path: root/spec/javascripts/ide/stores/modules/commit/actions_spec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/javascripts/ide/stores/modules/commit/actions_spec.js')
1 files changed, 505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/ide/stores/modules/commit/actions_spec.js b/spec/javascripts/ide/stores/modules/commit/actions_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..90ded940227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/javascripts/ide/stores/modules/commit/actions_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+import store from '~/ide/stores';
+import service from '~/ide/services';
+import router from '~/ide/ide_router';
+import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
+import eventHub from '~/ide/eventhub';
+import * as consts from '~/ide/stores/modules/commit/constants';
+import { resetStore, file } from 'spec/ide/helpers';
+describe('IDE commit module actions', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ spyOn(router, 'push');
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ resetStore(store);
+ });
+ describe('updateCommitMessage', () => {
+ it('updates store with new commit message', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateCommitMessage', 'testing')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.commit.commitMessage).toBe('testing');
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('discardDraft', () => {
+ it('resets commit message to blank', done => {
+ store.state.commit.commitMessage = 'testing';
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/discardDraft')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.commit.commitMessage).not.toBe('testing');
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('updateCommitAction', () => {
+ it('updates store with new commit action', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateCommitAction', '1')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.commit.commitAction).toBe('1');
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('updateBranchName', () => {
+ it('updates store with new branch name', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateBranchName', 'branch-name')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.commit.newBranchName).toBe('branch-name');
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('setLastCommitMessage', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ Object.assign(store.state, {
+ currentProjectId: 'abcproject',
+ projects: {
+ abcproject: {
+ web_url: 'http://testing',
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ });
+ it('updates commit message with short_id', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/setLastCommitMessage', { short_id: '123' })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.lastCommitMsg).toContain(
+ 'Your changes have been committed. Commit <a href="http://testing/commit/123" class="commit-sha">123</a>',
+ );
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('updates commit message with stats', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/setLastCommitMessage', {
+ short_id: '123',
+ stats: {
+ additions: '1',
+ deletions: '2',
+ },
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.lastCommitMsg).toBe(
+ 'Your changes have been committed. Commit <a href="http://testing/commit/123" class="commit-sha">123</a> with 1 additions, 2 deletions.',
+ );
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('checkCommitStatus', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject';
+ store.state.currentBranchId = 'master';
+ store.state.projects.abcproject = {
+ branches: {
+ master: {
+ workingReference: '1',
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ });
+ it('calls service', done => {
+ spyOn(service, 'getBranchData').and.returnValue(
+ Promise.resolve({
+ data: {
+ commit: { id: '123' },
+ },
+ }),
+ );
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/checkCommitStatus')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(service.getBranchData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ 'abcproject',
+ 'master',
+ );
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('returns true if current ref does not equal returned ID', done => {
+ spyOn(service, 'getBranchData').and.returnValue(
+ Promise.resolve({
+ data: {
+ commit: { id: '123' },
+ },
+ }),
+ );
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/checkCommitStatus')
+ .then(val => {
+ expect(val).toBeTruthy();
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('returns false if current ref equals returned ID', done => {
+ spyOn(service, 'getBranchData').and.returnValue(
+ Promise.resolve({
+ data: {
+ commit: { id: '1' },
+ },
+ }),
+ );
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/checkCommitStatus')
+ .then(val => {
+ expect(val).toBeFalsy();
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('updateFilesAfterCommit', () => {
+ const data = {
+ id: '123',
+ message: 'testing commit message',
+ committed_date: '123',
+ committer_name: 'root',
+ };
+ const branch = 'master';
+ let f;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ spyOn(eventHub, '$emit');
+ f = file('changedFile');
+ Object.assign(f, {
+ active: true,
+ changed: true,
+ content: 'file content',
+ });
+ store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject';
+ store.state.currentBranchId = 'master';
+ store.state.projects.abcproject = {
+ web_url: 'web_url',
+ branches: {
+ master: {
+ workingReference: '',
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ store.state.changedFiles.push(f, {
+ ...file('changedFile2'),
+ changed: true,
+ });
+ store.state.openFiles = store.state.changedFiles;
+ store.state.changedFiles.forEach(changedFile => {
+ store.state.entries[changedFile.path] = changedFile;
+ });
+ });
+ it('updates stores working reference', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateFilesAfterCommit', {
+ data,
+ branch,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(
