path: root/spec/scripts/lib/glfm/update_example_snapshots_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/scripts/lib/glfm/update_example_snapshots_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 316 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/scripts/lib/glfm/update_example_snapshots_spec.rb b/spec/scripts/lib/glfm/update_example_snapshots_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..169f5d1c5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/scripts/lib/glfm/update_example_snapshots_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'fast_spec_helper'
+require_relative '../../../../scripts/lib/glfm/update_example_snapshots'
+RSpec.describe Glfm::UpdateExampleSnapshots, '#process' do
+ subject { }
+ # GLFM input files
+ let(:glfm_spec_txt_path) { described_class::GLFM_SPEC_TXT_PATH }
+ let(:glfm_spec_txt_local_io) { }
+ let(:glfm_example_status_yml_path) { described_class::GLFM_EXAMPLE_STATUS_YML_PATH }
+ let(:glfm_example_status_yml_io) { }
+ # Example Snapshot (ES) output files
+ let(:es_examples_index_yml_path) { described_class::ES_EXAMPLES_INDEX_YML_PATH }
+ let(:es_examples_index_yml_io) { }
+ let(:es_markdown_yml_path) { described_class::ES_MARKDOWN_YML_PATH }
+ let(:es_markdown_yml_io) { }
+ let(:es_html_yml_path) { described_class::ES_HTML_YML_PATH }
+ let(:es_html_yml_io) { }
+ let(:es_prosemirror_json_yml_path) { described_class::ES_PROSEMIRROR_JSON_YML_PATH }
+ let(:es_prosemirror_json_yml_io) { }
+ # Internal tempfiles
+ let(:static_html_tempfile_path) { }
+ let(:glfm_spec_txt_contents) do
+ ---
+ title: GitLab Flavored Markdown Spec
+ ...
+ # Introduction
+ GLFM intro text...
+ # Inlines
+ ## Strong
+ ```````````````````````````````` example
+ __bold__
+ .
+ <p><strong>bold</strong></p>
+ ````````````````````````````````
+ ```````````````````````````````` example strikethrough
+ __bold with more text__
+ .
+ <p><strong>bold with more text</strong></p>
+ ````````````````````````````````
+ <div class="extension">
+ ## Strikethrough (extension)
+ GFM enables the `strikethrough` extension.
+ ```````````````````````````````` example strikethrough
+ ~~Hi~~ Hello, world!
+ .
+ <p><del>Hi</del> Hello, world!</p>
+ ````````````````````````````````
+ </div>
+ End of last GitHub examples section.
+ # First GitLab-Specific Section with Examples
+ ## Strong but with two asterisks
+ ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab strong
+ **bold**
+ .
+ <p><strong>bold</strong></p>
+ ````````````````````````````````
+ # Second GitLab-Specific Section with Examples
+ ## Strong but with HTML
+ ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab strong
+ <strong>
+ bold
+ </strong>
+ .
+ <p><strong>
+ bold
+ </strong></p>
+ ````````````````````````````````
+ <!-- END TESTS -->
+ # Appendix
+ Appendix text.
+ end
+ let(:glfm_example_status_yml_contents) do
+ ---
+ - 07_01_first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples_strong_but_with_two_asterisks:
+ skip_update_example_snapshots: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_static_html_tests: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_wysiwyg_html_tests: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_prosemirror_json_tests: false
+ skip_running_conformance_static_tests: false
+ skip_running_conformance_wysiwyg_tests: false
+ - 07_02_first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples_strong_but_with_html:
+ skip_update_example_snapshots: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_static_html_tests: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_wysiwyg_html_tests: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_prosemirror_json_tests: false
+ skip_running_conformance_static_tests: false
+ skip_running_conformance_wysiwyg_tests: false
+ end
+ before do
+ # We mock out the URI and local file IO objects with real StringIO, instead of just mock
+ # objects. This gives better and more realistic coverage, while still avoiding
+ # actual network and filesystem I/O during the spec run.
+ # input files
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_spec_txt_path) { glfm_spec_txt_local_io }
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(glfm_example_status_yml_path) { glfm_example_status_yml_io }
+ # output files
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_examples_index_yml_path, 'w') { es_examples_index_yml_io }
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_html_yml_path, 'w') { es_html_yml_io }
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_prosemirror_json_yml_path, 'w') { es_prosemirror_json_yml_io }
+ # output files which are also input files
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_markdown_yml_path, 'w') { es_markdown_yml_io }
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(es_markdown_yml_path) { es_markdown_yml_io }
+ # Allow normal opening of Tempfile files created during script execution.
+ tempfile_basenames = [
+ described_class::MARKDOWN_TEMPFILE_BASENAME[0],
+ described_class::STATIC_HTML_TEMPFILE_BASENAME[0],
+ ].join('|')
+ # NOTE: This approach with a single regex seems to be the only way this can work. If you
+ # attempt to have multiple `allow...and_call_original` with `any_args`, the mocked
+ # parameter matching will fail to match the second one.
