path: root/spec/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/scripts')
3 files changed, 391 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/scripts/changed-feature-flags_spec.rb b/spec/scripts/changed-feature-flags_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5c858588c0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/scripts/changed-feature-flags_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'fast_spec_helper'
+load File.expand_path('../../scripts/changed-feature-flags', __dir__)
+RSpec.describe 'scripts/changed-feature-flags' do
+ describe GetFeatureFlagsFromFiles do
+ let(:feature_flag_definition1) do
+ file ='foo.yml', ff_dir)
+ file.write(<<~YAML)
+ ---
+ name: foo_flag
+ default_enabled: true
+ file.rewind
+ file
+ end
+ let(:feature_flag_definition2) do
+ file ='bar.yml', ff_dir)
+ file.write(<<~YAML)
+ ---
+ name: bar_flag
+ default_enabled: false
+ file.rewind
+ file
+ end
+ after do
+ FileUtils.remove_entry(ff_dir, true)
+ end
+ describe '.extracted_flags' do
+ shared_examples 'extract feature flags' do
+ it 'returns feature flags on their own' do
+ subject ={ files: [feature_flag_definition1.path, feature_flag_definition2.path] })
+ expect(subject.extracted_flags).to eq('foo_flag,bar_flag')
+ end
+ it 'returns feature flags and their state as enabled' do
+ subject ={ files: [feature_flag_definition1.path, feature_flag_definition2.path], state: 'enabled' })
+ expect(subject.extracted_flags).to eq('foo_flag=enabled,bar_flag=enabled')
+ end
+ it 'returns feature flags and their state as disabled' do
+ subject ={ files: [feature_flag_definition1.path, feature_flag_definition2.path], state: 'disabled' })
+ expect(subject.extracted_flags).to eq('foo_flag=disabled,bar_flag=disabled')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with definition files in the development directory' do
+ let(:ff_dir) { FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'feature_flags', 'development')) }
+ it_behaves_like 'extract feature flags'
+ end
+ context 'with definition files in the ops directory' do
+ let(:ff_dir) { FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'feature_flags', 'ops')) }
+ it_behaves_like 'extract feature flags'
+ end
+ context 'with definition files in the experiment directory' do
+ let(:ff_dir) { FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'feature_flags', 'experiment')) }
+ it 'ignores the files' do
+ subject ={ files: [feature_flag_definition1.path, feature_flag_definition2.path] })
+ expect(subject.extracted_flags).to eq('')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/scripts/failed_tests_spec.rb b/spec/scripts/failed_tests_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..92eae75b3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/scripts/failed_tests_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+require_relative '../../scripts/failed_tests'
+RSpec.describe FailedTests do
+ let(:report_file) { 'spec/fixtures/scripts/test_report.json' }
+ let(:output_directory) { 'tmp/previous_test_results' }
+ let(:rspec_pg_regex) { /rspec .+ pg12( .+)?/ }
+ let(:rspec_ee_pg_regex) { /rspec-ee .+ pg12( .+)?/ }
+ subject { report_file, output_directory: output_directory, rspec_pg_regex: rspec_pg_regex, rspec_ee_pg_regex: rspec_ee_pg_regex) }
+ describe '#output_failed_test_files' do
+ it 'writes the file for the suite' do
+ expect(File).to receive(:open).with(File.join(output_directory, "rspec_failed_files.txt"), 'w').once
+ subject.output_failed_test_files
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#failed_files_for_suite_collection' do
+ let(:failure_path) { 'path/to/fail_file_spec.rb' }
+ let(:other_failure_path) { 'path/to/fail_file_spec_2.rb' }
+ let(:file_contents_as_json) do
+ {
+ 'suites' => [
+ {
+ 'failed_count' => 1,
+ 'name' => 'rspec unit pg12 10/12',
+ 'test_cases' => [
+ {
+ 'status' => 'failed',
+ 'file' => failure_path
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'failed_count' => 1,
+ 'name' => 'rspec-ee unit pg12',
+ 'test_cases' => [
+ {
+ 'status' => 'failed',
+ 'file' => failure_path
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'failed_count' => 1,
+ 'name' => 'rspec unit pg13 10/12',
+ 'test_cases' => [
+ {
+ 'status' => 'failed',
+ 'file' => other_failure_path
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:file_contents_as_json).and_return(file_contents_as_json)
+ end
+ it 'returns a list of failed file paths for suite collection' do
+ result = subject.failed_files_for_suite_collection
+ expect(result[:rspec].to_a).to match_array(failure_path)
+ expect(result[:rspec_ee].to_a).to match_array(failure_path)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'empty report' do
+ let(:file_content) do
+ '{}'
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:file_contents).and_return(file_content)
+ end
+ it 'does not fail for output files' do
+ subject.output_failed_test_files
+ end
+ it 'returns empty results for suite failures' do
+ result = subject.failed_files_for_suite_collection
