# Whether to ignore frontmatter at the beginning of HAML documents for # frameworks such as Jekyll/Middleman skip_frontmatter: false exclude: - 'vendor/**/*' - 'spec/**/*' linters: AltText: enabled: true ClassAttributeWithStaticValue: enabled: true ClassesBeforeIds: enabled: false ConsecutiveComments: enabled: false ConsecutiveSilentScripts: enabled: false max_consecutive: 2 EmptyObjectReference: enabled: true EmptyScript: enabled: true FinalNewline: enabled: true present: true HtmlAttributes: enabled: true IdNames: enabled: false ImplicitDiv: enabled: true InlineJavaScript: enabled: true InlineStyles: enabled: false InstanceVariables: enabled: false LeadingCommentSpace: enabled: false LineLength: enabled: false max: 80 MultilinePipe: enabled: true MultilineScript: enabled: true ObjectReferenceAttributes: enabled: true RepeatedId: enabled: false RuboCop: enabled: false # These cops are incredibly noisy when it comes to HAML templates, so we # ignore them. ignored_cops: - Lint/BlockAlignment - Lint/EndAlignment - Lint/Void - Metrics/LineLength - Style/AlignParameters - Style/BlockNesting - Style/ElseAlignment - Style/FileName - Style/FinalNewline - Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment - Style/IfUnlessModifier - Style/IndentationWidth - Style/Next - Style/TrailingBlankLines - Style/TrailingWhitespace - Style/WhileUntilModifier RubyComments: enabled: true SpaceBeforeScript: enabled: true SpaceInsideHashAttributes: enabled: true style: space Indentation: enabled: true character: space # or tab TagName: enabled: true TrailingWhitespace: enabled: true UnnecessaryInterpolation: enabled: true UnnecessaryStringOutput: enabled: true ViewLength: enabled: false