Utilization group: Bug Report Template ## Bug Summary ## Steps to reproduce 1. [Step 1] 1. [Step 2] 1. [Step 3] 1. [Step 4] 1. [Step 5] ## Example Project ## What is the current *bug* behavior? ## What is the expected *correct* behavior? ## Reproducibility ## Impact Assessment ## Severity ## Environment ## Screenshots and/or Relevant logs ## Output of checks (GitLab.com) ## Results of GitLab environment info
Expand for output related to GitLab environment info

(For installations with omnibus-gitlab package run and paste the output of:
`sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info`)

(For installations from source run and paste the output of:
`sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production`)

## Results of GitLab application Check
Expand for output related to the GitLab application check

(For installations with omnibus-gitlab package run and paste the output of:
`sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true`)

(For installations from source run and paste the output of:
`sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:check RAILS_ENV=production SANITIZE=true`)

(we will only investigate if the tests are passing)

## Possible fixes /label ~"type::bug" /label ~"Category:Consumables Cost Management" /label ~"group::utilization" /label ~"section::fulfillment" ---
Illustrative Description: (This is not an actual issue, but rather a sample report that demonstrates how a bug could be presented) ## Bug Summary When attempting to log in to GitLab using a new account, the system does not recognize the account and returns an error message. ## Steps to Reproduce 1. Navigate to the GitLab login page. 1. Enter the email and password for a new account. 1. Click the "Log In" button. 1. Observe the error message: "The email or password you entered is incorrect. Please try again." ## What is the current *bug* behavior? The system does not recognize the new account and returns an error message. ## What is the expected *correct* behavior? The system should recognize the new account and allow the user to log in. ## Reproducibility This bug occurs consistently when attempting to log in with a new account. ## Impact Assessment This bug prevents new users from accessing GitLab and may result in frustration and lost productivity. ## Severity This bug is of medium severity, as it prevents new users from accessing the system, but does not affect the functionality of existing users. ## Environment - Operating System: macOS Ventura - Browser: Google Chrome 111.0.5563.146 ## Screenshots and/or Relevant logs [Insert screenshot of the error message.] ## Possible Fix It is unclear what may be causing this bug. Further investigation is required to identify a possible fix.