path: root/spec/lib/gitlab/database/background_migration/prometheus_metrics_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/lib/gitlab/database/background_migration/prometheus_metrics_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/database/background_migration/prometheus_metrics_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/database/background_migration/prometheus_metrics_spec.rb
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/gitlab/database/background_migration/prometheus_metrics_spec.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigration::PrometheusMetrics, :prometheus do
+ describe '#track' do
+ let(:job_record) do
+ build(:batched_background_migration_job, :succeeded,
+ started_at: Time.current - 2.minutes,
+ finished_at: Time.current - 1.minute,
+ updated_at: Time.current,
+ metrics: { 'timings' => { 'update_all' => [0.05, 0.2, 0.4, 0.9, 4] } })
+ end
+ let(:labels) { job_record.batched_migration.prometheus_labels }
+ subject(:track_job_record_metrics) { }
+ it 'reports batch_size' do
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:gauge_batch_size)).to eq(job_record.batch_size)
+ end
+ it 'reports sub_batch_size' do
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:gauge_sub_batch_size)).to eq(job_record.sub_batch_size)
+ end
+ it 'reports interval' do
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:gauge_interval)).to eq(job_record.batched_migration.interval)
+ end
+ it 'reports job duration' do
+ freeze_time do
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:gauge_job_duration)).to eq(1.minute)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'increments updated tuples (currently based on batch_size)' do
+ expect(described_class.metrics[:counter_updated_tuples]).to receive(:increment)
+ .with(labels, job_record.batch_size)
+ .twice
+ .and_call_original
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:counter_updated_tuples)).to eq(job_record.batch_size)
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:counter_updated_tuples)).to eq(job_record.batch_size * 2)
+ end
+ it 'reports migrated tuples' do
+ expect(job_record.batched_migration).to receive(:migrated_tuple_count).and_return(20)
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:gauge_migrated_tuples)).to eq(20)
+ end
+ it 'reports the total tuple count for the migration' do
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:gauge_total_tuple_count)).to eq(job_record.batched_migration.total_tuple_count)
+ end
+ it 'reports last updated at timestamp' do
+ freeze_time do
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:gauge_last_update_time)).to eq(Time.current.to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'reports summary of query timings' do
+ summary_labels = labels.merge(operation: 'update_all')
+ job_record.metrics['timings']['update_all'].each do |timing|
+ expect(described_class.metrics[:histogram_timings]).to receive(:observe)
+ .with(summary_labels, timing)
+ .and_call_original
+ end
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:histogram_timings, job_labels: summary_labels))
+ .to eq({ 0.1 => 1.0, 0.25 => 2.0, 0.5 => 3.0, 1 => 4.0, 5 => 5.0 })
+ end
+ context 'when the tracking record does not having timing metrics' do
+ before do
+ job_record.metrics = {}
+ end
+ it 'does not attempt to report query timings' do
+ summary_labels = labels.merge(operation: 'update_all')
+ expect(described_class.metrics[:histogram_timings]).not_to receive(:observe)
+ track_job_record_metrics
+ expect(metric_for_job_by_name(:histogram_timings, job_labels: summary_labels))
+ .to eq({ 0.1 => 0.0, 0.25 => 0.0, 0.5 => 0.0, 1 => 0.0, 5 => 0.0 })
+ end
+ end
+ def metric_for_job_by_name(name, job_labels: labels)
+ described_class.metrics[name].values[job_labels].get
+ end
+ end