path: root/spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_daemon/memory_killer_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_daemon/memory_killer_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 562 deletions
diff --git a/spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_daemon/memory_killer_spec.rb b/spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_daemon/memory_killer_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f46a5aea3b..00000000000
--- a/spec/lib/gitlab/sidekiq_daemon/memory_killer_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,562 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-RSpec.describe Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::MemoryKiller do
- let(:memory_killer) { }
- let(:sidekiq_daemon_monitor) { instance_double(Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::Monitor) }
- let(:running_jobs) { {} }
- let(:pid) { 12345 }
- let(:worker) do
- do
- def
- 'DummyWorker'
- end
- end
- end
- before do
- stub_const('DummyWorker', worker)
- allow(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:info)
- allow(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:warn)
- allow(Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::Monitor).to receive(:instance).and_return(sidekiq_daemon_monitor)
- allow(sidekiq_daemon_monitor).to receive(:jobs).and_return(running_jobs)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:pid).and_return(pid)
- # make sleep no-op
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:sleep) {}
- end
- describe '#run_thread' do
- subject { memory_killer.send(:run_thread) }
- before do
- # let enabled? return 3 times: true, true, false
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(true, true, false)
- end
- context 'when structured logging is used' do
- it 'logs start message once' do
- expect(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:info).once
- .with(
- class: described_class.to_s,
- action: 'start',
- pid: pid,
- message: 'Starting Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::MemoryKiller Daemon')
- subject
- end
- it 'logs StandardError message twice' do
- expect(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:warn).twice
- .with(
- class: described_class.to_s,
- pid: pid,
- message: "Exception from run_thread: My Exception")
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:rss_within_range?)
- .twice
- .and_raise(StandardError, 'My Exception')
- expect { subject }.not_to raise_exception
- end
- it 'logs exception message once and raise exception and log stop message' do
- expect(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:warn).once
- .with(
- class: described_class.to_s,
- pid: pid,
- message: "Exception from run_thread: My Exception")
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:rss_within_range?)
- .once
- .and_raise(Exception, 'My Exception')
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:sleep).with(Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::MemoryKiller::CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
- expect(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:warn).once
- .with(
- class: described_class.to_s,
- action: 'stop',
- pid: pid,
- message: 'Stopping Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::MemoryKiller Daemon')
- expect { subject }.to raise_exception(Exception, 'My Exception')
- end
- it 'logs stop message once' do
- expect(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:warn).once
- .with(
- class: described_class.to_s,
- action: 'stop',
- pid: pid,
- message: 'Stopping Gitlab::SidekiqDaemon::MemoryKiller Daemon')
- subject
- end
- end
- it 'not invoke restart_sidekiq when rss in range' do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:rss_within_range?)
- .twice
- .and_return(true)
- expect(memory_killer).not_to receive(:restart_sidekiq)
- subject
- end
- it 'invoke restart_sidekiq when rss not in range' do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:rss_within_range?)
