path: root/spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/multipart_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/multipart_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 313 deletions
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/multipart_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/multipart_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b64fe335e8..00000000000
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/middleware/multipart_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'tempfile'
-RSpec.describe Gitlab::Middleware::Multipart do
- include_context 'multipart middleware context'
- RSpec.shared_examples_for 'multipart upload files' do
- it 'opens top-level files' do
-'top-level') do |tempfile|
- rewritten = { 'file' => tempfile.path }
- in_params = { '' => original_filename, 'file.path' => file_path, 'file.remote_id' => remote_id, 'file.size' => file_size }
- env = post_env(rewritten, in_params, Gitlab::Workhorse.secret, 'gitlab-workhorse')
- expect_uploaded_file(tempfile, %w(file))
- end
- end
- it 'opens files one level deep' do
-'one-level') do |tempfile|
- rewritten = { 'user[avatar]' => tempfile.path }
- in_params = { 'user' => { 'avatar' => { '.name' => original_filename, '.path' => file_path, '.remote_id' => remote_id, '.size' => file_size } } }
- env = post_env(rewritten, in_params, Gitlab::Workhorse.secret, 'gitlab-workhorse')
- expect_uploaded_file(tempfile, %w(user avatar))
- end
- end
- it 'opens files two levels deep' do
-'two-levels') do |tempfile|
- in_params = { 'project' => { 'milestone' => { 'themesong' => { '.name' => original_filename, '.path' => file_path, '.remote_id' => remote_id, '.size' => file_size } } } }
- rewritten = { 'project[milestone][themesong]' => tempfile.path }
- env = post_env(rewritten, in_params, Gitlab::Workhorse.secret, 'gitlab-workhorse')
- expect_uploaded_file(tempfile, %w(project milestone themesong))
- end
- end
- def expect_uploaded_file(tempfile, path)
- expect(app).to receive(:call) do |env|
- file = get_params(env).dig(*path)
- expect(file).to be_a(::UploadedFile)
- expect(file.original_filename).to eq(original_filename)
- if remote_id
- expect(file.remote_id).to eq(remote_id)
- expect(file.path).to be_nil
- else
- expect(file.path).to eq(File.realpath(tempfile.path))
- expect(file.remote_id).to be_nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- RSpec.shared_examples_for 'handling CI artifact upload' do
- it 'uploads both file and metadata' do
-'file') do |file|
-'metadata') do |metadata|
- rewritten = { 'file' => file.path, 'metadata' => metadata.path }
- in_params = { '' => 'file.txt', 'file.path' => file_path, 'file.remote_id' => file_remote_id, 'file.size' => file_size, '' => 'metadata.gz' }
- env = post_env(rewritten, in_params, Gitlab::Workhorse.secret, 'gitlab-workhorse')
- with_expected_uploaded_artifact_files(file, metadata) do |uploaded_file, uploaded_metadata|
- expect(uploaded_file).to be_a(::UploadedFile)
- expect(uploaded_file.original_filename).to eq('file.txt')
- if file_remote_id
- expect(uploaded_file.remote_id).to eq(file_remote_id)
- expect(uploaded_file.size).to eq(file_size)
- expect(uploaded_file.path).to be_nil
- else
- expect(uploaded_file.path).to eq(File.realpath(file.path))
- expect(uploaded_file.remote_id).to be_nil
- end
- expect(uploaded_metadata).to be_a(::UploadedFile)
- expect(uploaded_metadata.original_filename).to eq('metadata.gz')
- expect(uploaded_metadata.path).to eq(File.realpath(metadata.path))
- expect(uploaded_metadata.remote_id).to be_nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def with_expected_uploaded_artifact_files(file, metadata)
- expect(app).to receive(:call) do |env|
- file = get_params(env).dig('file')
- metadata = get_params(env).dig('metadata')
- yield file, metadata
- end
- end
- end
- it 'rejects headers signed with the wrong secret' do
- env = post_env({ 'file' => '/var/empty/nonesuch' }, {}, 'x' * 32, 'gitlab-workhorse')
- expect { }.to raise_error(JWT::VerificationError)
- end
- it 'rejects headers signed with the wrong issuer' do
- env = post_env({ 'file' => '/var/empty/nonesuch' }, {}, Gitlab::Workhorse.secret, 'acme-inc')
- expect { }.to raise_error(JWT::InvalidIssuerError)
- end
- context 'with invalid rewritten field' do
- invalid_field_names = [
- '[file]',
- ';file',
- 'file]',
- ';file]',
- 'file]]',
- 'file;;'
- ]
- invalid_field_names.each do |invalid_field_name|
- it "rejects invalid rewritten field name #{invalid_field_name}" do
- env = post_env({ invalid_field_name => nil }, {}, Gitlab::Workhorse.secret, 'gitlab-workhorse')
- expect { }.to raise_error(RuntimeError, "invalid field: \"#{invalid_field_name}\"")
- end
- end
- end
- context 'with remote file' do
- let(:remote_id) { 'someid' }
- let(:file_size) { 300 }
- let(:file_path) { '' }
- it_behaves_like 'multipart upload files'
- end
- context 'with remote file and a file path set' do
- let(:remote_id) { 'someid' }
- let(:file_size) { 300 }
- let(:file_path) { 'not_a_valid_file_path' } # file path will come from the rewritten_fields
- it_behaves_like 'multipart upload files'
- end
- context 'with local file' do
- let(:remote_id) { nil }
- let(:file_size) { nil }
