path: root/spec/graphql/mutations/ci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/graphql/mutations/ci')
2 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/graphql/mutations/ci/runner/delete_spec.rb b/spec/graphql/mutations/ci/runner/delete_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..82873c96c3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/graphql/mutations/ci/runner/delete_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+RSpec.describe Mutations::Ci::Runner::Delete do
+ include GraphqlHelpers
+ let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
+ let_it_be(:runner) { create(:ci_runner) }
+ let(:current_ctx) { { current_user: user } }
+ let(:mutation_params) do
+ {
+ id: runner.to_global_id
+ }
+ end
+ specify { expect(described_class).to require_graphql_authorizations(:delete_runner) }
+ describe '#resolve' do
+ subject do
+ sync(resolve(described_class, args: mutation_params, ctx: current_ctx))
+ end
+ context 'when the user cannot admin the runner' do
+ it 'raises an error' do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ResourceNotAvailable)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with invalid params' do
+ it 'raises an error' do
+ mutation_params[:id] = "invalid-id"
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(::GraphQL::CoercionError)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when required arguments are missing' do
+ let(:mutation_params) { {} }
+ it 'raises an error' do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "missing keyword: :id")
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when user can delete owned runner' do
+ let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, creator_id: }
+ let_it_be(:project_runner, reload: true) { create(:ci_runner, :project, description: 'Project runner', projects: [project]) }
+ before_all do
+ project.add_maintainer(user)
+ end
+ context 'with one associated project' do
+ it 'deletes runner' do
+ mutation_params[:id] = project_runner.to_global_id
+ expect { subject }.to change { Ci::Runner.count }.by(-1)
+ expect(subject[:errors]).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with more than one associated project' do
+ let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project, creator_id: }
+ let_it_be(:two_projects_runner) { create(:ci_runner, :project, description: 'Two projects runner', projects: [project, project2]) }
+ before_all do
+ project2.add_maintainer(user)
+ end
+ it 'does not delete project runner' do
+ mutation_params[:id] = two_projects_runner.to_global_id
+ expect { subject }.not_to change { Ci::Runner.count }
+ expect(subject[:errors]).to contain_exactly("Runner #{two_projects_runner.to_global_id} associated with more than one project")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when admin can delete runner', :enable_admin_mode do
+ let(:admin_user) { create(:user, :admin) }
+ let(:current_ctx) { { current_user: admin_user } }
+ it 'deletes runner' do
+ expect { subject }.to change { Ci::Runner.count }.by(-1)
+ expect(subject[:errors]).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/graphql/mutations/ci/runner/update_spec.rb b/spec/graphql/mutations/ci/runner/update_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3db0d552a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/graphql/mutations/ci/runner/update_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+RSpec.describe Mutations::Ci::Runner::Update do
+ include GraphqlHelpers
+ let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
+ let_it_be(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, active: true, locked: false, run_untagged: true) }
+ let(:current_ctx) { { current_user: user } }
+ let(:mutated_runner) { subject[:runner] }
+ let(:mutation_params) do
+ {
+ id: runner.to_global_id,
+ description: 'updated description'
+ }
+ end
+ specify { expect(described_class).to require_graphql_authorizations(:update_runner) }
+ describe '#resolve' do
+ subject do
+ sync(resolve(described_class, args: mutation_params, ctx: current_ctx))
+ end
+ context 'when the user cannot admin the runner' do
+ it 'raises an error' do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ResourceNotAvailable)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with invalid params' do
+ it 'raises an error' do
+ mutation_params[:id] = "invalid-id"
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(::GraphQL::CoercionError)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when required arguments are missing' do
+ let(:mutation_params) { {} }
+ it 'raises an error' do
+ expect { subject }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, "missing keyword: :id")
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when user can update runner', :enable_admin_mode do
+ let(:admin_user) { create(:user, :admin) }
+ let(:current_ctx) { { current_user: admin_user } }
+ let(:mutation_params) do
+ {
+ id: runner.to_global_id,
+ description: 'updated description',
+ maximum_timeout: 900,
+ access_level: 'ref_protected',
+ active: false,
+ locked: true,
+ run_untagged: false,
+ tag_list: %w(tag1 tag2)
+ }
+ end
+ context 'with valid arguments' do
+ it 'updates runner with correct values' do
+ expected_attributes = mutation_params.except(:id, :tag_list)
+ subject
+ expect(subject[:errors]).to be_empty
+ expect(subject[:runner]).to be_an_instance_of(Ci::Runner)
+ expect(subject[:runner]).to have_attributes(expected_attributes)
+ expect(subject[:runner].tag_list).to contain_exactly(*mutation_params[:tag_list])
+ expect(runner.reload).to have_attributes(expected_attributes)
+ expect(runner.tag_list).to contain_exactly(*mutation_params[:tag_list])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with out-of-range maximum_timeout and missing tag_list' do
+ it 'returns a descriptive error' do
+ mutation_params[:maximum_timeout] = 100
+ mutation_params.delete(:tag_list)
+ expect(subject[:errors]).to contain_exactly(
+ 'Maximum timeout needs to be at least 10 minutes',
+ 'Tags list can not be empty when runner is not allowed to pick untagged jobs'
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end