path: root/spec/frontend/google_cloud
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/frontend/google_cloud')
3 files changed, 205 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/app_spec.js b/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/app_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb86eb5c22e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/app_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
+import { GlTab, GlTabs } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import App from '~/google_cloud/components/app.vue';
+import IncubationBanner from '~/google_cloud/components/incubation_banner.vue';
+import ServiceAccounts from '~/google_cloud/components/service_accounts.vue';
+describe('google_cloud App component', () => {
+ let wrapper;
+ const findIncubationBanner = () => wrapper.findComponent(IncubationBanner);
+ const findTabs = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlTabs);
+ const findTabItems = () => findTabs().findAllComponents(GlTab);
+ const findConfigurationTab = () => findTabItems().at(0);
+ const findDeploymentTab = () => findTabItems().at(1);
+ const findServicesTab = () => findTabItems().at(2);
+ const findServiceAccounts = () => findConfigurationTab().findComponent(ServiceAccounts);
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ const propsData = {
+ serviceAccounts: [{}, {}],
+ createServiceAccountUrl: '#url-create-service-account',
+ emptyIllustrationUrl: '#url-empty-illustration',
+ };
+ wrapper = shallowMount(App, { propsData });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ wrapper.destroy();
+ });
+ it('should contain incubation banner', () => {
+ expect(findIncubationBanner().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ describe('google_cloud App tabs', () => {
+ it('should contain tabs', () => {
+ expect(findTabs().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should contain three tab items', () => {
+ expect(findTabItems().length).toBe(3);
+ });
+ describe('configuration tab', () => {
+ it('should exist', () => {
+ expect(findConfigurationTab().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('should contain service accounts component', () => {
+ expect(findServiceAccounts().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('deployments tab', () => {
+ it('should exist', () => {
+ expect(findDeploymentTab().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('services tab', () => {
+ it('should exist', () => {
+ expect(findServicesTab().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/incubation_banner_spec.js b/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/incubation_banner_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..89517be4ef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/incubation_banner_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
+import { GlAlert, GlLink } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import IncubationBanner from '~/google_cloud/components/incubation_banner.vue';
+describe('IncubationBanner component', () => {
+ let wrapper;
+ const findAlert = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlAlert);
+ const findLinks = () => wrapper.findAllComponents(GlLink);
+ const findFeatureRequestLink = () => findLinks().at(0);
+ const findReportBugLink = () => findLinks().at(1);
+ const findShareFeedbackLink = () => findLinks().at(2);
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ const propsData = {
+ shareFeedbackUrl: 'url_general_feedback',
+ reportBugUrl: 'url_report_bug',
+ featureRequestUrl: 'url_feature_request',
+ };
+ wrapper = mount(IncubationBanner, { propsData });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ wrapper.destroy();
+ });
+ it('contains alert', () => {
+ expect(findAlert().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('contains relevant text', () => {
+ expect(findAlert().text()).toContain(
+ 'This is an experimental feature developed by GitLab Incubation Engineering.',
+ );
+ });
+ describe('has relevant gl-links', () => {
+ it('three in total', () => {
+ expect(findLinks().length).toBe(3);
+ });
+ it('contains feature request link', () => {
+ const link = findFeatureRequestLink();
+ expect(link.text()).toBe('request a feature');
+ expect(link.attributes('href')).toBe('url_feature_request');
+ });
+ it('contains report bug link', () => {
+ const link = findReportBugLink();
+ expect(link.text()).toBe('report a bug');
+ expect(link.attributes('href')).toBe('url_report_bug');
+ });
+ it('contains share feedback link', () => {
+ const link = findShareFeedbackLink();
+ expect(link.text()).toBe('share feedback');
+ expect(link.attributes('href')).toBe('url_general_feedback');
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/service_accounts_spec.js b/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/service_accounts_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d097078f03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/frontend/google_cloud/components/service_accounts_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
+import { GlButton, GlEmptyState, GlTable } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import ServiceAccounts from '~/google_cloud/components/service_accounts.vue';
+describe('ServiceAccounts component', () => {
+ describe('when the project does not have any service accounts', () => {
+ let wrapper;
+ const findEmptyState = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlEmptyState);
+ const findButtonInEmptyState = () => findEmptyState().findComponent(GlButton);
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ const propsData = {
+ list: [],
+ createUrl: '#create-url',
+ emptyIllustrationUrl: '#empty-illustration-url',
+ };
+ wrapper = mount(ServiceAccounts, { propsData });
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ wrapper.destroy();
+ });
+ it('shows the empty state component', () => {
+ expect(findEmptyState().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('shows the link to create new service accounts', () => {
+ const button = findButtonInEmptyState();
+ expect(button.exists()).toBe(true);
+ expect(button.text()).toBe('Create service account');
+ expect(button.attributes('href')).toBe('#create-url');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('when three service accounts are passed via props', () => {
+ let wrapper;
+ const findTitle = () => wrapper.find('h2');
+ const findDescription = () => wrapper.find('p');
+ const findTable = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlTable);
+ const findRows = () => findTable().findAll('tr');
+ const findButton = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlButton);
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ const propsData = {
+ list: [{}, {}, {}],
+ createUrl: '#create-url',
+ emptyIllustrationUrl: '#empty-illustration-url',
+ };
+ wrapper = mount(ServiceAccounts, { propsData });
+ });
+ it('shows the title', () => {
+ expect(findTitle().text()).toBe('Service Accounts');
+ });
+ it('shows the description', () => {
+ expect(findDescription().text()).toBe(
+ 'Service Accounts keys authorize GitLab to deploy your Google Cloud project',
+ );
+ });
+ it('shows the table', () => {
+ expect(findTable().exists()).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('table must have three rows + header row', () => {
+ expect(findRows().length).toBe(4);
+ });
+ it('shows the link to create new service accounts', () => {
+ const button = findButton();
+ expect(button.exists()).toBe(true);
+ expect(button.text()).toBe('Create service account');
+ expect(button.attributes('href')).toBe('#create-url');
+ });
+ });