+ # user - An instance of `Gitlab::GithubImport::Representation::User`.
+ def user_id_for(user)
+ find(, user.login)
+ end
+ # Returns the GitLab ID for the given GitHub ID or username.
+ #
+ # id - The ID of the GitHub user.
+ # username - The username of the GitHub user.
+ def find(id, username)
+ email = email_for_github_username(username)
+ cached, found_id = find_from_cache(id, email)
+ return found_id if found_id
+ # We only want to query the database if necessary. If previous lookups
+ # didn't yield a user ID we won't query the database again until the
+ # keys expire.
+ find_id_from_database(id, email) unless cached
+ end
+ # Finds a user ID from the cache for a given GitHub ID or Email.
+ def find_from_cache(id, email = nil)
+ id_exists, id_for_github_id = cached_id_for_github_id(id)
+ return [id_exists, id_for_github_id] if id_for_github_id
+ # Just in case no Email address could be retrieved (for whatever reason)
+ return [false] unless email
+ cached_id_for_github_email(email)
+ end
+ # Finds a GitLab user ID from the database for a given GitHub user ID or
+ # Email.
+ def find_id_from_database(id, email)
+ id_for_github_id(id) || id_for_github_email(email)
+ end
+ def email_for_github_username(username)
+ cache_key = EMAIL_FOR_USERNAME_CACHE_KEY % username
+ email =
+ unless email
+ user = client.user(username)
+ email = Caching.write(cache_key, if user
+ end
+ email
+ end
+ def cached_id_for_github_id(id)
+ read_id_from_cache(ID_CACHE_KEY % id)
+ end
+ def cached_id_for_github_email(email)
+ read_id_from_cache(ID_FOR_EMAIL_CACHE_KEY % email)
+ end
+ # Queries and caches the GitLab user ID for a GitHub user ID, if one was
+ # found.
+ def id_for_github_id(id)
+ gitlab_id = query_id_for_github_id(id) || nil
+ Caching.write(ID_CACHE_KEY % id, gitlab_id)
+ end
+ # Queries and caches the GitLab user ID for a GitHub email, if one was
+ # found.
+ def id_for_github_email(email)
+ gitlab_id = query_id_for_github_email(email) || nil
+ Caching.write(ID_FOR_EMAIL_CACHE_KEY % email, gitlab_id)
+ end
+ def query_id_for_github_id(id)
+ User.for_github_id(id).pluck(:id).first
+ end
+ def query_id_for_github_email(email)
+ User.by_any_email(email).pluck(:id).first
+ end
+ # Reads an ID from the cache.
+ #
+ # The return value is an Array with two values:
+ #
+ # 1. A boolean indicating if the key was present or not.
+ # 2. The ID as an Integer, or nil in case no ID could be found.
+ def read_id_from_cache(key)
+ value =
+ exists = !value.nil?
+ number = value.to_i
+ # The cache key may be empty to indicate a previously looked up user for
+ # which we couldn't find an ID.
+ [exists, number.positive? ? number : nil]
+ end
+ end
+ end