path: root/spec/lib/gitlab/path_regex_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/lib/gitlab/path_regex_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/path_regex_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/path_regex_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eea710c80b..00000000000
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/path_regex_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
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-# coding: utf-8
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe Gitlab::PathRegex, lib: true do
- # Pass in a full path to remove the format segment:
- # `/ci/lint(.:format)` -> `/ci/lint`
- def without_format(path)
- path.split('(', 2)[0]
- end
- # Pass in a full path and get the last segment before a wildcard
- # That's not a parameter
- # `/*namespace_id/:project_id/builds/artifacts/*ref_name_and_path`
- # -> 'builds/artifacts'
- def path_before_wildcard(path)
- path = path.gsub(STARTING_WITH_NAMESPACE, "")
- path_segments = path.split('/').reject(&:empty?)
- wildcard_index = path_segments.index { |segment| parameter?(segment) }
- segments_before_wildcard = path_segments[0..wildcard_index - 1]
- segments_before_wildcard.join('/')
- end
- def parameter?(segment)
- segment =~ /[*:]/
- end
- # If the path is reserved. Then no conflicting paths can# be created for any
- # route using this reserved word.
- #
- # Both `builds/artifacts` & `build` are covered by reserving the word
- # `build`
- def wildcards_include?(path)
- described_class::PROJECT_WILDCARD_ROUTES.include?(path) ||
- described_class::PROJECT_WILDCARD_ROUTES.include?(path.split('/').first)
- end
- def failure_message(missing_words, constant_name, migration_helper)
- missing_words = Array(missing_words)
- <<-MSG
- Found new routes that could cause conflicts with existing namespaced routes
- for groups or projects.
- Add <#{missing_words.join(', ')}> to `Gitlab::PathRegex::#{constant_name}
- to make sure no projects or namespaces can be created with those paths.
- To rename any existing records with those paths you can use the
- `Gitlab::Database::RenameReservedpathsMigration::<VERSION>.#{migration_helper}`
- migration helper.
- Make sure to make a note of the renamed records in the release blog post.
- end
- let(:all_routes) do
- route_set = Rails.application.routes
- routes_collection = route_set.routes
- routes_array = routes_collection.routes
- { |route| route.path.spec.to_s }
- end
- let(:routes_without_format) { { |path| without_format(path) } }
- # Routes not starting with `/:` or `/*`
- # all routes not starting with a param
- let(:routes_not_starting_in_wildcard) { { |p| p !~ %r{^/[:*]} } }
- let(:top_level_words) do
- do |route|
- route.split('/')[1]
- end.compact.uniq
- end
- # All routes that start with a namespaced path, that have 1 or more
- # path-segments before having another wildcard parameter.
- # - Starting with paths:
- # - `/*namespace_id/:project_id/`
- # - `/*namespace_id/:id/`
- # - Followed by one or more path-parts not starting with `:` or `*`
- # - Followed by a path-part that includes a wildcard parameter `*`
- # At the time of writing these routes match:
- STARTING_WITH_NAMESPACE = %r{^/\*namespace_id/:(project_)?id}
- NON_PARAM_PARTS = %r{[^:*][a-z\-_/]*}
- ANY_OTHER_PATH_PART = %r{[a-z\-_/:]*}
- let(:namespaced_wildcard_routes) do
- do |p|
- end
- end
- # This will return all paths that are used in a namespaced route
- # before another wildcard path:
- #
- # /*namespace_id/:project_id/builds/artifacts/*ref_name_and_path
- # /*namespace_id/:project_id/info/lfs/objects/*oid
- # /*namespace_id/:project_id/commits/*id
- # /*namespace_id/:project_id/builds/:build_id/artifacts/file/*path
- # -> ['builds/artifacts', 'info/lfs/objects', 'commits', 'artifacts/file']
- let(:all_wildcard_paths) do
- do |route|
- path_before_wildcard(route)
- end.uniq
- end
- STARTING_WITH_GROUP = %r{^/groups/\*(group_)?id/}
- let(:group_routes) do
- do |path|
- end
- end
- let(:paths_after_group_id) do
- do |route|
- route.gsub(STARTING_WITH_GROUP, '').split('/').first
- end.uniq
- end
- describe 'TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES' do
- it 'includes all the top level namespaces' do
- failure_block = lambda do
- missing_words = top_level_words - described_class::TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES
- failure_message(missing_words, 'TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES', 'rename_root_paths')
- end
- expect(described_class::TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES)
- .to include(*top_level_words), failure_block
- end
- end
- describe 'GROUP_ROUTES' do
- it "don't contain a second wildcard" do
- failure_block = lambda do
- missing_words = paths_after_group_id - described_class::GROUP_ROUTES
- failure_message(missing_words, 'GROUP_ROUTES', 'rename_child_paths')
- end
- expect(described_class::GROUP_ROUTES)
- .to include(*paths_after_group_id), failure_block
- end
- end
- it 'includes all paths that can be used after a namespace/project path' do
- aggregate_failures do
- all_wildcard_paths.each do |path|
- expect(wildcards_include?(path))
- .to be(true), failure_message(path, 'PROJECT_WILDCARD_ROUTES', 'rename_wildcard_paths')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe '.root_namespace_path_regex' do
- subject { described_class.root_namespace_path_regex }
- it 'rejects top level routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('admin/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('api/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('.well-known/')
- end
- it 'accepts project wildcard routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('blob/')
- expect(subject).to match('edit/')
- expect(subject).to match('wikis/')
- end
- it 'accepts group routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('activity/')
- expect(subject).to match('group_members/')
- expect(subject).to match('subgroups/')
- end
- it 'is not case sensitive' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('Users/')
- end
- it 'does not allow extra slashes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('/blob/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('blob//')
- end
- end
- describe '.full_namespace_path_regex' do
- subject { described_class.full_namespace_path_regex }
- context 'at the top level' do
- context 'when the final level' do
