path: root/spec/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section_spec.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section_spec.js')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/spec/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section_spec.js b/spec/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section_spec.js
index e09d593f04c..0f991e1b727 100644
--- a/spec/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section_spec.js
+++ b/spec/javascripts/repo/components/repo_commit_section_spec.js
@@ -1,56 +1,43 @@
import Vue from 'vue';
+import store from '~/repo/stores';
+import service from '~/repo/services';
import repoCommitSection from '~/repo/components/repo_commit_section.vue';
-import RepoStore from '~/repo/stores/repo_store';
-import RepoService from '~/repo/services/repo_service';
import getSetTimeoutPromise from '../../helpers/set_timeout_promise_helper';
+import { file, resetStore } from '../helpers';
describe('RepoCommitSection', () => {
- const branch = 'master';
- const projectUrl = 'projectUrl';
- let changedFiles;
- let openedFiles;
+ let vm;
- RepoStore.projectUrl = projectUrl;
- function createComponent(el) {
+ function createComponent() {
const RepoCommitSection = Vue.extend(repoCommitSection);
- return new RepoCommitSection().$mount(el);
+ const comp = new RepoCommitSection({
+ store,
+ }).$mount();
+ comp.$store.state.currentBranch = 'master';
+ comp.$store.state.openFiles = [file(), file()];
+ comp.$store.state.openFiles.forEach(f => Object.assign(f, {
+ changed: true,
+ content: 'testing',
+ }));
+ return comp.$mount();
beforeEach(() => {
- // Create a copy for each test because these can get modified directly
- changedFiles = [{
- id: 0,
- changed: true,
- url: `/namespace/${projectUrl}/blob/${branch}/dir/file0.ext`,
- path: 'dir/file0.ext',
- newContent: 'a',
- }, {
- id: 1,
- changed: true,
- url: `/namespace/${projectUrl}/blob/${branch}/dir/file1.ext`,
- path: 'dir/file1.ext',
- newContent: 'b',
- }];
- openedFiles = changedFiles.concat([{
- id: 2,
- url: `/namespace/${projectUrl}/blob/${branch}/dir/file2.ext`,
- path: 'dir/file2.ext',
- changed: false,
- }]);
+ vm = createComponent();
- it('renders a commit section', () => {
- RepoStore.isCommitable = true;
- RepoStore.currentBranch = branch;
- RepoStore.targetBranch = branch;
- RepoStore.openedFiles = openedFiles;
+ afterEach(() => {
+ vm.$destroy();
+ resetStore(vm.$store);
+ });
- const vm = createComponent();
+ it('renders a commit section', () => {
const changedFileElements = [...vm.$el.querySelectorAll('.changed-files > li')];
- const commitMessage = vm.$el.querySelector('#commit-message');
- const submitCommit = vm.$refs.submitCommit;
+ const submitCommit = vm.$el.querySelector('.btn');
const targetBranch = vm.$el.querySelector('.target-branch');
expect(vm.$el.querySelector(':scope > form')).toBeTruthy();
@@ -58,160 +45,70 @@ describe('RepoCommitSection', () => {
changedFileElements.forEach((changedFile, i) => {
- expect(changedFile.textContent.trim()).toEqual(changedFiles[i].path);
+ expect(changedFile.textContent.trim()).toEqual(vm.$store.getters.changedFiles[i].path);
- expect(commitMessage.tagName).toEqual('TEXTAREA');
- expect('commit-message');
- expect(submitCommit.type).toEqual('submit');
expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.commit-summary').textContent.trim()).toEqual('Commit 2 files');
expect(targetBranch.querySelector(':scope > label').textContent.trim()).toEqual('Target branch');
- expect(targetBranch.querySelector('.help-block').textContent.trim()).toEqual(branch);
- });
- it('does not render if not isCommitable', () => {
- RepoStore.isCommitable = false;
- RepoStore.openedFiles = [{
- id: 0,
- changed: true,
- }];
- const vm = createComponent();
- expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBeFalsy();
- });
- it('does not render if no changedFiles', () => {
- RepoStore.isCommitable = true;
- RepoStore.openedFiles = [];
- const vm = createComponent();
- expect(vm.$el.innerHTML).toBeFalsy();
+ expect(targetBranch.querySelector('.help-block').textContent.trim()).toEqual('master');
describe('when submitting', () => {
- let el;
- let vm;
