path: root/spec/frontend/runner/components/registration/registration_token_reset_dropdown_item_spec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/frontend/runner/components/registration/registration_token_reset_dropdown_item_spec.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/spec/frontend/runner/components/registration/registration_token_reset_dropdown_item_spec.js b/spec/frontend/runner/components/registration/registration_token_reset_dropdown_item_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2510aaf0334..00000000000
--- a/spec/frontend/runner/components/registration/registration_token_reset_dropdown_item_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-import { GlDropdownItem, GlLoadingIcon, GlToast, GlModal } from '@gitlab/ui';
-import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
-import Vue, { nextTick } from 'vue';
-import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo';
-import createMockApollo from 'helpers/mock_apollo_helper';
-import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises';
-import { createAlert } from '~/flash';
-import RegistrationTokenResetDropdownItem from '~/runner/components/registration/registration_token_reset_dropdown_item.vue';
-import { INSTANCE_TYPE, GROUP_TYPE, PROJECT_TYPE } from '~/runner/constants';
-import runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutation from '~/runner/graphql/list/runners_registration_token_reset.mutation.graphql';
-import { captureException } from '~/runner/sentry_utils';
-import { createMockDirective, getBinding } from 'helpers/vue_mock_directive';
-const mockNewToken = 'NEW_TOKEN';
-const modalID = 'token-reset-modal';
-describe('RegistrationTokenResetDropdownItem', () => {
- let wrapper;
- let runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutationHandler;
- let showToast;
- const mockEvent = { preventDefault: jest.fn() };
- const findDropdownItem = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlDropdownItem);
- const findLoadingIcon = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlLoadingIcon);
- const findModal = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlModal);
- const clickSubmit = () => findModal().vm.$emit('primary', mockEvent);
- const createComponent = ({ props, provide = {} } = {}) => {
- wrapper = shallowMount(RegistrationTokenResetDropdownItem, {
- provide,
- propsData: {
- ...props,
- },
- apolloProvider: createMockApollo([
- [runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutation, runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutationHandler],
- ]),
- directives: {
- GlModal: createMockDirective(),
- },
- });
- showToast = wrapper.vm.$toast ? jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$toast, 'show') : null;
- };
- beforeEach(() => {
- runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutationHandler = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({
- data: {
- runnersRegistrationTokenReset: {
- token: mockNewToken,
- errors: [],
- },
- },
- });
- createComponent();
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- wrapper.destroy();
- });
- it('Displays reset button', () => {
- expect(findDropdownItem().exists()).toBe(true);
- });
- describe('modal directive integration', () => {
- it('has the correct ID on the dropdown', () => {
- const binding = getBinding(findDropdownItem().element, 'gl-modal');
- expect(binding.value).toBe(modalID);
- });
- it('has the correct ID on the modal', () => {
- expect(findModal().props('modalId')).toBe(modalID);
- });
- });
- describe('On click and confirmation', () => {
- const mockGroupId = '11';
- const mockProjectId = '22';
- describe.each`
- type | provide | expectedInput
- ${INSTANCE_TYPE} | ${{}} | ${{ type: INSTANCE_TYPE }}
- ${GROUP_TYPE} | ${{ groupId: mockGroupId }} | ${{ type: GROUP_TYPE, id: `gid://gitlab/Group/${mockGroupId}` }}
- ${PROJECT_TYPE} | ${{ projectId: mockProjectId }} | ${{ type: PROJECT_TYPE, id: `gid://gitlab/Project/${mockProjectId}` }}
- `('Resets token of type $type', ({ type, provide, expectedInput }) => {
- beforeEach(async () => {
- createComponent({
- provide,
- props: { type },
- });
- findDropdownItem().trigger('click');
- clickSubmit();
- await waitForPromises();
- });
- it('resets token', () => {
- expect(runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
- expect(runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutationHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
- input: expectedInput,
- });
- });
- it('emits result', () => {
- expect(wrapper.emitted('tokenReset')).toHaveLength(1);
- expect(wrapper.emitted('tokenReset')[0]).toEqual([mockNewToken]);
- });
- it('does not show a loading state', () => {
- expect(findLoadingIcon().exists()).toBe(false);
- });
- it('shows confirmation', () => {
- expect(showToast).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(
- expect.stringContaining('registration token generated'),
- );
- });
- });
- });
- describe('On click without confirmation', () => {
- beforeEach(async () => {
- findDropdownItem().vm.$emit('click');
- await waitForPromises();
- });
- it('does not reset token', () => {
- expect(runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutationHandler).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- it('does not emit any result', () => {
- expect(wrapper.emitted('tokenReset')).toBeUndefined();
- });
- it('does not show a loading state', () => {
- expect(findLoadingIcon().exists()).toBe(false);
- });
- it('does not shows confirmation', () => {
- expect(showToast).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
- });
- describe('On error', () => {
- it('On network error, error message is shown', async () => {
- const mockErrorMsg = 'Token reset failed!';
- runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutationHandler.mockRejectedValueOnce(new Error(mockErrorMsg));
- findDropdownItem().trigger('click');
- clickSubmit();
- await waitForPromises();
- expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({
- message: mockErrorMsg,
- });
- expect(captureException).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
- error: new Error(mockErrorMsg),
- component: 'RunnerRegistrationTokenReset',
- });
- });
- it('On validation error, error message is shown', async () => {
- const mockErrorMsg = 'User not allowed!';
- const mockErrorMsg2 = 'Type is not valid!';
- runnersRegistrationTokenResetMutationHandler.mockResolvedValue({
- data: {
- runnersRegistrationTokenReset: {
- token: null,
- errors: [mockErrorMsg, mockErrorMsg2],
- },
- },
- });
- findDropdownItem().trigger('click');
- clickSubmit();
- await waitForPromises();
- expect(createAlert).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith({
- message: `${mockErrorMsg} ${mockErrorMsg2}`,
- });
- expect(captureException).toHaveBeenCalledWith({
- error: new Error(`${mockErrorMsg} ${mockErrorMsg2}`),
- component: 'RunnerRegistrationTokenReset',
- });
- });
- });
- describe('Immediately after click', () => {
- it('shows loading state', async () => {
- findDropdownItem().trigger('click');
- clickSubmit();
- await nextTick();
- expect(findLoadingIcon().exists()).toBe(true);
- });
- });