# Make sure to update all the similar conditions in other CI config files if you modify these conditions .if-canonical-dot-com-gitlab-org-group-master-refs: &if-canonical-dot-com-gitlab-org-group-master-refs if: '$CI_SERVER_HOST == "gitlab.com" && $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE == "gitlab-org" && $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME == "master"' # Make sure to update all the similar patterns in other CI config files if you modify these patterns .code-backstage-qa-patterns: &code-backstage-qa-patterns - ".gitlab/ci/**/*" - ".{eslintignore,gitattributes,nvmrc,prettierrc,stylelintrc,yamllint}" - ".{codeclimate,eslintrc,gitlab-ci,haml-lint,haml-lint_todo,rubocop,rubocop_todo,scss-lint}.yml" - ".csscomb.json" - "Dockerfile.assets" - "*_VERSION" - "Gemfile{,.lock}" - "Rakefile" - "{babel.config,jest.config}.js" - "config.ru" - "{package.json,yarn.lock}" - "{,ee/}{app,bin,config,db,haml_lint,lib,locale,public,scripts,symbol,vendor}/**/*" - "doc/api/graphql/reference/*" # Files in this folder are auto-generated # Backstage changes - "Dangerfile" - "danger/**/*" - "{,ee/}fixtures/**/*" - "{,ee/}rubocop/**/*" - "{,ee/}spec/**/*" - "doc/README.md" # Some RSpec test rely on this file # QA changes - ".dockerignore" - "qa/**/*" pages: extends: - .default-tags - .default-retry - .default-cache rules: - <<: *if-canonical-dot-com-gitlab-org-group-master-refs changes: *code-backstage-qa-patterns when: on_success stage: pages dependencies: ["coverage", "karma", "gitlab:assets:compile pull-cache"] script: - mv public/ .public/ - mkdir public/ - mv coverage/ public/coverage-ruby/ || true - mv coverage-javascript/ public/coverage-javascript/ || true - mv webpack-report/ public/webpack-report/ || true - cp .public/assets/application-*.css public/application.css || true - cp .public/assets/application-*.css.gz public/application.css.gz || true artifacts: paths: - public