path: root/spec/services/clusters/aws/provision_service_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/services/clusters/aws/provision_service_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/spec/services/clusters/aws/provision_service_spec.rb b/spec/services/clusters/aws/provision_service_spec.rb
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index 5efac29ec1e..00000000000
--- a/spec/services/clusters/aws/provision_service_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
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-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'spec_helper'
-RSpec.describe Clusters::Aws::ProvisionService do
- describe '#execute' do
- let(:provider) { create(:cluster_provider_aws) }
- let(:provision_role) { create(:aws_role, user: provider.created_by_user) }
- let(:client) { instance_double(Aws::CloudFormation::Client, create_stack: true) }
- let(:cloudformation_template) { double }
- let(:credentials) do
- instance_double(
- Aws::Credentials,
- access_key_id: 'key',
- secret_access_key: 'secret',
- session_token: 'token'
- )
- end
- let(:parameters) do
- [
- { parameter_key: 'ClusterName', parameter_value: },
- { parameter_key: 'ClusterRole', parameter_value: provider.role_arn },
- { parameter_key: 'KubernetesVersion', parameter_value: provider.kubernetes_version },
- { parameter_key: 'ClusterControlPlaneSecurityGroup', parameter_value: provider.security_group_id },
- { parameter_key: 'VpcId', parameter_value: provider.vpc_id },
- { parameter_key: 'Subnets', parameter_value: provider.subnet_ids.join(',') },
- { parameter_key: 'NodeAutoScalingGroupDesiredCapacity', parameter_value: provider.num_nodes.to_s },
- { parameter_key: 'NodeInstanceType', parameter_value: provider.instance_type },
- { parameter_key: 'KeyName', parameter_value: provider.key_name }
- ]
- end
- subject { }
- before do
- allow(Clusters::Aws::FetchCredentialsService).to receive(:new)
- .with(provision_role, provider: provider)
- .and_return(double(execute: credentials))
- allow(provider).to receive(:api_client)
- .and_return(client)
- stub_file_read(Rails.root.join('vendor', 'aws', 'cloudformation', 'eks_cluster.yaml'), content: cloudformation_template)
- end
- it 'updates the provider status to :creating and configures the provider with credentials' do
- subject
- expect(provider).to be_creating
- expect(provider.access_key_id).to eq 'key'
- expect(provider.secret_access_key).to eq 'secret'
- expect(provider.session_token).to eq 'token'
- end
- it 'creates a CloudFormation stack' do
- expect(client).to receive(:create_stack).with(
- stack_name:,
- template_body: cloudformation_template,
- parameters: parameters,
- capabilities: ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]
- )
- subject
- end
- it 'schedules a worker to monitor creation status' do
- expect(WaitForClusterCreationWorker).to receive(:perform_in)
- .with(Clusters::Aws::VerifyProvisionStatusService::INITIAL_INTERVAL, provider.cluster_id)
- subject
- end
- describe 'error handling' do
- shared_examples 'provision error' do |message|
- it "sets the status to :errored with an appropriate error message" do
- subject
- expect(provider).to be_errored
- expect(provider.status_reason).to include(message)
- end
- end
- context 'invalid state transition' do
- before do
- allow(provider).to receive(:make_creating).and_return(false)
- end
- include_examples 'provision error', 'Failed to update provider record'
- end
- context 'AWS role is not configured' do
- before do
- allow(Clusters::Aws::FetchCredentialsService).to receive(:new)
- .and_raise(Clusters::Aws::FetchCredentialsService::MissingRoleError)
- end
- include_examples 'provision error', 'Amazon role is not configured'
- end
- context 'AWS credentials are not configured' do
- before do
- allow(Clusters::Aws::FetchCredentialsService).to receive(:new)
- .and_raise(Aws::Errors::MissingCredentialsError)
- end
- include_examples 'provision error', 'Amazon credentials are not configured'
- end
- context 'Authentication failure' do
- before do
- allow(Clusters::Aws::FetchCredentialsService).to receive(:new)
- .and_raise(, 'Error message'))
- end
- include_examples 'provision error', 'Amazon authentication failed'
- end
- context 'CloudFormation failure' do
- before do
- allow(client).to receive(:create_stack)
- .and_raise(, 'Error message'))
- end
- include_examples 'provision error', 'Amazon CloudFormation request failed'
- end
- end
- end