path: root/spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 787cc54e79a..00000000000
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/background_migration/populate_untracked_uploads_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-RSpec.describe Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PopulateUntrackedUploads do
- include MigrationsHelpers::TrackUntrackedUploadsHelpers
- subject { }
- let!(:appearances) { table(:appearances) }
- let!(:namespaces) { table(:namespaces) }
- let!(:notes) { table(:notes) }
- let!(:projects) { table(:projects) }
- let!(:routes) { table(:routes) }
- let!(:untracked_files_for_uploads) { table(:untracked_files_for_uploads) }
- let!(:uploads) { table(:uploads) }
- let!(:users) { table(:users) }
- before do
- ensure_temporary_tracking_table_exists
- uploads.delete_all
- end
- context 'with untracked files and tracked files in untracked_files_for_uploads' do
- let!(:appearance) { create_or_update_appearance(logo: true, header_logo: true) }
- let!(:user1) { create_user(avatar: true) }
- let!(:user2) { create_user(avatar: true) }
- let!(:project1) { create_project(avatar: true) }
- let!(:project2) { create_project(avatar: true) }
- before do
- add_markdown_attachment(project1)
- add_markdown_attachment(project2)
- # File records created by PrepareUntrackedUploads
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: get_uploads(appearance, 'Appearance').first.path)
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: get_uploads(appearance, 'Appearance').last.path)
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: get_uploads(user1, 'User').first.path)
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: get_uploads(user2, 'User').first.path)
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: get_uploads(project1, 'Project').first.path)
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: get_uploads(project2, 'Project').first.path)
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: "#{legacy_project_uploads_dir(project1).sub("#{MigrationsHelpers::TrackUntrackedUploadsHelpers::PUBLIC_DIR}/", '')}/#{get_uploads(project1, 'Project').last.path}")
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: "#{legacy_project_uploads_dir(project2).sub("#{MigrationsHelpers::TrackUntrackedUploadsHelpers::PUBLIC_DIR}/", '')}/#{get_uploads(project2, 'Project').last.path}")
- # Untrack 4 files
- get_uploads(user2, 'User').delete_all
- get_uploads(project2, 'Project').delete_all # 2 files: avatar and a Markdown upload
- get_uploads(appearance, 'Appearance').where("path like '%header_logo%'").delete_all
- end
- it 'adds untracked files to the uploads table' do
- expect do
- subject.perform(1, untracked_files_for_uploads.reorder(:id)
- change { uploads.count }.from(4).to(8)
- expect(get_uploads(user2, 'User').count).to eq(1)
- expect(get_uploads(project2, 'Project').count).to eq(2)
- expect(get_uploads(appearance, 'Appearance').count).to eq(2)
- end
- it 'deletes rows after processing them' do
- expect(subject).to receive(:drop_temp_table_if_finished) # Don't drop the table so we can look at it
- expect do
- subject.perform(1,
- change { untracked_files_for_uploads.count }.from(8).to(0)
- end
- it 'does not create duplicate uploads of already tracked files' do
- subject.perform(1,
- expect(get_uploads(user1, 'User').count).to eq(1)
- expect(get_uploads(project1, 'Project').count).to eq(2)
- expect(get_uploads(appearance, 'Appearance').count).to eq(2)
- end
- it 'uses the start and end batch ids [only 1st half]' do
- ids = untracked_files_for_uploads.all.order(:id).pluck(:id)
- start_id = ids[0]
- end_id = ids[3]
- expect do
- subject.perform(start_id, end_id)
- change { uploads.count }.from(4).to(6)
- expect(get_uploads(user1, 'User').count).to eq(1)
- expect(get_uploads(user2, 'User').count).to eq(1)
- expect(get_uploads(appearance, 'Appearance').count).to eq(2)
- expect(get_uploads(project1, 'Project').count).to eq(2)
- expect(get_uploads(project2, 'Project').count).to eq(0)
- # Only 4 have been either confirmed or added to uploads
- expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(4)
- end
- it 'uses the start and end batch ids [only 2nd half]' do
- ids = untracked_files_for_uploads.all.order(:id).pluck(:id)
- start_id = ids[4]
- end_id = ids[7]
- expect do
- subject.perform(start_id, end_id)
- change { uploads.count }.from(4).to(6)
- expect(get_uploads(user1, 'User').count).to eq(1)
- expect(get_uploads(user2, 'User').count).to eq(0)
- expect(get_uploads(appearance, 'Appearance').count).to eq(1)
- expect(get_uploads(project1, 'Project').count).to eq(2)
- expect(get_uploads(project2, 'Project').count).to eq(2)
- # Only 4 have been either confirmed or added to uploads
- expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(4)
- end