+ expect(result.values.flatten).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'invalid report' do
+ let(:file_content) do
+ ''
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:file_contents).and_return(file_content)
+ end
+ it 'does not fail for output files' do
+ subject.output_failed_test_files
+ end
+ it 'returns empty results for suite failures' do
+ result = subject.failed_files_for_suite_collection
+ expect(result.values.flatten).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'missing report file' do
+ let(:report_file) { 'unknownfile.json' }
+ it 'does not fail for output files' do
+ subject.output_failed_test_files
+ end
+ it 'returns empty results for suite failures' do
+ result = subject.failed_files_for_suite_collection
+ expect(result.values.flatten).to be_empty
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/scripts/pipeline_test_report_builder_spec.rb b/spec/scripts/pipeline_test_report_builder_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8553ada044e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/scripts/pipeline_test_report_builder_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+require_relative '../../scripts/pipeline_test_report_builder'
+RSpec.describe PipelineTestReportBuilder do
+ let(:report_file) { 'spec/fixtures/scripts/test_report.json' }
+ let(:output_file_path) { 'tmp/previous_test_results/output_file.json' }
+ subject do
+ target_project: 'gitlab-org/gitlab',
+ mr_id: '999',
+ instance_base_url: '',
+ output_file_path: output_file_path
+ )
+ end
+ let(:failed_pipeline_url) { 'pipeline2_url' }
+ let(:failed_pipeline) do
+ {
+ 'status' => 'failed',
+ 'created_at' => ( - 5).to_s,
+ 'web_url' => failed_pipeline_url
+ }
+ end
+ let(:current_pipeline) do
+ {
+ 'status' => 'running',
+ 'created_at' =>,
+ 'web_url' => 'pipeline1_url'
+ }
+ end
+ let(:mr_pipelines) { [current_pipeline, failed_pipeline] }
+ let(:failed_build_id) { 9999 }
+ let(:failed_builds_for_pipeline) do
+ [
+ {
+ 'id' => failed_build_id,
+ 'stage' => 'test'
+ }
+ ]
+ end
+ let(:test_report_for_build) do
+ {
+ "name": "rspec-ee system pg11 geo",
+ "failed_count": 41,
+ "test_cases": [
+ {
+ "status": "failed",
+ "name": "example",
+ "classname": "ee.spec.features.geo_node_spec",
+ "file": "./ee/spec/features/geo_node_spec.rb",
+ "execution_time": 6.324748,
+ "system_output": {
+ "__content__": "\n",
+ "message": "RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError",
+ "type": "RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:pipelines_for_mr).and_return(mr_pipelines)
+ allow(subject).to receive(:failed_builds_for_pipeline).and_return(failed_builds_for_pipeline)
+ end
+ describe '#previous_pipeline' do
+ let(:fork_pipeline_url) { 'fork_pipeline_url' }
+ let(:fork_pipeline) do
+ {
+ 'status' => 'failed',
+ 'created_at' => ( - 5).to_s,
+ 'web_url' => fork_pipeline_url
+ }
+ end
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:test_report_for_build).and_return(test_report_for_build)
+ end
+ context 'pipeline in a fork project' do
+ let(:mr_pipelines) { [current_pipeline, fork_pipeline] }
+ it 'returns fork pipeline' do
+ expect(subject.previous_pipeline).to eq(fork_pipeline)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'pipeline in target project' do
+ it 'returns failed pipeline' do
+ expect(subject.previous_pipeline).to eq(failed_pipeline)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#test_report_for_latest_pipeline' do
+ it 'fetches builds from pipeline related to MR' do
+ expect(subject).to receive(:fetch).with("#{failed_pipeline_url}/tests/suite.json?build_ids[]=#{failed_build_id}").and_return(failed_builds_for_pipeline)
+ subject.test_report_for_latest_pipeline
+ end
+ context 'canonical pipeline' do
+ before do
+ allow(subject).to receive(:test_report_for_build).and_return(test_report_for_build)
+ end
+ context 'no previous pipeline' do
+ let(:mr_pipelines) { [] }
+ it 'returns empty hash' do
+ expect(subject.test_report_for_latest_pipeline).to eq("{}")
+ end
+ end
+ context 'first pipeline scenario' do
+ let(:mr_pipelines) do
+ [
+ {
+ 'status' => 'running',
+ 'created_at' =>
+ }
+ ]
+ end
+ it 'returns empty hash' do
+ expect(subject.test_report_for_latest_pipeline).to eq("{}")
+ end
+ end
+ context 'no previous failed pipeline' do
+ let(:mr_pipelines) do
+ [
+ {
+ 'status' => 'running',
+ 'created_at' =>
+ },
+ {
+ 'status' => 'success',
+ 'created_at' => ( - 5).to_s
+ }
+ ]
+ end
+ it 'returns empty hash' do
+ expect(subject.test_report_for_latest_pipeline).to eq("{}")
+ end
+ end
+ context 'no failed test builds' do
+ let(:failed_builds_for_pipeline) do
+ [
+ {
+ 'id' => 9999,
+ 'stage' => 'prepare'
+ }
+ ]
+ end
+ it 'returns empty hash' do
+ expect(subject.test_report_for_latest_pipeline).to eq("{}")
+ end
+ end
+ context 'failed pipeline and failed test builds' do
+ it 'returns populated test list for suites' do
+ actual = subject.test_report_for_latest_pipeline
+ expected = {
+ 'suites' => [test_report_for_build]
+ }.to_json
+ expect(actual).to eq(expected)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end