path: root/spec/models/project_services/kubernetes_service_spec.rb
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1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/models/project_services/kubernetes_service_spec.rb b/spec/models/project_services/kubernetes_service_spec.rb
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+++ b/spec/models/project_services/kubernetes_service_spec.rb
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+require 'spec_helper'
+describe KubernetesService, models: true, caching: true do
+ include KubernetesHelpers
+ include ReactiveCachingHelpers
+ let(:project) { create(:kubernetes_project) }
+ let(:service) { project.kubernetes_service }
+ # We use Kubeclient to interactive with the Kubernetes API. It will
+ # GET /api/v1 for a list of resources the API supports. This must be stubbed
+ # in addition to any other HTTP requests we expect it to perform.
+ let(:discovery_url) { service.api_url + '/api/v1' }
+ let(:discovery_response) { { body: kube_discovery_body.to_json } }
+ let(:pods_url) { service.api_url + "/api/v1/namespaces/#{service.namespace}/pods" }
+ let(:pods_response) { { body: kube_pods_body(kube_pod).to_json } }
+ def stub_kubeclient_discover
+ WebMock.stub_request(:get, discovery_url).to_return(discovery_response)
+ end
+ def stub_kubeclient_pods
+ stub_kubeclient_discover
+ WebMock.stub_request(:get, pods_url).to_return(pods_response)
+ end
+ describe "Associations" do
+ it { belong_to :project }
+ end
+ describe 'Validations' do
+ context 'when service is active' do
+ before { = true }
+ it { validate_presence_of(:namespace) }
+ it { validate_presence_of(:api_url) }
+ it { validate_presence_of(:token) }
+ context 'namespace format' do
+ before do
+ subject.project = project
+ subject.api_url = ""
+ subject.token = "test"
+ end
+ {
+ 'foo' => true,
+ '1foo' => true,
+ 'foo1' => true,
+ 'foo-bar' => true,
+ '-foo' => false,
+ 'foo-' => false,
+ 'a' * 63 => true,
+ 'a' * 64 => false,
+ 'a.b' => false,
+ 'a*b' => false,
+ }.each do |namespace, validity|
+ it "should validate #{namespace} as #{validity ? 'valid' : 'invalid'}" do
+ subject.namespace = namespace
+ expect(subject.valid?).to eq(validity)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when service is inactive' do
+ before { = false }
+ it { is_expected.not_to validate_presence_of(:namespace) }
+ it { is_expected.not_to validate_presence_of(:api_url) }
+ it { is_expected.not_to validate_presence_of(:token) }
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#initialize_properties' do
+ context 'with a project' do
+ it 'defaults to the project name' do
+ expect( project).namespace).to eq(
+ end
+ end
+ context 'without a project' do
+ it 'leaves the namespace unset' do
+ expect( be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#test' do
+ before do
+ stub_kubeclient_discover
+ end
+ context 'with path prefix in api_url' do
+ let(:discovery_url) { '' }
+ it 'tests with the prefix' do
+ service.api_url = ''
+ expect(service.test[:success]).to be_truthy
+ expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, discovery_url).once
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with custom CA certificate' do
+ it 'is added to the certificate store' do
+ service.ca_pem = "CA PEM DATA"
+ cert = double("certificate")
+ expect(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate).to receive(:new).with(service.ca_pem).and_return(cert)
+ expect_any_instance_of(OpenSSL::X509::Store).to receive(:add_cert).with(cert)
+ expect(service.test[:success]).to be_truthy
+ expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, discovery_url).once
+ end
+ end
+ context 'success' do
+ it 'reads the discovery endpoint' do
+ expect(service.test[:success]).to be_truthy
+ expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, discovery_url).once
+ end
+ end
+ context 'failure' do
+ let(:discovery_response) { { status: 404 } }
+ it 'fails to read the discovery endpoint' do
+ expect(service.test[:success]).to be_falsy
+ expect(WebMock).to have_requested(:get, discovery_url).once
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#predefined_variables' do
+ before do
+ subject.api_url = ''
+ subject.token = 'token'
+ subject.namespace = 'my-project'
+ subject.ca_pem = 'CA PEM DATA'
+ end
+ it 'sets KUBE_URL' do
+ expect(subject.predefined_variables).to include(
+ { key: 'KUBE_URL', value: '', public: true }
+ )
+ end
+ it 'sets KUBE_TOKEN' do
+ expect(subject.predefined_variables).to include(
+ { key: 'KUBE_TOKEN', value: 'token', public: false }
+ )
+ end
+ it 'sets KUBE_NAMESPACE' do
+ expect(subject.predefined_variables).to include(
+ { key: 'KUBE_NAMESPACE', value: 'my-project', public: true }
+ )
+ end
+ it 'sets KUBE_CA_PEM' do
+ expect(subject.predefined_variables).to include(
+ { key: 'KUBE_CA_PEM', value: 'CA PEM DATA', public: true }
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#terminals' do
+ let(:environment) { build(:environment, project: project, name: "env", slug: "env-000000") }
+ subject { service.terminals(environment) }
+ context 'with invalid pods' do
+ it 'returns no terminals' do
+ stub_reactive_cache(service, pods: [ { "bad" => "pod" } ])
+ be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with valid pods' do
+ let(:pod) { kube_pod(app: environment.slug) }
+ let(:terminals) { kube_terminals(service, pod) }
+ it 'returns terminals' do
+ stub_reactive_cache(service, pods: [ pod, pod, kube_pod(app: "should-be-filtered-out") ])
+ eq(terminals + terminals)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#calculate_reactive_cache' do
+ before { stub_kubeclient_pods }
+ subject { service.calculate_reactive_cache }
+ context 'when service is inactive' do
+ before { = false }
+ it { be_nil }
+ end
+ context 'when kubernetes responds with valid pods' do
+ it { eq(pods: [kube_pod]) }
+ end
+ context 'when kubernetes responds with 500' do
+ let(:pods_response) { { status: 500 } }
+ it { expect { subject }.to raise_error(KubeException) }
+ end
+ context 'when kubernetes responds with 404' do
+ let(:pods_response) { { status: 404 } }
+ it { eq(pods: []) }
+ end
+ end