- let(:file_path) { 'not_a_valid_file_path' } # file path will come from the rewritten_fields
- it_behaves_like 'multipart upload files'
- end
- context 'with remote CI artifact upload' do
- let(:file_remote_id) { 'someid' }
- let(:file_size) { 300 }
- let(:file_path) { 'not_a_valid_file_path' } # file path will come from the rewritten_fields
- it_behaves_like 'handling CI artifact upload'
- end
- context 'with local CI artifact upload' do
- let(:file_remote_id) { nil }
- let(:file_size) { nil }
- let(:file_path) { 'not_a_valid_file_path' } # file path will come from the rewritten_fields
- it_behaves_like 'handling CI artifact upload'
- end
- it 'allows files in uploads/tmp directory' do
- with_tmp_dir('public/uploads/tmp') do |dir, env|
- expect(app).to receive(:call) do |env|
- expect(get_params(env)['file']).to be_a(::UploadedFile)
- end
- end
- end
- it 'allows files in the job artifact upload path' do
- with_tmp_dir('artifacts') do |dir, env|
- expect(JobArtifactUploader).to receive(:workhorse_upload_path).and_return(File.join(dir, 'artifacts'))
- expect(app).to receive(:call) do |env|
- expect(get_params(env)['file']).to be_a(::UploadedFile)
- end
- end
- end
- it 'allows files in the lfs upload path' do
- with_tmp_dir('lfs-objects') do |dir, env|
- expect(LfsObjectUploader).to receive(:workhorse_upload_path).and_return(File.join(dir, 'lfs-objects'))
- expect(app).to receive(:call) do |env|
- expect(get_params(env)['file']).to be_a(::UploadedFile)
- end
- end
- end
- it 'allows symlinks for uploads dir' do
-'two-levels') do |tempfile|
- symlinked_dir = '/some/dir/uploads'
- symlinked_path = File.join(symlinked_dir, File.basename(tempfile.path))
- env = post_env({ 'file' => symlinked_path }, { '' => original_filename, 'file.path' => symlinked_path }, Gitlab::Workhorse.secret, 'gitlab-workhorse')
- allow(FileUploader).to receive(:root).and_return(symlinked_dir)
- allow(UploadedFile).to receive(:allowed_paths).and_return([symlinked_dir, Gitlab.config.uploads.storage_path])
- allow(File).to receive(:realpath).and_call_original
- allow(File).to receive(:realpath).with(symlinked_dir).and_return(Dir.tmpdir)
- allow(File).to receive(:realpath).with(symlinked_path).and_return(tempfile.path)
- allow(File).to receive(:exist?).and_call_original
- allow(File).to receive(:exist?).with(symlinked_dir).and_return(true)
- # override Dir.tmpdir because this dir is in the list of allowed paths
- # and it would match FileUploader.root path (which in this test is linked
- # to /tmp too)
- allow(Dir).to receive(:tmpdir).and_return(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'tmpsubdir'))
- expect(app).to receive(:call) do |env|
- expect(get_params(env)['file']).to be_a(::UploadedFile)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#call' do
- context 'with packages storage' do
- using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
- let(:storage_path) { 'shared/packages' }
- RSpec.shared_examples 'allowing the multipart upload' do
- it 'allows files to be uploaded' do
- with_tmp_dir('tmp/uploads', storage_path) do |dir, env|
- allow(Packages::PackageFileUploader).to receive(:root).and_return(File.join(dir, storage_path))
- expect(app).to receive(:call) do |env|
- expect(get_params(env)['file']).to be_a(::UploadedFile)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- RSpec.shared_examples 'not allowing the multipart upload when package upload path is used' do
- it 'does not allow files to be uploaded' do
- with_tmp_dir('tmp/uploads', storage_path) do |dir, env|
- # with_tmp_dir sets the same workhorse_upload_path for all Uploaders,
- # so we have to prevent JobArtifactUploader and LfsObjectUploader to
- # allow the tested path
- allow(JobArtifactUploader).to receive(:workhorse_upload_path).and_return(Dir.tmpdir)
- allow(LfsObjectUploader).to receive(:workhorse_upload_path).and_return(Dir.tmpdir)
- status, headers, body =
- expect(status).to eq(400)
- expect(headers).to eq({ 'Content-Type' => 'text/plain' })
- expect(body).to start_with('insecure path used')
- end
- end
- end
- RSpec.shared_examples 'adding package storage to multipart allowed paths' do
- before do
- expect(::Packages::PackageFileUploader).to receive(:workhorse_upload_path).and_call_original
- end
- it_behaves_like 'allowing the multipart upload'
- end
- RSpec.shared_examples 'not adding package storage to multipart allowed paths' do
- before do
- expect(::Packages::PackageFileUploader).not_to receive(:workhorse_upload_path)
- end
- it_behaves_like 'not allowing the multipart upload when package upload path is used'
- end
- where(:object_storage_enabled, :direct_upload_enabled, :example_name) do
- false | true | 'adding package storage to multipart allowed paths'
- false | false | 'adding package storage to multipart allowed paths'
- true | true | 'not adding package storage to multipart allowed paths'
- true | false | 'adding package storage to multipart allowed paths'
- end
- with_them do
- before do
- stub_config(packages: {
- enabled: true,
- object_store: {
- enabled: object_storage_enabled,
- direct_upload: direct_upload_enabled
- },
- storage_path: storage_path
- })
- end
- it_behaves_like params[:example_name]
- end
- end
- end