- it 'rejects top level routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('admin/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('api/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('.well-known/')
- end
- it 'accepts project wildcard routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('blob/')
- expect(subject).to match('edit/')
- expect(subject).to match('wikis/')
- end
- it 'accepts group routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('activity/')
- expect(subject).to match('group_members/')
- expect(subject).to match('subgroups/')
- end
- end
- context 'when more levels follow' do
- it 'rejects top level routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('admin/more/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('api/more/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('.well-known/more/')
- end
- it 'accepts project wildcard routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('blob/more/')
- expect(subject).to match('edit/more/')
- expect(subject).to match('wikis/more/')
- expect(subject).to match('environments/folders/')
- expect(subject).to match('info/lfs/objects/')
- end
- it 'accepts group routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('activity/more/')
- expect(subject).to match('group_members/more/')
- expect(subject).to match('subgroups/more/')
- end
- end
- end
- context 'at the second level' do
- context 'when the final level' do
- it 'accepts top level routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('root/admin/')
- expect(subject).to match('root/api/')
- expect(subject).to match('root/.well-known/')
- end
- it 'rejects project wildcard routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/blob/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/edit/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/wikis/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/environments/folders/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/info/lfs/objects/')
- end
- it 'rejects group routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/activity/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/group_members/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/subgroups/')
- end
- end
- context 'when more levels follow' do
- it 'accepts top level routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('root/admin/more/')
- expect(subject).to match('root/api/more/')
- expect(subject).to match('root/.well-known/more/')
- end
- it 'rejects project wildcard routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/blob/more/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/edit/more/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/wikis/more/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/environments/folders/more/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/info/lfs/objects/more/')
- end
- it 'rejects group routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/activity/more/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/group_members/more/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/subgroups/more/')
- end
- end
- end
- it 'is not case sensitive' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/Blob/')
- end
- it 'does not allow extra slashes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('/root/admin/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/admin//')
- end
- end
- describe '.project_path_regex' do
- subject { described_class.project_path_regex }
- it 'accepts top level routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('admin/')
- expect(subject).to match('api/')
- expect(subject).to match('.well-known/')
- end
- it 'rejects project wildcard routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('blob/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('edit/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('wikis/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('environments/folders/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('info/lfs/objects/')
- end
- it 'accepts group routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('activity/')
- expect(subject).to match('group_members/')
- expect(subject).to match('subgroups/')
- end
- it 'is not case sensitive' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('Blob/')
- end
- it 'does not allow extra slashes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('/admin/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('admin//')
- end
- end
- describe '.full_project_path_regex' do
- subject { described_class.full_project_path_regex }
- it 'accepts top level routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('root/admin/')
- expect(subject).to match('root/api/')
- expect(subject).to match('root/.well-known/')
- end
- it 'rejects project wildcard routes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/blob/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/edit/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/wikis/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/environments/folders/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/info/lfs/objects/')
- end
- it 'accepts group routes' do
- expect(subject).to match('root/activity/')
- expect(subject).to match('root/group_members/')
- expect(subject).to match('root/subgroups/')
- end
- it 'is not case sensitive' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/Blob/')
- end
- it 'does not allow extra slashes' do
- expect(subject).not_to match('/root/admin/')
- expect(subject).not_to match('root/admin//')
- end
- end
- describe '.namespace_format_regex' do
- subject { described_class.namespace_format_regex }
- it { match('gitlab-ce') }
- it { match('gitlab_git') }
- it { match('_underscore.js') }
- it { match('') }
- it { match('') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('?gitlab') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('git lab') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('gitlab.git') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('/') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('gitlab git') }
- end
- describe '.project_path_format_regex' do
- subject { described_class.project_path_format_regex }
- it { match('gitlab-ce') }
- it { match('gitlab_git') }
- it { match('_underscore.js') }
- it { match('') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('?gitlab') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('git lab') }
- it { is_expected.not_to match('gitlab.git') }
- end