- const projectId = 'projectId';
- const commitMessage = 'commitMessage';
- beforeEach((done) => {
- RepoStore.isCommitable = true;
- RepoStore.currentBranch = branch;
- RepoStore.targetBranch = branch;
- RepoStore.openedFiles = openedFiles;
- RepoStore.projectId = projectId;
- // We need to append to body to get form `submit` events working
- // Otherwise we run into, "Form submission canceled because the form is not connected"
- // See
- el = document.createElement('div');
- document.body.appendChild(el);
- vm = createComponent(el);
- vm.commitMessage = commitMessage;
- spyOn(vm, 'tryCommit').and.callThrough();
- spyOn(vm, 'redirectToNewMr').and.stub();
- spyOn(vm, 'redirectToBranch').and.stub();
- spyOn(RepoService, 'commitFiles').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve());
- spyOn(RepoService, 'getBranch').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({
- commit: {
- id: 1,
- short_id: 1,
- },
- }));
- // Wait for the vm data to be in place
- Vue.nextTick(() => {
- done();
- });
- });
+ let changedFiles;
- afterEach(() => {
- vm.$destroy();
- el.remove();
- RepoStore.openedFiles = [];
- });
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ vm.commitMessage = 'testing';
+ changedFiles = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(vm.$store.getters.changedFiles));
- it('shows commit message', () => {
- const commitMessageEl = vm.$el.querySelector('#commit-message');
- expect(commitMessageEl.value).toBe(commitMessage);
+ spyOn(service, 'commit').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve({
+ short_id: '1',
+ stats: {},
+ }));
it('allows you to submit', () => {
- const submitCommit = vm.$refs.submitCommit;
- expect(submitCommit.disabled).toBeFalsy();
+ expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.btn').disabled).toBeTruthy();
- it('shows commit submit and summary if commitMessage and spinner if submitCommitsLoading', (done) => {
- const submitCommit = vm.$refs.submitCommit;
+ it('submits commit', (done) => {
+ vm.makeCommit();
// Wait for the branch check to finish
.then(() => Vue.nextTick())
.then(() => {
- expect(vm.tryCommit).toHaveBeenCalled();
- expect(submitCommit.querySelector('.js-commit-loading-icon')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(vm.redirectToBranch).toHaveBeenCalled();
- const args = RepoService.commitFiles.calls.allArgs()[0];
- const { commit_message, actions, branch: payloadBranch } = args[0];
+ const args = service.commit.calls.allArgs()[0];
+ const { commit_message, actions, branch: payloadBranch } = args[1];
- expect(commit_message).toBe(commitMessage);
+ expect(commit_message).toBe('testing');
- expect(payloadBranch).toEqual(branch);
+ expect(payloadBranch).toEqual('master');
- expect(actions[0].content).toEqual(openedFiles[0].newContent);
- expect(actions[1].content).toEqual(openedFiles[1].newContent);
- expect(actions[0].file_path).toEqual(openedFiles[0].path);
- expect(actions[1].file_path).toEqual(openedFiles[1].path);
+ expect(actions[0].content).toEqual(changedFiles[0].content);
+ expect(actions[1].content).toEqual(changedFiles[1].content);
+ expect(actions[0].file_path).toEqual(changedFiles[0].path);
+ expect(actions[1].file_path).toEqual(changedFiles[1].path);
it('redirects to MR creation page if start new MR checkbox checked', (done) => {
+ spyOn(gl.utils, 'visitUrl');
vm.startNewMR = true;
- Vue.nextTick()
- .then(() => {
- const submitCommit = vm.$refs.submitCommit;
- })
- // Wait for the branch check to finish
- .then(() => getSetTimeoutPromise())
+ vm.makeCommit();
+ getSetTimeoutPromise()
+ .then(() => Vue.nextTick())
.then(() => {
- expect(vm.redirectToNewMr).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(gl.utils.visitUrl).toHaveBeenCalled();
- describe('methods', () => {
- describe('resetCommitState', () => {
- it('should reset store vars and scroll to top', () => {
- const vm = {
- submitCommitsLoading: true,
- changedFiles: new Array(10),
- openedFiles: new Array(3),
- commitMessage: 'commitMessage',
- editMode: true,
- };
- expect(vm.submitCommitsLoading).toEqual(false);
- expect(vm.changedFiles).toEqual([]);
- expect(vm.commitMessage).toEqual('');
- expect(vm.editMode).toEqual(false);
- });
- });
- });