path: root/spec/javascripts/lib/utils
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/javascripts/lib/utils')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 361 deletions
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/csrf_token_spec.js b/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/csrf_token_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 867bee34ee5..00000000000
--- a/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/csrf_token_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-import csrf from '~/lib/utils/csrf';
-describe('csrf', function() {
- beforeEach(() => {
- this.tokenKey = 'X-CSRF-Token';
- this.token =
- 'pH1cvjnP9grx2oKlhWEDvUZnJ8x2eXsIs1qzyHkF3DugSG5yTxR76CWeEZRhML2D1IeVB7NEW0t5l/axE4iJpQ==';
- });
- it('returns the correct headerKey', () => {
- expect(csrf.headerKey).toBe(this.tokenKey);
- });
- describe('when csrf token is in the DOM', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- setFixtures(`
- <meta name="csrf-token" content="${this.token}">
- `);
- csrf.init();
- });
- it('returns the csrf token', () => {
- expect(csrf.token).toBe(this.token);
- });
- it('returns the csrf headers object', () => {
- expect(csrf.headers[this.tokenKey]).toBe(this.token);
- });
- });
- describe('when csrf token is not in the DOM', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- setFixtures(`
- <meta name="some-other-token">
- `);
- csrf.init();
- });
- it('returns null for token', () => {
- expect(csrf.token).toBeNull();
- });
- it('returns empty object for headers', () => {
- expect(typeof csrf.headers).toBe('object');
- expect(Object.keys(csrf.headers).length).toBe(0);
- });
- });
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/navigation_utility_spec.js b/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/navigation_utility_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index be620e4a27c..00000000000
--- a/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/navigation_utility_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import findAndFollowLink from '~/lib/utils/navigation_utility';
-describe('findAndFollowLink', () => {
- it('visits a link when the selector exists', () => {
- const href = '/some/path';
- const visitUrl = spyOnDependency(findAndFollowLink, 'visitUrl');
- setFixtures(`<a class="my-shortcut" href="${href}">link</a>`);
- findAndFollowLink('.my-shortcut');
- expect(visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalledWith(href);
- });
- it('does not throw an exception when the selector does not exist', () => {
- const visitUrl = spyOnDependency(findAndFollowLink, 'visitUrl');
- // this should not throw an exception
- findAndFollowLink('.this-selector-does-not-exist');
- expect(visitUrl).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- });
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/poll_spec.js b/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/poll_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 138041a349f..00000000000
--- a/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/poll_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable jasmine/no-unsafe-spy */
-import Poll from '~/lib/utils/poll';
-import { successCodes } from '~/lib/utils/http_status';
-const waitForAllCallsToFinish = (service, waitForCount, successCallback) => {
- const timer = () => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- if (service.fetch.calls.count() === waitForCount) {
- successCallback();
- } else {
- timer();
- }
- }, 0);
- };
- timer();
-function mockServiceCall(service, response, shouldFail = false) {
- const action = shouldFail ? Promise.reject : Promise.resolve;
- const responseObject = response;
- if (!responseObject.headers) responseObject.headers = {};
- service.fetch.and.callFake(action.bind(Promise, responseObject));
-describe('Poll', () => {
- const service = jasmine.createSpyObj('service', ['fetch']);
- const callbacks = jasmine.createSpyObj('callbacks', ['success', 'error', 'notification']);
- function setup() {
- return new Poll({
- resource: service,
- method: 'fetch',
- successCallback: callbacks.success,
- errorCallback: callbacks.error,
- notificationCallback: callbacks.notification,
- }).makeRequest();
- }
- afterEach(() => {
- callbacks.success.calls.reset();
- callbacks.error.calls.reset();
- callbacks.notification.calls.reset();
- service.fetch.calls.reset();
- });
- it('calls the success callback when no header for interval is provided', done => {
- mockServiceCall(service, { status: 200 });
- setup();
- waitForAllCallsToFinish(service, 1, () => {
- expect(callbacks.success).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(callbacks.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- done();
- });
- });
- it('calls the error callback when the http request returns an error', done => {
- mockServiceCall(service, { status: 500 }, true);
- setup();
- waitForAllCallsToFinish(service, 1, () => {
- expect(callbacks.success).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(callbacks.error).toHaveBeenCalled();
- done();
- });
- });
- it('skips the error callback when request is aborted', done => {
- mockServiceCall(service, { status: 0 }, true);
- setup();
- waitForAllCallsToFinish(service, 1, () => {
- expect(callbacks.success).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(callbacks.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(callbacks.notification).toHaveBeenCalled();
