path: root/spec/support/import_export/export_file_helper.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/support/import_export/export_file_helper.rb')
1 files changed, 133 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/support/import_export/export_file_helper.rb b/spec/support/import_export/export_file_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be0772d6a4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/support/import_export/export_file_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+require './spec/support/import_export/configuration_helper'
+module ExportFileHelper
+ include ConfigurationHelper
+ ObjectWithParent =, :parent, :key_found)
+ def setup_project
+ project = create(:project, :public)
+ create(:release, project: project)
+ issue = create(:issue, assignee: user, project: project)
+ snippet = create(:project_snippet, project: project)
+ label = create(:label, project: project)
+ milestone = create(:milestone, project: project)
+ merge_request = create(:merge_request, source_project: project, milestone: milestone)
+ commit_status = create(:commit_status, project: project)
+ create(:label_link, label: label, target: issue)
+ ci_pipeline = create(:ci_pipeline,
+ project: project,
+ sha: merge_request.diff_head_sha,
+ ref: merge_request.source_branch,
+ statuses: [commit_status])
+ create(:ci_build, pipeline: ci_pipeline, project: project)
+ create(:milestone, project: project)
+ create(:note, noteable: issue, project: project)
+ create(:note, noteable: merge_request, project: project)
+ create(:note, noteable: snippet, project: project)
+ create(:note_on_commit,
+ author: user,
+ project: project,
+ commit_id: ci_pipeline.sha)
+ create(:event, target: milestone, project: project, action: Event::CREATED, author: user)
+ create(:project_member, :master, user: user, project: project)
+ create(:ci_variable, project: project)
+ create(:ci_trigger, project: project)
+ key = create(:deploy_key)
+ key.projects << project
+ create(:service, project: project)
+ create(:project_hook, project: project, token: 'token')
+ create(:protected_branch, project: project)
+ project
+ end
+ # Expands the compressed file for an exported project into +tmpdir+
+ def in_directory_with_expanded_export(project)
+ Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir|
+ export_file = project.export_project_path
+ _output, exit_status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W{tar -zxf #{export_file} -C #{tmpdir}})
+ yield(exit_status, tmpdir)
+ end
+ end
+ # Recursively finds key/values including +key+ as part of the key, inside a nested hash
+ def deep_find_with_parent(sensitive_key_word, object, found = nil)
+ sensitive_key_found = object_contains_key?(object, sensitive_key_word)
+ # Returns the parent object and the object found containing a sensitive word as part of the key
+ if sensitive_key_found && object[sensitive_key_found]
+[sensitive_key_found], object, sensitive_key_found)
+ elsif object.is_a?(Enumerable)
+ # Recursively lookup for keys containing sensitive words in a Hash or Array
+ object_with_parent = nil
+ object.find do |*hash_or_array|
+ object_with_parent = deep_find_with_parent(sensitive_key_word, hash_or_array.last, found)
+ end
+ object_with_parent
+ end
+ end
+ # Return true if the hash has a key containing a sensitive word
+ def object_contains_key?(object, sensitive_key_word)
+ return false unless object.is_a?(Hash)
+ object.keys.find { |key| key.include?(sensitive_key_word) }
+ end
+ # Returns the offended ObjectWithParent object if a sensitive word is found inside a hash,
+ # excluding the whitelisted safe hashes.
+ def find_sensitive_attributes(sensitive_word, project_hash)
+ loop do
+ object_with_parent = deep_find_with_parent(sensitive_word, project_hash)
+ return nil unless object_with_parent && object_with_parent.object
+ if is_safe_hash?(object_with_parent.parent, sensitive_word)
+ # It's in the safe list, remove hash and keep looking
+ object_with_parent.parent.delete(object_with_parent.key_found)
+ else
+ return object_with_parent
+ end
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ # Returns true if it's one of the excluded models in +safe_list+
+ def is_safe_hash?(parent, sensitive_word)
+ return false unless parent && safe_list[sensitive_word.to_sym]
+ # Extra attributes that appear in a model but not in the exported hash.
+ excluded_attributes = ['type']
+ safe_list[sensitive_word.to_sym].each do |model|
+ # Check whether this is a hash attribute inside a model
+ if model.is_a?(Symbol)
+ return true if (safe_hashes[model] - parent.keys).empty?
+ else
+ return true if safe_model?(model, excluded_attributes, parent)
+ end
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ # Compares model attributes with those those found in the hash
+ # and returns true if there is a match, ignoring some excluded attributes.
+ def safe_model?(model, excluded_attributes, parent)
+ excluded_attributes += associations_for(model)
+ parsed_model_attributes = parsed_attributes(, model.attribute_names)
+ (parsed_model_attributes - parent.keys - excluded_attributes).empty?
+ end