path: root/lib/tasks/dev.rake
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/tasks/dev.rake')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/tasks/dev.rake b/lib/tasks/dev.rake
index 99ffeb4ec0b..42b12cd0ae3 100644
--- a/lib/tasks/dev.rake
+++ b/lib/tasks/dev.rake
@@ -10,7 +10,12 @@ namespace :dev do
Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_database_connection do |connection|
# Make sure DB statistics are up to date.
+ # gitlab:setup task can insert quite a bit of data, especially with MASS_INSERT=1
+ # so ANALYZE can take more than default 15s statement timeout. This being a dev task,
+ # we disable the statement timeout for ANALYZE to run and enable it back afterwards.
+ connection.execute('SET statement_timeout TO 0')
+ connection.execute('RESET statement_timeout')
@@ -21,4 +26,51 @@ namespace :dev do
Rails.configuration.eager_load = true
+ # If there are any clients connected to the DB, PostgreSQL won't let
+ # you drop the database. It's possible that Sidekiq, Puma, or
+ # some other client will be hanging onto a connection, preventing
+ # the DROP DATABASE from working. To workaround this problem, this
+ # method terminates all the connections so that a subsequent DROP
+ # will work.
+ desc "Used to drop all connections in development"
+ task :terminate_all_connections do
+ # In production, we might want to prevent ourselves from shooting
+ # ourselves in the foot, so let's only do this in a test or
+ # development environment.
+ unless Rails.env.production?
+ cmd = <<~SQL
+ SELECT pg_terminate_backend(
+ FROM pg_stat_activity
+ WHERE datname = current_database()
+ AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();
+ Gitlab::Database::EachDatabase.each_database_connection(include_shared: false) do |connection|
+ connection.execute(cmd)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ databases = ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.setup_initial_database_yaml
+ namespace :copy_db do
+ ALLOWED_DATABASES = %w[ci].freeze
+ ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.for_each(databases) do |name|
+ next unless ALLOWED_DATABASES.include?(name)
+ desc "Copies the #{name} database from the main database"
+ task name => :environment do
+ Rake::Task["dev:terminate_all_connections"].invoke
+ db_config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations.configs_for(env_name: Rails.env, name: name)
+ ApplicationRecord.connection.create_database(db_config.database, template: ApplicationRecord.connection_db_config.database)
+ rescue ActiveRecord::DatabaseAlreadyExists
+ warn "Database '#{db_config.database}' already exists"
+ end
+ end
+ end