path: root/qa/spec/factory/base_spec.rb
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/qa/spec/factory/base_spec.rb b/qa/spec/factory/base_spec.rb
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--- a/qa/spec/factory/base_spec.rb
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-# frozen_string_literal: true
-describe QA::Factory::Base do
- include Support::StubENV
- let(:factory) { spy('factory') }
- let(:product) { spy('product') }
- let(:product_location) { 'http://product_location' }
- shared_context 'fabrication context' do
- subject do
- do
- def
- 'MyFactory'
- end
- end
- end
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:current_url).and_return(product_location)
- allow(subject).to receive(:new).and_return(factory)
- allow(QA::Factory::Product).to receive(:new).with(factory).and_return(product)
- end
- end
- shared_examples 'fabrication method' do |fabrication_method_called, actual_fabrication_method = nil|
- let(:fabrication_method_used) { actual_fabrication_method || fabrication_method_called }
- it 'yields factory before calling factory method' do
- expect(factory).to receive(:something!).ordered
- expect(factory).to receive(fabrication_method_used).ordered.and_return(product_location)
- subject.public_send(fabrication_method_called, factory: factory) do |factory|
- factory.something!
- end
- end
- it 'does not log the factory and build method when QA_DEBUG=false' do
- stub_env('QA_DEBUG', 'false')
- expect(factory).to receive(fabrication_method_used).and_return(product_location)
- expect { subject.public_send(fabrication_method_called, 'something', factory: factory) }
- .not_to output.to_stdout
- end
- end
- describe '.fabricate!' do
- context 'when factory does not support fabrication via the API' do
- before do
- expect(described_class).to receive(:fabricate_via_api!).and_raise(NotImplementedError)
- end
- it 'calls .fabricate_via_browser_ui!' do
- expect(described_class).to receive(:fabricate_via_browser_ui!)
- described_class.fabricate!
- end
- end
- context 'when factory supports fabrication via the API' do
- it 'calls .fabricate_via_browser_ui!' do
- expect(described_class).to receive(:fabricate_via_api!)
- described_class.fabricate!
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.fabricate_via_api!' do
- include_context 'fabrication context'
- it_behaves_like 'fabrication method', :fabricate_via_api!
- it 'instantiates the factory, calls factory method returns fabrication product' do
- expect(factory).to receive(:fabricate_via_api!).and_return(product_location)
- result = subject.fabricate_via_api!(factory: factory, parents: [])
- expect(result).to eq(product)
- end
- it 'logs the factory and build method when QA_DEBUG=true' do
- stub_env('QA_DEBUG', 'true')
- expect(factory).to receive(:fabricate_via_api!).and_return(product_location)
- expect { subject.fabricate_via_api!(factory: factory, parents: []) }
- .to output(/==> Built a MyFactory via api with args \[\] in [\d\w\.\-]+/)
- .to_stdout
- end
- end
- describe '.fabricate_via_browser_ui!' do
- include_context 'fabrication context'
- it_behaves_like 'fabrication method', :fabricate_via_browser_ui!, :fabricate!
- it 'instantiates the factory and calls factory method' do
- subject.fabricate_via_browser_ui!('something', factory: factory, parents: [])
- expect(factory).to have_received(:fabricate!).with('something')
- end
- it 'returns fabrication product' do
- result = subject.fabricate_via_browser_ui!('something', factory: factory, parents: [])
- expect(result).to eq(product)
- end
- it 'logs the factory and build method when QA_DEBUG=true' do
- stub_env('QA_DEBUG', 'true')
- expect { subject.fabricate_via_browser_ui!('something', factory: factory, parents: []) }
- .to output(/==> Built a MyFactory via browser_ui with args \["something"\] in [\d\w\.\-]+/)
- .to_stdout
- end
- end
- shared_context 'simple factory' do
- subject do
- do
- attribute :test do
- 'block'
- end
- attribute :no_block
- def fabricate!
- 'any'
- end
- def self.current_url
- 'http://stub'
- end
- end
- end
- let(:factory) { }
- end
- describe '.attribute' do
- include_context 'simple factory'
- it 'appends new product attribute' do
- expect(subject.attributes_names).to eq([:no_block, :test, :web_url])
- end
- context 'when the product attribute is populated via a block' do
- it 'returns a fabrication product and defines factory attributes as its methods' do
- result = subject.fabricate!(factory: factory)
- expect(result).to be_a(QA::Factory::Product)
- expect(result.test).to eq('block')
- end
- end
- context 'when the product attribute is populated via the api' do
- let(:api_resource) { { no_block: 'api' } }
- before do
- expect(factory).to receive(:api_resource).and_return(api_resource)
- end
- it 'returns a fabrication product and defines factory attributes as its methods' do
- result = subject.fabricate!(factory: factory)
- expect(result).to be_a(QA::Factory::Product)
- expect(result.no_block).to eq('api')
- end
- context 'when the attribute also has a block in the factory' do
- let(:api_resource) { { test: 'api_with_block' } }
- before do
- allow(QA::Runtime::Logger).to receive(:info)
- end
- it 'returns the api value and emits an INFO log entry' do
- result = subject.fabricate!(factory: factory)
- expect(result).to be_a(QA::Factory::Product)
- expect(result.test).to eq('api_with_block')
- expect(QA::Runtime::Logger)
- .to have_received(:info).with(/api_with_block/)
- end
- end
- end
- context 'when the product attribute is populated via a factory attribute' do
- before do
- factory.test = 'value'
- end
- it 'returns a fabrication product and defines factory attributes as its methods' do
- result = subject.fabricate!(factory: factory)
- expect(result).to be_a(QA::Factory::Product)
- expect(result.test).to eq('value')
- end
- context 'when the api also has such response' do
- before do
- allow(factory).to receive(:api_resource).and_return({ test: 'api' })
- end
- it 'returns the factory attribute for the product' do
- result = subject.fabricate!(factory: factory)
- expect(result).to be_a(QA::Factory::Product)
- expect(result.test).to eq('value')
- end
- end
- end
- context 'when the product attribute has no value' do
- it 'raises an error because no values could be found' do
- result = subject.fabricate!(factory: factory)
- expect { result.no_block }
- .to raise_error(described_class::NoValueError, "No value was computed for product no_block of factory #{}.")
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#web_url' do
- include_context 'simple factory'
- it 'sets #web_url to #current_url after fabrication' do
- subject.fabricate!(factory: factory)
- expect(factory.web_url).to eq(subject.current_url)
- end
- end
- describe '#visit!' do
- include_context 'simple factory'
- before do
- allow(factory).to receive(:visit)
- end
- it 'calls #visit with the underlying #web_url' do
- factory.web_url = subject.current_url
- factory.visit!
- expect(factory).to have_received(:visit).with(subject.current_url)
- end
- end