- done();
- });
- });
- it('should call the success callback when the interval header is -1', done => {
- mockServiceCall(service, { status: 200, headers: { 'poll-interval': -1 } });
- setup()
- .then(() => {
- expect(callbacks.success).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(callbacks.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- done();
- })
- .catch(;
- });
- describe('for 2xx status code', () => {
- successCodes.forEach(httpCode => {
- it(`starts polling when http status is ${httpCode} and interval header is provided`, done => {
- mockServiceCall(service, { status: httpCode, headers: { 'poll-interval': 1 } });
- const Polling = new Poll({
- resource: service,
- method: 'fetch',
- data: { page: 1 },
- successCallback: callbacks.success,
- errorCallback: callbacks.error,
- });
- Polling.makeRequest();
- waitForAllCallsToFinish(service, 2, () => {
- Polling.stop();
- expect(service.fetch.calls.count()).toEqual(2);
- expect(service.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ page: 1 });
- expect(callbacks.success).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(callbacks.error).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- });
- describe('stop', () => {
- it('stops polling when method is called', done => {
- mockServiceCall(service, { status: 200, headers: { 'poll-interval': 1 } });
- const Polling = new Poll({
- resource: service,
- method: 'fetch',
- data: { page: 1 },
- successCallback: () => {
- Polling.stop();
- },
- errorCallback: callbacks.error,
- });
- spyOn(Polling, 'stop').and.callThrough();
- Polling.makeRequest();
- waitForAllCallsToFinish(service, 1, () => {
- expect(service.fetch.calls.count()).toEqual(1);
- expect(service.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ page: 1 });
- expect(Polling.stop).toHaveBeenCalled();
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- describe('enable', () => {
- it('should enable polling upon a response', done => {
- jasmine.clock().install();
- const Polling = new Poll({
- resource: service,
- method: 'fetch',
- data: { page: 1 },
- successCallback: () => {},
- });
- Polling.enable({
- data: { page: 4 },
- response: { status: 200, headers: { 'poll-interval': 1 } },
- });
- jasmine.clock().tick(1);
- jasmine.clock().uninstall();
- waitForAllCallsToFinish(service, 1, () => {
- Polling.stop();
- expect(service.fetch.calls.count()).toEqual(1);
- expect(service.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ page: 4 });
- expect({ page: 4 });
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- describe('restart', () => {
- it('should restart polling when its called', done => {
- mockServiceCall(service, { status: 200, headers: { 'poll-interval': 1 } });
- const Polling = new Poll({
- resource: service,
- method: 'fetch',
- data: { page: 1 },
- successCallback: () => {
- Polling.stop();
- setTimeout(() => {
- Polling.restart({ data: { page: 4 } });
- }, 0);
- },
- errorCallback: callbacks.error,
- });
- spyOn(Polling, 'stop').and.callThrough();
- spyOn(Polling, 'enable').and.callThrough();
- spyOn(Polling, 'restart').and.callThrough();
- Polling.makeRequest();
- waitForAllCallsToFinish(service, 2, () => {
- Polling.stop();
- expect(service.fetch.calls.count()).toEqual(2);
- expect(service.fetch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ page: 4 });
- expect(Polling.stop).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(Polling.enable).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(Polling.restart).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect({ page: 4 });
- done();
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/sticky_spec.js b/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/sticky_spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1e7da1ed3..00000000000
--- a/spec/javascripts/lib/utils/sticky_spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import { isSticky } from '~/lib/utils/sticky';
-describe('sticky', () => {
- let el;
- beforeEach(() => {
- document.body.innerHTML += `
- <div class="parent">
- <div id="js-sticky"></div>
- </div>
- `;
- el = document.getElementById('js-sticky');
- });
- afterEach(() => {
- el.parentNode.remove();
- });
- describe('when stuck', () => {
- it('does not remove is-stuck class', () => {
- isSticky(el, 0, el.offsetTop);
- isSticky(el, 0, el.offsetTop);
- expect(el.classList.contains('is-stuck')).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it('adds is-stuck class', () => {
- isSticky(el, 0, el.offsetTop);
- expect(el.classList.contains('is-stuck')).toBeTruthy();
- });
- it('inserts placeholder element', () => {
- isSticky(el, 0, el.offsetTop, true);
- expect(document.querySelector('.sticky-placeholder')).not.toBeNull();
- });
- });
- describe('when not stuck', () => {
- it('removes is-stuck class', () => {
- spyOn(el.classList, 'remove').and.callThrough();
- isSticky(el, 0, el.offsetTop);
- isSticky(el, 0, 0);
- expect(el.classList.remove).toHaveBeenCalledWith('is-stuck');
- expect(el.classList.contains('is-stuck')).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it('does not add is-stuck class', () => {
- isSticky(el, 0, 0);
- expect(el.classList.contains('is-stuck')).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it('removes placeholder', () => {
- isSticky(el, 0, el.offsetTop, true);
- isSticky(el, 0, 0, true);
- expect(document.querySelector('.sticky-placeholder')).toBeNull();
- });
- });