path: root/spec/frontend/lib/utils/text_utility_spec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/frontend/lib/utils/text_utility_spec.js')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/frontend/lib/utils/text_utility_spec.js b/spec/frontend/lib/utils/text_utility_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e920d59093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/frontend/lib/utils/text_utility_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+import * as textUtils from '~/lib/utils/text_utility';
+describe('text_utility', () => {
+ describe('addDelimiter', () => {
+ it('should add a delimiter to the given string', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.addDelimiter('1234')).toEqual('1,234');
+ expect(textUtils.addDelimiter('222222')).toEqual('222,222');
+ });
+ it('should not add a delimiter if string contains no numbers', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.addDelimiter('aaaa')).toEqual('aaaa');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('highCountTrim', () => {
+ it('returns 99+ for count >= 100', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.highCountTrim(105)).toBe('99+');
+ expect(textUtils.highCountTrim(100)).toBe('99+');
+ });
+ it('returns exact number for count < 100', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.highCountTrim(45)).toBe(45);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('humanize', () => {
+ it('should remove underscores and uppercase the first letter', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.humanize('foo_bar')).toEqual('Foo bar');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('pluralize', () => {
+ it('should pluralize given string', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.pluralize('test', 2)).toBe('tests');
+ });
+ it('should pluralize when count is 0', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.pluralize('test', 0)).toBe('tests');
+ });
+ it('should not pluralize when count is 1', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.pluralize('test', 1)).toBe('test');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('dasherize', () => {
+ it('should replace underscores with dashes', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.dasherize('foo_bar_foo')).toEqual('foo-bar-foo');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('capitalizeFirstCharacter', () => {
+ it('returns string with first letter capitalized', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.capitalizeFirstCharacter('gitlab')).toEqual('Gitlab');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('slugifyWithHyphens', () => {
+ it('should replaces whitespaces with hyphens and convert to lower case', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.slugifyWithHyphens('My Input String')).toEqual('my-input-string');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('stripHtml', () => {
+ it('replaces html tag with the default replacement', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.stripHtml('This is a text with <p>html</p>.')).toEqual(
+ 'This is a text with html.',
+ );
+ });
+ it('replaces html tags with the provided replacement', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.stripHtml('This is a text with <p>html</p>.', ' ')).toEqual(
+ 'This is a text with html .',
+ );
+ });
+ it('passes through with null string input', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.stripHtml(null, ' ')).toEqual(null);
+ });
+ it('passes through with undefined string input', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.stripHtml(undefined, ' ')).toEqual(undefined);
+ });
+ });
+ describe('convertToCamelCase', () => {
+ it('converts snake_case string to camelCase string', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.convertToCamelCase('snake_case')).toBe('snakeCase');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('convertToSentenceCase', () => {
+ it('converts Sentence Case to Sentence case', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.convertToSentenceCase('Hello World')).toBe('Hello world');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('truncateSha', () => {
+ it('shortens SHAs to 8 characters', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncateSha('verylongsha')).toBe('verylong');
+ });
+ it('leaves short SHAs as is', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncateSha('shortsha')).toBe('shortsha');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('splitCamelCase', () => {
+ it('separates a PascalCase word to two', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.splitCamelCase('HelloWorld')).toBe('Hello World');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('getFirstCharacterCapitalized', () => {
+ it('returns the first character capitalized, if first character is alphabetic', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.getFirstCharacterCapitalized('loremIpsumDolar')).toEqual('L');
+ expect(textUtils.getFirstCharacterCapitalized('Sit amit !')).toEqual('S');
+ });
+ it('returns the first character, if first character is non-alphabetic', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.getFirstCharacterCapitalized(' lorem')).toEqual(' ');
+ expect(textUtils.getFirstCharacterCapitalized('%#!')).toEqual('%');
+ });
+ it('returns an empty string, if string is falsey', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.getFirstCharacterCapitalized('')).toEqual('');
+ expect(textUtils.getFirstCharacterCapitalized(null)).toEqual('');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('truncatePathMiddleToLength', () => {
+ it('does not truncate text', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncatePathMiddleToLength('app/test', 50)).toEqual('app/test');
+ });
+ it('truncates middle of the path', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncatePathMiddleToLength('app/test/diff', 13)).toEqual('app/…/diff');
+ });
+ it('truncates multiple times in the middle of the path', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncatePathMiddleToLength('app/test/merge_request/diff', 13)).toEqual(
+ 'app/…/…/diff',
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe('slugifyWithUnderscore', () => {
+ it('should replaces whitespaces with underscore and convert to lower case', () => {
+ expect(textUtils.slugifyWithUnderscore('My Input String')).toEqual('my_input_string');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('truncateNamespace', () => {
+ it(`should return the root namespace if the namespace only includes one level`, () => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncateNamespace('a / b')).toBe('a');
+ });
+ it(`should return the first 2 namespaces if the namespace includes exactly 2 levels`, () => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncateNamespace('a / b / c')).toBe('a / b');
+ });
+ it(`should return the first and last namespaces, separated by "...", if the namespace includes more than 2 levels`, () => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncateNamespace('a / b / c / d')).toBe('a / ... / c');
+ expect(textUtils.truncateNamespace('a / b / c / d / e / f / g / h / i')).toBe('a / ... / h');
+ });
+ it(`should return an empty string for invalid inputs`, () => {
+ [undefined, null, 4, {}, true, new Date()].forEach(input => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncateNamespace(input)).toBe('');
+ });
+ });
+ it(`should not alter strings that aren't formatted as namespaces`, () => {
+ ['', ' ', '\t', 'a', 'a \\ b'].forEach(input => {
+ expect(textUtils.truncateNamespace(input)).toBe(input);
+ });
+ });
+ });