- it 'does not drop the temporary tracking table after processing the batch, if there are still untracked rows' do
- subject.perform(1, - 1)
- expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?(:untracked_files_for_uploads)).to be_truthy
- end
- it 'drops the temporary tracking table after processing the batch, if there are no untracked rows left' do
- expect(subject).to receive(:drop_temp_table_if_finished)
- subject.perform(1,
- end
- it 'does not block a whole batch because of one bad path' do
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: "#{Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PrepareUntrackedUploads::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_DIR}/#{get_full_path(project2)}/._7d37bf4c747916390e596744117d5d1a")
- expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(9)
- expect(uploads.count).to eq(4)
- subject.perform(1,
- expect(untracked_files_for_uploads.count).to eq(1)
- expect(uploads.count).to eq(8)
- end
- it 'an unparseable path is shown in error output' do
- bad_path = "#{Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PrepareUntrackedUploads::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_DIR}/#{get_full_path(project2)}/._7d37bf4c747916390e596744117d5d1a"
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: bad_path)
- expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:error).with(/Error parsing path "#{bad_path}":/)
- subject.perform(1,
- end
- end
- context 'with no untracked files' do
- it 'does not add to the uploads table (and does not raise error)' do
- expect do
- subject.perform(1, 1000)
- end.not_to change { uploads.count }.from(0)
- end
- end
- describe 'upload outcomes for each path pattern' do
- shared_examples_for 'non_markdown_file' do
- let!(:expected_upload_attrs) { model_uploads.first.attributes.slice('path', 'uploader', 'size', 'checksum') }
- let!(:untracked_file) { untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: expected_upload_attrs['path']) }
- before do
- model_uploads.delete_all
- end
- it 'creates an Upload record' do
- expect do
- subject.perform(1,
- change { model_uploads.count }.from(0).to(1)
- expect(model_uploads.first.attributes).to include(expected_upload_attrs)
- end
- end
- context 'for an appearance logo file path' do
- let(:model) { create_or_update_appearance(logo: true) }
- let(:model_uploads) { get_uploads(model, 'Appearance') }
- it_behaves_like 'non_markdown_file'
- end
- context 'for an appearance header_logo file path' do
- let(:model) { create_or_update_appearance(header_logo: true) }
- let(:model_uploads) { get_uploads(model, 'Appearance') }
- it_behaves_like 'non_markdown_file'
- end
- context 'for a pre-Markdown Note attachment file path' do
- let(:model) { create_note(attachment: true) }
- let!(:expected_upload_attrs) { get_uploads(model, 'Note').first.attributes.slice('path', 'uploader', 'size', 'checksum') }
- let!(:untracked_file) { untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: expected_upload_attrs['path']) }
- before do
- get_uploads(model, 'Note').delete_all
- end
- # Can't use the shared example because Note doesn't have an `uploads` association
- it 'creates an Upload record' do
- expect do
- subject.perform(1,
- change { get_uploads(model, 'Note').count }.from(0).to(1)
- expect(get_uploads(model, 'Note').first.attributes).to include(expected_upload_attrs)
- end
- end
- context 'for a user avatar file path' do
- let(:model) { create_user(avatar: true) }
- let(:model_uploads) { get_uploads(model, 'User') }
- it_behaves_like 'non_markdown_file'
- end
- context 'for a group avatar file path' do
- let(:model) { create_group(avatar: true) }
- let(:model_uploads) { get_uploads(model, 'Namespace') }
- it_behaves_like 'non_markdown_file'
- end
- context 'for a project avatar file path' do
- let(:model) { create_project(avatar: true) }
- let(:model_uploads) { get_uploads(model, 'Project') }
- it_behaves_like 'non_markdown_file'
- end
- context 'for a project Markdown attachment (notes, issues, MR descriptions) file path' do
- let(:model) { create_project }
- before do
- # Upload the file
- add_markdown_attachment(model)
- # Create the untracked_files_for_uploads record
- untracked_files_for_uploads.create!(path: "#{Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::PrepareUntrackedUploads::RELATIVE_UPLOAD_DIR}/#{get_full_path(model)}/#{get_uploads(model, 'Project').first.path}")
- # Save the expected upload attributes
- @expected_upload_attrs = get_uploads(model, 'Project').first.attributes.slice('path', 'uploader', 'size', 'checksum')
- # Untrack the file
- get_uploads(model, 'Project').delete_all
- end
- it 'creates an Upload record' do
- expect do
- subject.perform(1,
- change { get_uploads(model, 'Project').count }.from(0).to(1)
- expect(get_uploads(model, 'Project').first.attributes).to include(@expected_upload_attrs)
- end
- end
- end