path: root/spec/frontend/lib/utils/datetime/timeago_utility_spec.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/frontend/lib/utils/datetime/timeago_utility_spec.js')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/spec/frontend/lib/utils/datetime/timeago_utility_spec.js b/spec/frontend/lib/utils/datetime/timeago_utility_spec.js
index 2314ec678d3..1ef7047d959 100644
--- a/spec/frontend/lib/utils/datetime/timeago_utility_spec.js
+++ b/spec/frontend/lib/utils/datetime/timeago_utility_spec.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import { getTimeago, localTimeAgo, timeFor } from '~/lib/utils/datetime/timeago_utility';
+import { getTimeago, localTimeAgo, timeFor, duration } from '~/lib/utils/datetime/timeago_utility';
import { s__ } from '~/locale';
import '~/commons/bootstrap';
@@ -66,6 +66,54 @@ describe('TimeAgo utils', () => {
+ describe('duration', () => {
+ const ONE_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60;
+ it.each`
+ secs | formatted
+ ${0} | ${'0 seconds'}
+ ${30} | ${'30 seconds'}
+ ${59} | ${'59 seconds'}
+ ${60} | ${'1 minute'}
+ ${-60} | ${'1 minute'}
+ ${2 * 60} | ${'2 minutes'}
+ ${60 * 60} | ${'1 hour'}
+ ${2 * 60 * 60} | ${'2 hours'}
+ ${ONE_DAY} | ${'1 day'}
+ ${2 * ONE_DAY} | ${'2 days'}
+ ${7 * ONE_DAY} | ${'1 week'}
+ ${14 * ONE_DAY} | ${'2 weeks'}
+ ${31 * ONE_DAY} | ${'1 month'}
+ ${61 * ONE_DAY} | ${'2 months'}
+ ${365 * ONE_DAY} | ${'1 year'}
+ ${365 * 2 * ONE_DAY} | ${'2 years'}
+ `('formats $secs as "$formatted"', ({ secs, formatted }) => {
+ const ms = secs * 1000;
+ expect(duration(ms)).toBe(formatted);
+ });
+ // `duration` can be used to format Rails month durations.
+ // Ensure formatting for quantities such as `2.months.to_i`
+ // based on ActiveSupport::Duration::SECONDS_PER_MONTH.
+ // See:
+ const SECONDS_PER_MONTH = 2629746; // 1.month.to_i
+ it.each`
+ duration | secs | formatted
+ ${'1.month'} | ${SECONDS_PER_MONTH} | ${'1 month'}
+ ${'2.months'} | ${SECONDS_PER_MONTH * 2} | ${'2 months'}
+ ${'3.months'} | ${SECONDS_PER_MONTH * 3} | ${'3 months'}
+ `(
+ 'formats ActiveSupport::Duration of `$duration` ($secs) as "$formatted"',
+ ({ secs, formatted }) => {
+ const ms = secs * 1000;
+ expect(duration(ms)).toBe(formatted);
+ },
+ );
+ });
describe('localTimeAgo', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
document.body.innerHTML =