- .at_least(:once)
- .and_return(false)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:restart_sidekiq)
- .at_least(:once)
- subject
- end
- end
- describe '#stop_working' do
- subject { memory_killer.send(:stop_working) }
- it 'changes enable? to false' do
- expect { subject }.to change { memory_killer.send(:enabled?) }
- .from(true).to(false)
- end
- end
- describe '#rss_within_range?' do
- let(:shutdown_timeout_seconds) { 7 }
- let(:check_interval_seconds) { 2 }
- let(:grace_balloon_seconds) { 5 }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:rss_within_range?) }
- before do
- stub_const("#{described_class}::SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", shutdown_timeout_seconds)
- stub_const("#{described_class}::CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS", check_interval_seconds)
- stub_const("#{described_class}::GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS", grace_balloon_seconds)
- allow(Process).to receive(:getpgrp).and_return(pid)
- allow(Sidekiq).to receive(:[]).with(:timeout).and_return(9)
- end
- it 'return true when everything is within limit', :aggregate_failures do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_rss_kb).and_return(100)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_soft_limit_rss_kb).and_return(200)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_hard_limit_rss_kb).and_return(300)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_memory_total_kb).and_return(3072)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:running)
- .and_call_original
- expect(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:monotonic_time).and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).not_to receive(:log_rss_out_of_range)
- expect(subject).to be true
- end
- it 'return false when rss exceeds hard_limit_rss', :aggregate_failures do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_rss_kb).at_least(:once).and_return(400)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_soft_limit_rss_kb).at_least(:once).and_return(200)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_hard_limit_rss_kb).at_least(:once).and_return(300)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_memory_total_kb).at_least(:once).and_return(3072)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:running)
- .and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:above_soft_limit)
- .and_call_original
- expect(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:monotonic_time).and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:out_of_range_description).with(400, 300, 200, true)
- expect(subject).to be false
- end
- it 'return false when rss exceed hard_limit_rss after a while', :aggregate_failures do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_rss_kb).and_return(250, 400, 400)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_soft_limit_rss_kb).at_least(:once).and_return(200)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_hard_limit_rss_kb).at_least(:once).and_return(300)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_memory_total_kb).at_least(:once).and_return(3072)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:running)
- .and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .at_least(:once)
- .with(:above_soft_limit)
- .and_call_original
- expect(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:monotonic_time).twice.and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:sleep).with(check_interval_seconds)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:out_of_range_description).with(400, 300, 200, false)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:out_of_range_description).with(400, 300, 200, true)
- expect(subject).to be false
- end
- it 'return true when rss below soft_limit_rss after a while within GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS', :aggregate_failures do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_rss_kb).and_return(250, 100)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_soft_limit_rss_kb).and_return(200, 200)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_hard_limit_rss_kb).and_return(300, 300)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_memory_total_kb).and_return(3072, 3072)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:running)
- .and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:above_soft_limit)
- .and_call_original
- expect(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:monotonic_time).twice.and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:sleep).with(check_interval_seconds)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:out_of_range_description).with(100, 300, 200, false)
- expect(subject).to be true
- end
- context 'when exceeds GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS' do
- let(:grace_balloon_seconds) { 0 }
- it 'return false when rss exceed soft_limit_rss', :aggregate_failures do
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_rss_kb).and_return(250)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_soft_limit_rss_kb).and_return(200)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_hard_limit_rss_kb).and_return(300)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_memory_total_kb).and_return(3072)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:running)
