## Structured Snowplow events to track * Category: The page or backend area of the application. Unless infeasible, please use the Rails page attribute by default in the frontend, and namespace + classname on the backend. If you're not sure what it is, work with your engineering manager to figure it out. * Action: A string that is used to define the user action. The first word should always describe the action or aspect: clicks should be `click`, activations should be `activate`, creations should be `create`, etc. Use underscores to describe what was acted on; for example, activating a form field would be `activate_form_input`. An interface action like clicking on a dropdown would be `click_dropdown`, while a behavior like creating a project record from the backend would be `create_project` * Label: Optional. The specific element, or object that's being acted on. This is either the label of the element (e.g. a tab labeled 'Create from template' may be `create_from_template`) or a unique identifier if no text is available (e.g. closing the Groups dropdown in the top navbar might be `groups_dropdown_close`), or it could be the name or title attribute of a record being created. * Property: Optional. Any additional property of the element, or object being acted on. * Value: Optional, numeric. Describes a numeric value (decimal) directly related to the event. This could be the value of an input (e.g. `10` when clicking `internal` visibility) | Category | Action | Label | Property | Feature Issue | Additional Information | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | cell | cell | cell | cell | cell | cell | | cell | cell | cell | cell | cell | cell | ## Snowplow event tracking checklist * [ ] Engineering complete work and deploy changes to GitLab SaaS * [ ] Verify the new Snowplow events are listed in the [Snowplow Event Exploration](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/539181/Snowplow-Event-Exploration---last-30-days) dashboard * [ ] Create chart(s) to track your event(s) in the relevant dashboard * [ ] Use the [Chart Snowplow Actions](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/snippet/Chart-Snowplow-Actions/5546da87ae2c4a3fbc98415c88b3eedd/edit) SQL snippet to quickly visualize usage. See [example](https://app.periscopedata.com/app/gitlab/737489/Health-Group-Dashboard?widget=9797112&udv=0) /label ~devops:: ~group: ~Category: /label ~"snowplow tracking events"