+ store.state.projects.abcproject.branches.master.workingReference,
+ ).toBe(;
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('resets all files changed status', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateFilesAfterCommit', {
+ data,
+ branch,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ store.state.openFiles.forEach(entry => {
+ expect(entry.changed).toBeFalsy();
+ });
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('removes all changed files', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateFilesAfterCommit', {
+ data,
+ branch,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.changedFiles.length).toBe(0);
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('sets files commit data', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateFilesAfterCommit', {
+ data,
+ branch,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(f.lastCommit.message).toBe(data.message);
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('updates raw content for changed file', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateFilesAfterCommit', {
+ data,
+ branch,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(f.raw).toBe(f.content);
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('emits changed event for file', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateFilesAfterCommit', {
+ data,
+ branch,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(eventHub.$emit).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ `editor.update.model.content.${f.path}`,
+ f.content,
+ );
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('pushes route to new branch if commitAction is new branch', done => {
+ store.state.commit.commitAction = consts.COMMIT_TO_NEW_BRANCH;
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateFilesAfterCommit', {
+ data,
+ branch,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ `/project/abcproject/blob/master/${f.path}`,
+ );
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('resets stores commit actions', done => {
+ store.state.commit.commitAction = consts.COMMIT_TO_NEW_BRANCH;
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/updateFilesAfterCommit', {
+ data,
+ branch,
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.commit.commitAction).not.toBe(
+ );
+ })
+ .then(done)
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('commitChanges', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ spyOn(urlUtils, 'visitUrl');
+ document.body.innerHTML += '<div class="flash-container"></div>';
+ store.state.currentProjectId = 'abcproject';
+ store.state.currentBranchId = 'master';
+ store.state.projects.abcproject = {
+ web_url: 'webUrl',
+ branches: {
+ master: {
+ workingReference: '1',
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ store.state.changedFiles.push(file('changed'));
+ store.state.changedFiles[0].active = true;
+ store.state.openFiles = store.state.changedFiles;
+ store.state.openFiles.forEach(f => {
+ store.state.entries[f.path] = f;
+ });
+ store.state.commit.commitAction = '2';
+ store.state.commit.commitMessage = 'testing 123';
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ document.querySelector('.flash-container').remove();
+ });
+ describe('success', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ spyOn(service, 'commit').and.returnValue(
+ Promise.resolve({
+ data: {
+ id: '123456',
+ short_id: '123',
+ message: 'test message',
+ committed_date: 'date',
+ stats: {
+ additions: '1',
+ deletions: '2',
+ },
+ },
+ }),
+ );
+ });
+ it('calls service', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/commitChanges')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(service.commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('abcproject', {
+ branch: jasmine.anything(),
+ commit_message: 'testing 123',
+ actions: [
+ {
+ action: 'update',
+ file_path: jasmine.anything(),
+ content: jasmine.anything(),
+ encoding: jasmine.anything(),
+ },
+ ],
+ start_branch: 'master',
+ });
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('pushes router to new route', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/commitChanges')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ `/project/${store.state.currentProjectId}/blob/${
+ store.getters['commit/newBranchName']
+ }/changed`,
+ );
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('sets last Commit Msg', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/commitChanges')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.lastCommitMsg).toBe(
+ 'Your changes have been committed. Commit <a href="webUrl/commit/123" class="commit-sha">123</a> with 1 additions, 2 deletions.',
+ );
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('adds commit data to changed files', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/commitChanges')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(store.state.openFiles[0].lastCommit.message).toBe(
+ 'test message',
+ );
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ it('redirects to new merge request page', done => {
+ spyOn(eventHub, '$on');
+ store.state.commit.commitAction = '3';
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/commitChanges')
+ .then(() => {
+ expect(urlUtils.visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith(
+ `webUrl/merge_requests/new?merge_request[source_branch]=${
+ store.getters['commit/newBranchName']
+ }&merge_request[target_branch]=master`,
+ );
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('failed', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ spyOn(service, 'commit').and.returnValue(
+ Promise.resolve({
+ data: {
+ message: 'failed message',
+ },
+ }),
+ );
+ });
+ it('shows failed message', done => {
+ store
+ .dispatch('commit/commitChanges')
+ .then(() => {
+ const alert = document.querySelector('.flash-container');
+ expect(alert.textContent.trim()).toBe('failed message');
+ done();
+ })
+ .catch(;
+ });
+ });
+ });