path: root/qa/spec/page/logging_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'qa/spec/page/logging_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/qa/spec/page/logging_spec.rb b/qa/spec/page/logging_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9f17de4edbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qa/spec/page/logging_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'capybara/dsl'
+describe QA::Support::Page::Logging do
+ let(:page) { double().as_null_object }
+ before do
+ allow(Capybara).to receive(:current_session).and_return(page)
+ allow(page).to receive(:current_url).and_return('http://current-url')
+ allow(page).to receive(:has_css?).with(any_args).and_return(true)
+ end
+ subject do
+ do
+ prepend QA::Support::Page::Logging
+ end
+ it 'logs refresh' do
+ expect { subject.refresh }
+ .to output(%r{refreshing http://current-url}).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs wait' do
+ expect { subject.wait(max: 0) {} }
+ .to output(/with wait/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ expect { subject.wait(max: 0) {} }
+ .to output(/ended wait after .* seconds$/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs scroll_to' do
+ expect { subject.scroll_to(:element) }
+ .to output(/scrolling to :element/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs asset_exists?' do
+ expect { subject.asset_exists?('http://asset-url') }
+ .to output(%r{asset_exists\? http://asset-url returned false}).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs find_element' do
+ expect { subject.find_element(:element) }
+ .to output(/found :element/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs click_element' do
+ expect { subject.click_element(:element) }
+ .to output(/clicking :element/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs fill_element' do
+ expect { subject.fill_element(:element, 'foo') }
+ .to output(/filling :element with "foo"/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs has_element?' do
+ expect { subject.has_element?(:element) }
+ .to output(/has_element\? :element returned true/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs within_element' do
+ expect { subject.within_element(:element) }
+ .to output(/within element :element/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ expect { subject.within_element(:element) }
+ .to output(/end within element :element/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ context 'all_elements' do
+ it 'logs the number of elements found' do
+ allow(page).to receive(:all).and_return([1, 2])
+ expect { subject.all_elements(:element) }
+ .to output(/finding all :element/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ expect { subject.all_elements(:element) }
+ .to output(/found 2 :element/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ it 'logs 0 if no elements are found' do
+ allow(page).to receive(:all).and_return([])
+ expect { subject.all_elements(:element) }
+ .to output(/finding all :element/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ expect { subject.all_elements(:element) }
+ .not_to output(/found 0 :elements/).to_stdout_from_any_process
+ end
+ end