path: root/spec/lib/gitlab/cache/ci/project_pipeline_status_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/lib/gitlab/cache/ci/project_pipeline_status_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/cache/ci/project_pipeline_status_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/cache/ci/project_pipeline_status_spec.rb
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index 00000000000..0daf41a7c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/cache/ci/project_pipeline_status_spec.rb
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+require 'spec_helper'
+describe Gitlab::Cache::Ci::ProjectPipelineStatus, :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do
+ let!(:project) { create(:project) }
+ let(:pipeline_status) { }
+ let(:cache_key) { "projects/#{}/pipeline_status" }
+ describe '.load_for_project' do
+ it "loads the status" do
+ expect_any_instance_of(described_class).to receive(:load_status)
+ described_class.load_for_project(project)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'loading in batches' do
+ let(:status) { 'success' }
+ let(:sha) { '424d1b73bc0d3cb726eb7dc4ce17a4d48552f8c6' }
+ let(:ref) { 'master' }
+ let(:pipeline_info) { { sha: sha, status: status, ref: ref } }
+ let!(:project_without_status) { create(:project) }
+ describe '.load_in_batch_for_projects' do
+ it 'preloads pipeline_status on projects' do
+ described_class.load_in_batch_for_projects([project])
+ # Don't call the accessor that would lazy load the variable
+ expect(project.instance_variable_get('@pipeline_status')).to be_a(described_class)
+ end
+ describe 'without a status in redis_cache' do
+ it 'loads the status from a commit when it was not in redis_cache' do
+ empty_status = { sha: nil, status: nil, ref: nil }
+ fake_pipeline =
+ project_without_status,
+ pipeline_info: empty_status,
+ loaded_from_cache: false
+ )
+ expect(described_class).to receive(:new)
+ .with(project_without_status,
+ pipeline_info: empty_status,
+ loaded_from_cache: false)
+ .and_return(fake_pipeline)
+ expect(fake_pipeline).to receive(:load_from_project)
+ expect(fake_pipeline).to receive(:store_in_cache)
+ described_class.load_in_batch_for_projects([project_without_status])
+ end
+ it 'only connects to redis_cache twice' do
+ # Once to load, once to store in the cache
+ expect(Gitlab::Redis::Cache).to receive(:with).exactly(2).and_call_original
+ described_class.load_in_batch_for_projects([project_without_status])
+ expect(project_without_status.pipeline_status).not_to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'when a status was cached in redis_cache' do
+ before do
+ Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis|
+ redis.mapped_hmset(cache_key,
+ { sha: sha, status: status, ref: ref })
+ end
+ end
+ it 'loads the correct status' do
+ described_class.load_in_batch_for_projects([project])
+ pipeline_status = project.instance_variable_get('@pipeline_status')
+ expect(pipeline_status.sha).to eq(sha)
+ expect(pipeline_status.status).to eq(status)
+ expect(pipeline_status.ref).to eq(ref)
+ end
+ it 'only connects to redis_cache once' do
+ expect(Gitlab::Redis::Cache).to receive(:with).exactly(1).and_call_original
+ described_class.load_in_batch_for_projects([project])
+ expect(project.pipeline_status).not_to be_nil
+ end
+ it "doesn't load the status separatly" do
+ expect_any_instance_of(described_class).not_to receive(:load_from_project)
+ expect_any_instance_of(described_class).not_to receive(:load_from_cache)
+ described_class.load_in_batch_for_projects([project])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.cached_results_for_projects' do
+ it 'loads a status from caching for all projects' do
+ Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis|
+ redis.mapped_hmset(cache_key, { sha: sha, status: status, ref: ref })
+ end
+ result = [{ loaded_from_cache: false, pipeline_info: { sha: nil, status: nil, ref: nil } },
+ { loaded_from_cache: true, pipeline_info: pipeline_info }]
+ expect(described_class.cached_results_for_projects([project_without_status, project])).to eq(result)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.update_for_pipeline' do
+ it 'refreshes the cache if nescessary' do
+ pipeline = build_stubbed(:ci_pipeline,
+ sha: '123456', status: 'success', ref: 'master')
+ fake_status = double
+ expect(described_class).to receive(:new)
+ .with(pipeline.project,
+ pipeline_info: {
+ sha: '123456', status: 'success', ref: 'master'
+ })
+ .and_return(fake_status)
+ expect(fake_status).to receive(:store_in_cache_if_needed)
+ described_class.update_for_pipeline(pipeline)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#has_status?' do
+ it "is false when the status wasn't loaded yet" do
+ expect(pipeline_status.has_status?).to be_falsy
+ end
+ it 'is true when all status information was loaded' do
+ fake_commit = double
+ allow(fake_commit).to receive(:status).and_return('failed')
+ allow(fake_commit).to receive(:sha).and_return('failed424d1b73bc0d3cb726eb7dc4ce17a4d48552f8c6')
+ allow(pipeline_status).to receive(:commit).and_return(fake_commit)
+ allow(pipeline_status).to receive(:has_cache?).and_return(false)
