path: root/spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/client_spec.rb
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1 files changed, 287 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/client_spec.rb b/spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/client_spec.rb
index 6a161854dfb..21ee40f22fe 100644
--- a/spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/client_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/atlassian/jira_connect/client_spec.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,15 @@ RSpec.describe Atlassian::JiraConnect::Client do
subject {'', 'sample_secret') }
let_it_be(:project) { create_default(:project, :repository) }
+ let_it_be(:mrs_by_title) { create_list(:merge_request, 4, :unique_branches, :jira_title) }
+ let_it_be(:mrs_by_branch) { create_list(:merge_request, 2, :jira_branch) }
+ let_it_be(:red_herrings) { create_list(:merge_request, 1, :unique_branches) }
+ let_it_be(:pipelines) do
+ (red_herrings + mrs_by_branch + mrs_by_title).map do |mr|
+ create(:ci_pipeline, merge_request: mr)
+ end
+ end
around do |example|
freeze_time { }
@@ -22,13 +31,25 @@ RSpec.describe Atlassian::JiraConnect::Client do
describe '#send_info' do
- it 'calls store_build_info and store_dev_info as appropriate' do
+ it 'calls more specific methods as appropriate' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:store_ff_info).with(
+ project: project,
+ update_sequence_id: :x,
+ feature_flags: :r
+ ).and_return(:ff_stored)
expect(subject).to receive(:store_build_info).with(
project: project,
update_sequence_id: :x,
pipelines: :y
+ expect(subject).to receive(:store_deploy_info).with(
+ project: project,
+ update_sequence_id: :x,
+ deployments: :q
+ ).and_return(:deploys_stored)
expect(subject).to receive(:store_dev_info).with(
project: project,
update_sequence_id: :x,
@@ -43,10 +64,13 @@ RSpec.describe Atlassian::JiraConnect::Client do
commits: :a,
branches: :b,
merge_requests: :c,
- pipelines: :y
+ pipelines: :y,
+ deployments: :q,
+ feature_flags: :r
- expect(subject.send_info(**args)).to contain_exactly(:dev_stored, :build_stored)
+ expect(subject.send_info(**args))
+ .to contain_exactly(:dev_stored, :build_stored, :deploys_stored, :ff_stored)
it 'only calls methods that we need to call' do
@@ -83,31 +107,263 @@ RSpec.describe Atlassian::JiraConnect::Client do
- describe '#store_build_info' do
- let_it_be(:mrs_by_title) { create_list(:merge_request, 4, :unique_branches, :jira_title) }
- let_it_be(:mrs_by_branch) { create_list(:merge_request, 2, :jira_branch) }
- let_it_be(:red_herrings) { create_list(:merge_request, 1, :unique_branches) }
+ describe '#handle_response' do
+ let(:errors) { [{ 'message' => 'X' }, { 'message' => 'Y' }] }
+ let(:processed) { subject.send(:handle_response, response, 'foo') { |x| [:data, x] } }
+ context 'the response is 200 OK' do
+ let(:response) { double(code: 200, parsed_response: :foo) }
+ it 'yields to the block' do
+ expect(processed).to eq [:data, :foo]
+ end
+ end
+ context 'the response is 400 bad request' do
+ let(:response) { double(code: 400, parsed_response: errors) }
+ it 'extracts the errors messages' do
+ expect(processed).to eq('errorMessages' => %w(X Y))
+ end
+ end
+ context 'the response is 401 forbidden' do
+ let(:response) { double(code: 401, parsed_response: nil) }
+ it 'reports that our JWT is wrong' do
+ expect(processed).to eq('errorMessages' => ['Invalid JWT'])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'the response is 403' do
+ let(:response) { double(code: 403, parsed_response: nil) }
+ it 'reports that the App is misconfigured' do
+ expect(processed).to eq('errorMessages' => ['App does not support foo'])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'the response is 413' do
+ let(:response) { double(code: 413, parsed_response: errors) }
+ it 'extracts the errors messages' do
+ expect(processed).to eq('errorMessages' => ['Data too large', 'X', 'Y'])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'the response is 429' do
+ let(:response) { double(code: 429, parsed_response: nil) }
+ it 'reports that we exceeded the rate limit' do
+ expect(processed).to eq('errorMessages' => ['Rate limit exceeded'])
+ end
+ end
+ context 'the response is 503' do
+ let(:response) { double(code: 503, parsed_response: nil) }
- let_it_be(:pipelines) do
- (red_herrings + mrs_by_branch + mrs_by_title).map do |mr|
- create(:ci_pipeline, merge_request: mr)
+ it 'reports that the service is unavailable' do
+ expect(processed).to eq('errorMessages' => ['Service unavailable'])
+ context 'the response is anything else' do
+ let(:response) { double(code: 1000, parsed_response: :something) }
+ it 'reports that this was unanticipated' do
+ expect(processed).to eq('errorMessages' => ['Unknown error'], 'response' => :something)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#store_deploy_info' do
+ let_it_be(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'DEV', project: project) }
+ let_it_be(:deployments) do
+ do |p|
+ build = create(:ci_build, environment:, pipeline: p, project: project)
+ create(:deployment, deployable: build, environment: environment)
+ end
+ end
+ let(:schema) do
+ Atlassian::Schemata.deploy_info_payload
+ end
+ let(:body) do
+ matcher = be_valid_json.and match_schema(schema)
+ ->(text) { matcher.matches?(text) }
+ end
+ let(:rejections) { [] }
+ let(:response_body) do
+ {
+ acceptedDeployments: [],
+ rejectedDeployments: rejections,
+ unknownIssueKeys: []
+ }.to_json
+ end
+ before do
+ path = '/rest/deployments/0.1/bulk'
+ stub_full_request('' + path, method: :post)
+ .with(body: body, headers: expected_headers(path))
+ .to_return(body: response_body, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
+ end
+ it "calls the API with auth headers" do
+ subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments)
+ end
+ it 'only sends information about relevant MRs' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/deployments/0.1/bulk', { deployments: have_attributes(size: 6) }).and_call_original
+ subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments)
+ end
+ it 'does not call the API if there is nothing to report' do
+ expect(subject).not_to receive(:post)
+ subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments.take(1))
+ end
+ context 'there are errors' do
+ let(:rejections) do
+ [{ errors: [{ message: 'X' }, { message: 'Y' }] }, { errors: [{ message: 'Z' }] }]
+ end
+ it 'reports the errors' do
+ response = subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments)
+ expect(response['errorMessages']).to eq(%w(X Y Z))
+ end
+ end
+ it 'does not call the API if the feature flag is not enabled' do
+ stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_deployments: false)
+ expect(subject).not_to receive(:post)
+ subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments)
+ end
+ it 'does call the API if the feature flag enabled for the project' do
+ stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_deployments: project)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/deployments/0.1/bulk', { deployments: Array }).and_call_original
+ subject.send(:store_deploy_info, project: project, deployments: deployments)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#store_ff_info' do
+ let_it_be(:feature_flags) { create_list(:operations_feature_flag, 3, project: project) }
+ let(:schema) do
+ Atlassian::Schemata.ff_info_payload
+ end
+ let(:body) do
+ matcher = be_valid_json.and match_schema(schema)
+ ->(text) { matcher.matches?(text) }
+ end
+ let(:failures) { {} }
+ let(:response_body) do
+ {
+ acceptedFeatureFlags: [],
+ failedFeatureFlags: failures,
+ unknownIssueKeys: []
+ }.to_json
+ end
+ before do
+ feature_flags.first.update!(description: 'RELEVANT-123')
+ feature_flags.second.update!(description: 'RELEVANT-123')
+ path = '/rest/featureflags/0.1/bulk'
+ stub_full_request('' + path, method: :post)
+ .with(body: body, headers: expected_headers(path))
+ .to_return(body: response_body, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
+ end
+ it "calls the API with auth headers" do
+ subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags)
+ end
+ it 'only sends information about relevant MRs' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/featureflags/0.1/bulk', {
+ flags: have_attributes(size: 2), properties: Hash
+ }).and_call_original
+ subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags)
+ end
+ it 'does not call the API if there is nothing to report' do
+ expect(subject).not_to receive(:post)
+ subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: [feature_flags.last])
+ end
+ context 'there are errors' do
+ let(:failures) do
+ {
+ a: [{ message: 'X' }, { message: 'Y' }],
+ b: [{ message: 'Z' }]
+ }
+ end
+ it 'reports the errors' do
+ response = subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags)
+ expect(response['errorMessages']).to eq(['a: X', 'a: Y', 'b: Z'])
+ end
+ end
+ it 'does not call the API if the feature flag is not enabled' do
+ stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_feature_flags: false)
+ expect(subject).not_to receive(:post)
+ subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags)
+ end
+ it 'does call the API if the feature flag enabled for the project' do
+ stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_feature_flags: project)
+ expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/featureflags/0.1/bulk', {
+ flags: Array, properties: Hash
+ }).and_call_original
+ subject.send(:store_ff_info, project: project, feature_flags: feature_flags)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#store_build_info' do
let(:build_info_payload_schema) do
let(:body) do
- matcher = be_valid_json.according_to_schema(build_info_payload_schema)
+ matcher = be_valid_json.and match_schema(build_info_payload_schema)
->(text) { matcher.matches?(text) }
+ let(:failures) { [] }
+ let(:response_body) do
+ {
+ acceptedBuilds: [],
+ rejectedBuilds: failures,
+ unknownIssueKeys: []
+ }.to_json
+ end
before do
path = '/rest/builds/0.1/bulk'
stub_full_request('' + path, method: :post)
.with(body: body, headers: expected_headers(path))
+ .to_return(body: response_body, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })
it "calls the API with auth headers" do
@@ -115,7 +371,9 @@ RSpec.describe Atlassian::JiraConnect::Client do
it 'only sends information about relevant MRs' do
- expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/builds/0.1/bulk', { builds: have_attributes(size: 6) })
+ expect(subject).to receive(:post)
+ .with('/rest/builds/0.1/bulk', { builds: have_attributes(size: 6) })
+ .and_call_original
subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines)
@@ -137,12 +395,28 @@ RSpec.describe Atlassian::JiraConnect::Client do
it 'does call the API if the feature flag enabled for the project' do
stub_feature_flags(jira_sync_builds: project)
- expect(subject).to receive(:post).with('/rest/builds/0.1/bulk', { builds: Array })
+ expect(subject).to receive(:post)
+ .with('/rest/builds/0.1/bulk', { builds: Array })
+ .and_call_original
subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines)
+ context 'there are errors' do
+ let(:failures) do
+ [{ errors: [{ message: 'X' }, { message: 'Y' }] }, { errors: [{ message: 'Z' }] }]
+ end
+ it 'reports the errors' do
+ response = subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines)
+ expect(response['errorMessages']).to eq(%w(X Y Z))
+ end
+ end
it 'avoids N+1 database queries' do
+ pending ''
baseline = do
subject.send(:store_build_info, project: project, pipelines: pipelines)