+ tempfiles_regex = /(#{tempfile_basenames})/
+ allow(File).to receive(:open).with(tempfiles_regex, any_args).and_call_original
+ # Prevent console output when running tests
+ allow(subject).to receive(:output)
+ end
+ describe 'writing examples_index.yml' do
+ let(:es_examples_index_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_examples_index_yml_io) }
+ it 'writes the correct content' do
+ subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true)
+ expected =
+ ---
+ 02_01__inlines__strong__01:
+ spec_txt_example_position: 1
+ source_specification: commonmark
+ 02_01__inlines__strong__02:
+ spec_txt_example_position: 2
+ source_specification: github
+ 02_02__inlines__strikethrough_extension__01:
+ spec_txt_example_position: 3
+ source_specification: github
+ 03_01__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__01:
+ spec_txt_example_position: 4
+ source_specification: gitlab
+ 04_01__second_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_html__01:
+ spec_txt_example_position: 5
+ source_specification: gitlab
+ expect(es_examples_index_yml_contents).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'writing markdown.yml' do
+ let(:es_markdown_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_markdown_yml_io) }
+ it 'writes the correct content' do
+ subject.process(skip_static_and_wysiwyg: true)
+ expected =
+ ---
+ 02_01__inlines__strong__01: |
+ __bold__
+ 02_01__inlines__strong__02: |
+ __bold with more text__
+ 02_02__inlines__strikethrough_extension__01: |
+ ~~Hi~~ Hello, world!
+ 03_01__first_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__01: |
+ **bold**
+ 04_01__second_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_html__01: |
+ <strong>
+ bold
+ </strong>
+ expect(es_markdown_yml_contents).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'writing html.yml and prosemirror_json.yml' do
+ let(:es_html_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_html_yml_io) }
+ let(:es_prosemirror_json_yml_contents) { reread_io(es_prosemirror_json_yml_io) }
+ let(:glfm_example_status_yml_contents) do
+ ---
+ - 02_01_gitlab_specific_section_with_examples_strong_but_with_two_asterisks:
+ skip_update_example_snapshots: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_static_html_tests: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_wysiwyg_html_tests: false
+ skip_running_snapshot_prosemirror_json_tests: false
+ skip_running_conformance_static_tests: false
+ skip_running_conformance_wysiwyg_tests: false
+ end
+ let(:glfm_spec_txt_contents) do
+ ---
+ title: GitLab Flavored Markdown Spec
+ ...
+ # Introduction
+ # GitLab-Specific Section with Examples
+ ## Strong but with two asterisks
+ ```````````````````````````````` example gitlab strong
+ **bold**
+ .
+ <p><strong>bold</strong></p>
+ ````````````````````````````````
+ <!-- END TESTS -->
+ # Appendix
+ Appendix text.
+ end
+ before do
+ # NOTE: This is a necessary to avoid an `error Couldn't find an integrity file` error
+ # when invoking `yarn jest ...` on CI from within an RSpec job. It could be solved by
+ # adding `.yarn-install` to be included in the RSpec CI job, but that would be a performance
+ # hit to all RSpec jobs. We could also make a dedicate job just for this spec. However,
+ # since this is just a single script, those options may not be justified.
+'yarn install') if ENV['CI']
+ end
+ # NOTE: Both `html.yml` and `prosemirror_json.yml` generation are tested in a single example, to
+ # avoid slower tests, because generating the static HTML is slow due to the need to invoke
+ # the rails environment. We could have separate sections, but this would require an extra flag
+ # to the `process` method to independently skip static vs. WYSIWYG, which is not worth the effort.
+ it 'writes the correct content' do
+ subject.process
+ expected_html =
+ ---
+ 02_01__gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__01:
+ canonical: |
+ <p><strong>bold</strong></p>
+ static: |-
+ <p data-sourcepos="1:1-1:8" dir="auto"><strong>bold</strong></p>
+ wysiwyg: |-
+ <p><strong>bold</strong></p>
+ expected_prosemirror_json =
+ ---
+ 02_01__gitlab_specific_section_with_examples__strong_but_with_two_asterisks__01: |-
+ {
+ "type": "doc",
+ "content": [
+ {
+ "type": "paragraph",
+ "content": [
+ {
+ "type": "text",
+ "marks": [
+ {
+ "type": "bold"
+ }
+ ],
+ "text": "bold"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ expect(es_html_yml_contents).to eq(expected_html)
+ expect(es_prosemirror_json_yml_contents).to eq(expected_prosemirror_json)
+ end
+ end
+ def reread_io(io)
+ # Reset the io StringIO to the beginning position of the buffer
+ end