- .and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:above_soft_limit)
- .and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:out_of_range_description).with(250, 300, 200, true)
- expect(subject).to be false
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#restart_sidekiq' do
- let(:shutdown_timeout_seconds) { 7 }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:restart_sidekiq) }
- context 'when sidekiq_memory_killer_read_only_mode is enabled' do
- before do
- stub_feature_flags(sidekiq_memory_killer_read_only_mode: true)
- end
- it 'does not send signal' do
- expect(memory_killer).not_to receive(:refresh_state)
- expect(memory_killer).not_to receive(:signal_and_wait)
- subject
- end
- end
- context 'when sidekiq_memory_killer_read_only_mode is disabled' do
- before do
- stub_const("#{described_class}::SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS", shutdown_timeout_seconds)
- stub_feature_flags(sidekiq_memory_killer_read_only_mode: false)
- allow(Sidekiq).to receive(:[]).with(:timeout).and_return(9)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_rss_kb).and_return(100)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_soft_limit_rss_kb).and_return(200)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_hard_limit_rss_kb).and_return(300)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_memory_total_kb).and_return(3072)
- end
- it 'send signal' do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:stop_fetching_new_jobs)
- .ordered
- .and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:signal_and_wait)
- .with(shutdown_timeout_seconds, 'SIGTSTP', 'stop fetching new jobs')
- .ordered
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:shutting_down)
- .ordered
- .and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:signal_and_wait)
- .with(11, 'SIGTERM', 'gracefully shut down')
- .ordered
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:refresh_state)
- .with(:killing_sidekiq)
- .ordered
- .and_call_original
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:signal_pgroup)
- .with('SIGKILL', 'die')
- .ordered
- subject
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#signal_and_wait' do
- let(:time) { 0.1 }
- let(:signal) { 'my-signal' }
- let(:explanation) { 'my-explanation' }
- let(:check_interval_seconds) { 0.1 }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:signal_and_wait, time, signal, explanation) }
- before do
- stub_const("#{described_class}::CHECK_INTERVAL_SECONDS", check_interval_seconds)
- end
- it 'send signal and wait till deadline' do
- expect(Process).to receive(:kill)
- .with(signal, pid)
- .ordered
- expect(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:monotonic_time)
- .and_call_original
- .at_least(3)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:enabled?).and_return(true).at_least(:twice)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:sleep).at_least(:once).and_call_original
- subject
- end
- end
- describe '#signal_pgroup' do
- let(:signal) { 'my-signal' }
- let(:explanation) { 'my-explanation' }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:signal_pgroup, signal, explanation) }
- it 'send signal to this process if it is not group leader' do
- expect(Process).to receive(:getpgrp).and_return(pid + 1)
- expect(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:warn).once
- .with(
- class: described_class.to_s,
- signal: signal,
- pid: pid,
- message: "sending Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} #{signal} (#{explanation})")
- expect(Process).to receive(:kill).with(signal, pid).ordered
- subject
- end
- it 'send signal to whole process group as group leader' do
- expect(Process).to receive(:getpgrp).and_return(pid)
- expect(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:warn).once
- .with(
- class: described_class.to_s,
- signal: signal,
- pid: pid,
- message: "sending Sidekiq worker PGRP-#{pid} #{signal} (#{explanation})")
- expect(Process).to receive(:kill).with(signal, 0).ordered
- subject
- end
- end
- describe '#log_rss_out_of_range' do
- let(:current_rss) { 100 }
- let(:soft_limit_rss) { 200 }
- let(:hard_limit_rss) { 300 }
- let(:memory_total) { 3072 }
- let(:jid) { 1 }
- let(:reason) { 'rss out of range reason description' }
- let(:queue) { 'default' }
- let(:metrics) { memory_killer.instance_variable_get(:@metrics) }
- let(:running_jobs) { { jid => { worker_class: DummyWorker } } }
- before do
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_rss_kb).and_return(*current_rss)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_soft_limit_rss_kb).and_return(soft_limit_rss)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_hard_limit_rss_kb).and_return(hard_limit_rss)
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:get_memory_total_kb).and_return(memory_total)
- memory_killer.send(:refresh_state, :running)
- end
- subject { memory_killer.send(:log_rss_out_of_range) }
- it 'invoke sidekiq logger warn' do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:out_of_range_description).with(current_rss, hard_limit_rss, soft_limit_rss, true).and_return(reason)
- expect(Sidekiq.logger).to receive(:warn)
- .with(
- class: described_class.to_s,
- pid: pid,
- message: 'Sidekiq worker RSS out of range',
- current_rss: current_rss,
- hard_limit_rss: hard_limit_rss,
- soft_limit_rss: soft_limit_rss,
- reason: reason,
- running_jobs: [jid: jid, worker_class: 'DummyWorker'],