+ pipeline_status.load_status
+ expect(pipeline_status.has_status?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#load_status' do
+ it 'loads the status from the cache when there is one' do
+ expect(pipeline_status).to receive(:has_cache?).and_return(true)
+ expect(pipeline_status).to receive(:load_from_cache)
+ pipeline_status.load_status
+ end
+ it 'loads the status from the project commit when there is no cache' do
+ allow(pipeline_status).to receive(:has_cache?).and_return(false)
+ expect(pipeline_status).to receive(:load_from_project)
+ pipeline_status.load_status
+ end
+ it 'stores the status in the cache when it loading it from the project' do
+ allow(pipeline_status).to receive(:has_cache?).and_return(false)
+ allow(pipeline_status).to receive(:load_from_project)
+ expect(pipeline_status).to receive(:store_in_cache)
+ pipeline_status.load_status
+ end
+ it 'sets the state to loaded' do
+ pipeline_status.load_status
+ expect(pipeline_status).to be_loaded
+ end
+ it 'only loads the status once' do
+ expect(pipeline_status).to receive(:has_cache?).and_return(true).exactly(1)
+ expect(pipeline_status).to receive(:load_from_cache).exactly(1)
+ pipeline_status.load_status
+ pipeline_status.load_status
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#load_from_project", :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do
+ let!(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project, sha: project.commit.sha) }
+ it 'reads the status from the pipeline for the commit' do
+ pipeline_status.load_from_project
+ expect(pipeline_status.status).to eq('success')
+ expect(pipeline_status.sha).to eq(project.commit.sha)
+ expect(pipeline_status.ref).to eq(project.default_branch)
+ end
+ it "doesn't fail for an empty project" do
+ status_for_empty_commit =
+ status_for_empty_commit.load_status
+ expect(status_for_empty_commit).to be_loaded
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#store_in_cache", :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do
+ it "sets the object in caching" do
+ pipeline_status.sha = '123456'
+ pipeline_status.status = 'failed'
+ pipeline_status.store_in_cache
+ read_sha, read_status = Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with { |redis| redis.hmget(cache_key, :sha, :status) }
+ expect(read_sha).to eq('123456')
+ expect(read_status).to eq('failed')
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#store_in_cache_if_needed', :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do
+ it 'stores the state in the cache when the sha is the HEAD of the project' do
+ create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project, sha: project.commit.sha)
+ pipeline_status = described_class.load_for_project(project)
+ pipeline_status.store_in_cache_if_needed
+ sha, status, ref = Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with { |redis| redis.hmget(cache_key, :sha, :status, :ref) }
+ expect(sha).not_to be_nil
+ expect(status).not_to be_nil
+ expect(ref).not_to be_nil
+ end
+ it "doesn't store the status in redis_cache when the sha is not the head of the project" do
+ other_status =
+ project,
+ pipeline_info: { sha: "123456", status: "failed" }
+ )
+ other_status.store_in_cache_if_needed
+ sha, status = Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with { |redis| redis.hmget(cache_key, :sha, :status) }
+ expect(sha).to be_nil
+ expect(status).to be_nil
+ end
+ it "deletes the cache if the repository doesn't have a head commit" do
+ empty_project = create(:empty_project)
+ Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis|
+ redis.mapped_hmset(cache_key,
+ { sha: 'sha', status: 'pending', ref: 'master' })
+ end
+ other_status =,
+ pipeline_info: {
+ sha: "123456", status: "failed"
+ })
+ other_status.store_in_cache_if_needed
+ sha, status, ref = Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with { |redis| redis.hmget("projects/#{}/pipeline_status", :sha, :status, :ref) }
+ expect(sha).to be_nil
+ expect(status).to be_nil
+ expect(ref).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "with a status in caching", :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do
+ let(:status) { 'success' }
+ let(:sha) { '424d1b73bc0d3cb726eb7dc4ce17a4d48552f8c6' }
+ let(:ref) { 'master' }
+ before do
+ Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with do |redis|
+ redis.mapped_hmset(cache_key,
+ { sha: sha, status: status, ref: ref })
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#load_from_cache' do
+ it 'reads the status from redis_cache' do
+ pipeline_status.load_from_cache
+ expect(pipeline_status.sha).to eq(sha)
+ expect(pipeline_status.status).to eq(status)
+ expect(pipeline_status.ref).to eq(ref)
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#has_cache?' do
+ it 'knows the status is cached' do
+ expect(pipeline_status.has_cache?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#delete_from_cache' do
+ it 'deletes values from redis_cache' do
+ pipeline_status.delete_from_cache
+ key_exists = Gitlab::Redis::Cache.with { |redis| redis.exists(cache_key) }
+ expect(key_exists).to be_falsy
+ end
+ end
+ end