# Linter Documentation: # https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint/blob/master/lib/scss_lint/linter/README.md scss_files: 'app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss' exclude: - 'app/assets/stylesheets/pages/emojis.scss' linters: # Reports when you use improper spacing around ! (the "bang") in !default, # !global, !important, and !optional flags. BangFormat: enabled: false # Whether or not to prefer `border: 0` over `border: none`. BorderZero: enabled: false # Reports when you define a rule set using a selector with chained classes # (a.k.a. adjoining classes). ChainedClasses: enabled: false # Prefer hexadecimal color codes over color keywords. # (e.g. `color: green` is a color keyword) ColorKeyword: enabled: false # Prefer color literals (keywords or hexadecimal codes) to be used only in # variable declarations. They should be referred to via variables everywhere # else. ColorVariable: enabled: true # Which form of comments to prefer in CSS. Comment: enabled: false # Reports @debug statements (which you probably left behind accidentally). DebugStatement: enabled: false # Rule sets should be ordered as follows: # - @extend declarations # - @include declarations without inner @content # - properties, @include declarations with inner @content # - nested rule sets. DeclarationOrder: enabled: false # `scss-lint:disable` control comments should be preceded by a comment # explaining why these linters are being disabled for this file. # See https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint#disabling-linters-via-source for # more information. DisableLinterReason: enabled: true # Reports when you define the same property twice in a single rule set. DuplicateProperty: enabled: true # Separate rule, function, and mixin declarations with empty lines. EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: enabled: true # Reports when you have an empty rule set. EmptyRule: enabled: true # Reports when you have an @extend directive. ExtendDirective: enabled: false # Files should always have a final newline. This results in better diffs # when adding lines to the file, since SCM systems such as git won't # think that you touched the last line. FinalNewline: enabled: true # HEX colors should use three-character values where possible. HexLength: enabled: false # HEX color values should use lower-case colors to differentiate between # letters and numbers, e.g. `#E3E3E3` vs. `#e3e3e3`. HexNotation: enabled: true # Avoid using ID selectors. IdSelector: enabled: false # The basenames of @imported SCSS partials should not begin with an # underscore and should not include the filename extension. ImportPath: enabled: false # Avoid using !important in properties. It is usually indicative of a # misunderstanding of CSS specificity and can lead to brittle code. ImportantRule: enabled: false # Indentation should always be done in increments of 2 spaces. Indentation: enabled: true width: 2 # Don't write leading zeros for numeric values with a decimal point. LeadingZero: enabled: false # Reports when you define the same selector twice in a single sheet. MergeableSelector: enabled: false # Functions, mixins, variables, and placeholders should be declared # with all lowercase letters and hyphens instead of underscores. NameFormat: enabled: false # Avoid nesting selectors too deeply. NestingDepth: enabled: false # Always use placeholder selectors in @extend. PlaceholderInExtend: enabled: false # Sort properties in a strict order. PropertySortOrder: enabled: false # Reports when you use an unknown or disabled CSS property # (ignoring vendor-prefixed properties). PropertySpelling: enabled: false # Configure which units are allowed for property values. PropertyUnits: enabled: false # Pseudo-elements, like ::before, and ::first-letter, should be declared # with two colons. Pseudo-classes, like :hover and :first-child, should # be declared with one colon. PseudoElement: enabled: true # Avoid qualifying elements in selectors (also known as "tag-qualifying"). QualifyingElement: enabled: false # Don't write selectors with a depth of applicability greater than 3. SelectorDepth: enabled: false # Selectors should always use hyphenated-lowercase, rather than camelCase or # snake_case. SelectorFormat: enabled: false convention: hyphenated_lowercase # Prefer the shortest shorthand form possible for properties that support it. Shorthand: enabled: true # Each property should have its own line, except in the special case of # single line rulesets. SingleLinePerProperty: enabled: true allow_single_line_rule_sets: true # Split selectors onto separate lines after each comma, and have each # individual selector occupy a single line. SingleLinePerSelector: enabled: true # Commas in lists should be followed by a space. SpaceAfterComma: enabled: false # Properties should be formatted with a single space separating the colon # from the property's value. SpaceAfterPropertyColon: enabled: true # Properties should be formatted with no space between the name and the # colon. SpaceAfterPropertyName: enabled: true # Variables should be formatted with a single space separating the colon # from the variable's value. SpaceAfterVariableColon: enabled: true # Variables should be formatted with no space between the name and the # colon. SpaceAfterVariableName: enabled: false # Operators should be formatted with a single space on both sides of an # infix operator. SpaceAroundOperator: enabled: true # Opening braces should be preceded by a single space. SpaceBeforeBrace: enabled: true # Parentheses should not be padded with spaces. SpaceBetweenParens: enabled: false # Enforces that string literals should be written with a consistent form # of quotes (single or double). StringQuotes: enabled: false # Property values, @extend, @include, and @import directives, and variable # declarations should always end with a semicolon. TrailingSemicolon: enabled: true # Reports lines containing trailing whitespace. TrailingWhitespace: enabled: true # Don't write trailing zeros for numeric values with a decimal point. TrailingZero: enabled: false # Don't use the `all` keyword to specify transition properties. TransitionAll: enabled: false # Numeric values should not contain unnecessary fractional portions. UnnecessaryMantissa: enabled: false # Do not use parent selector references (&) when they would otherwise # be unnecessary. UnnecessaryParentReference: enabled: true # URLs should be valid and not contain protocols or domain names. UrlFormat: enabled: true # URLs should always be enclosed within quotes. UrlQuotes: enabled: true # Properties, like color and font, are easier to read and maintain # when defined using variables rather than literals. VariableForProperty: enabled: false # Avoid vendor prefixes. Or rather: don't write them yourself. VendorPrefix: enabled: false # Omit length units on zero values, e.g. `0px` vs. `0`. ZeroUnit: enabled: true