- memory_total_kb: memory_total)
- expect(metrics[:sidekiq_memory_killer_running_jobs]).to receive(:increment)
- .with({ worker_class: "DummyWorker", deadline_exceeded: true })
- subject
- end
- end
- describe '#out_of_range_description' do
- let(:hard_limit) { 300 }
- let(:soft_limit) { 200 }
- let(:grace_balloon_seconds) { 12 }
- let(:deadline_exceeded) { true }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:out_of_range_description, rss, hard_limit, soft_limit, deadline_exceeded) }
- context 'when rss > hard_limit' do
- let(:rss) { 400 }
- it 'tells reason' do
- expect(subject).to eq("current_rss(#{rss}) > hard_limit_rss(#{hard_limit})")
- end
- end
- context 'when rss <= hard_limit' do
- let(:rss) { 300 }
- context 'deadline exceeded' do
- let(:deadline_exceeded) { true }
- it 'tells reason' do
- stub_const("#{described_class}::GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS", grace_balloon_seconds)
- expect(subject).to eq("current_rss(#{rss}) > soft_limit_rss(#{soft_limit}) longer than GRACE_BALLOON_SECONDS(#{grace_balloon_seconds})")
- end
- end
- context 'deadline not exceeded' do
- let(:deadline_exceeded) { false }
- it 'tells reason' do
- expect(subject).to eq("current_rss(#{rss}) > soft_limit_rss(#{soft_limit})")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#rss_increase_by_jobs' do
- let(:running_jobs) { { 'job1' => { worker_class: "Job1" }, 'job2' => { worker_class: "Job2" } } }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:rss_increase_by_jobs) }
- before do
- allow(memory_killer).to receive(:rss_increase_by_job).and_return(11, 22)
- end
- it 'adds up individual rss_increase_by_job' do
- expect(subject).to eq(33)
- end
- context 'when there is no running job' do
- let(:running_jobs) { {} }
- it 'return 0 if no job' do
- expect(subject).to eq(0)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#rss_increase_by_job' do
- let(:worker_class) { Chaos::SleepWorker }
- let(:job) { { worker_class: worker_class, started_at: 321 } }
- let(:max_memory_kb) { 100000 }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:rss_increase_by_job, job) }
- before do
- stub_const("#{described_class}::DEFAULT_MAX_MEMORY_GROWTH_KB", max_memory_kb)
- end
- it 'return 0 if memory_growth_kb return 0' do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_job_options).with(job, 'memory_killer_memory_growth_kb', 0).and_return(0)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_job_options).with(job, 'memory_killer_max_memory_growth_kb', max_memory_kb).and_return(0)
- expect(Time).not_to receive(:now)
- expect(subject).to eq(0)
- end
- it 'return time factored growth value when it does not exceed max growth limit for whilited job' do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_job_options).with(job, 'memory_killer_memory_growth_kb', 0).and_return(10)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_job_options).with(job, 'memory_killer_max_memory_growth_kb', max_memory_kb).and_return(100)
- expect(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:monotonic_time).and_return(323)
- expect(subject).to eq(20)
- end
- it 'return max growth limit when time factored growth value exceed max growth limit for whilited job' do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_job_options).with(job, 'memory_killer_memory_growth_kb', 0).and_return(10)
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_job_options).with(job, 'memory_killer_max_memory_growth_kb', max_memory_kb).and_return(100)
- expect(Gitlab::Metrics::System).to receive(:monotonic_time).and_return(332)
- expect(subject).to eq(100)
- end
- end
- describe '#get_job_options' do
- let(:worker_class) { Chaos::SleepWorker }
- let(:job) { { worker_class: worker_class, started_at: 321 } }
- let(:key) { 'my-key' }
- let(:default) { 'my-default' }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:get_job_options, job, key, default) }
- it 'return default if key is not defined' do
- expect(worker_class).to receive(:sidekiq_options).and_return({ "retry" => 5 })
- expect(subject).to eq(default)
- end
- it 'return default if get StandardError when retrieve sidekiq_options' do
- expect(worker_class).to receive(:sidekiq_options).and_raise(StandardError)
- expect(subject).to eq(default)
- end
- it 'return right value if sidekiq_options has the key' do
- expect(worker_class).to receive(:sidekiq_options).and_return({ key => 10 })
- expect(subject).to eq(10)
- end
- end
- describe '#refresh_state' do
- let(:metrics) { memory_killer.instance_variable_get(:@metrics) }
- subject { memory_killer.send(:refresh_state, :shutting_down) }
- it 'calls gitlab metrics gauge set methods' do
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_rss_kb) { 1010 }
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_soft_limit_rss_kb) { 1020 }
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_hard_limit_rss_kb) { 1040 }
- expect(memory_killer).to receive(:get_memory_total_kb) { 3072 }
- expect(metrics[:sidekiq_memory_killer_phase]).to receive(:set)
- .with({}, described_class::PHASE[:shutting_down])
- expect(metrics[:sidekiq_current_rss]).to receive(:set)
- .with({}, 1010)
- expect(metrics[:sidekiq_memory_killer_soft_limit_rss]).to receive(:set)
- .with({}, 1020)
- expect(metrics[:sidekiq_memory_killer_hard_limit_rss]).to receive(:set)
- .with({}, 1040)
- subject
- end
- end