# Linter Documentation: # https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint/blob/master/lib/scss_lint/linter/README.md scss_files: 'app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.scss' exclude: - 'app/assets/stylesheets/pages/emojis.scss' linters: BangFormat: enabled: false BorderZero: enabled: false ColorKeyword: enabled: false ColorVariable: enabled: false Comment: enabled: false DeclarationOrder: enabled: false # `scss-lint:disable` control comments should be preceded by a comment # explaining why these linters are being disabled for this file. # See https://github.com/brigade/scss-lint#disabling-linters-via-source for # more information. DisableLinterReason: enabled: true DuplicateProperty: enabled: false EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: enabled: false EmptyRule: enabled: false FinalNewline: enabled: false # HEX colors should use three-character values where possible. HexLength: enabled: true # HEX color values should use lower-case colors to differentiate between # letters and numbers, e.g. `#E3E3E3` vs. `#e3e3e3`. HexNotation: enabled: true IdSelector: enabled: false ImportPath: enabled: false ImportantRule: enabled: false # Indentation should always be done in increments of 2 spaces. Indentation: enabled: true width: 2 LeadingZero: enabled: false MergeableSelector: enabled: false NameFormat: enabled: false NestingDepth: enabled: false PlaceholderInExtend: enabled: false PropertySortOrder: enabled: false PropertySpelling: enabled: false PseudoElement: enabled: false QualifyingElement: enabled: false SelectorDepth: enabled: false # Selectors should always use hyphenated-lowercase, rather than camelCase or # snake_case. SelectorFormat: enabled: true convention: hyphenated_lowercase # Prefer the shortest shorthand form possible for properties that support it. Shorthand: enabled: true # Each property should have its own line, except in the special case of # single line rulesets. SingleLinePerProperty: enabled: true allow_single_line_rule_sets: true SingleLinePerSelector: enabled: false SpaceAfterComma: enabled: false # Properties should be formatted with a single space separating the colon # from the property's value. SpaceAfterPropertyColon: enabled: true # Properties should be formatted with no space between the name and the # colon. SpaceAfterPropertyName: enabled: true SpaceAroundOperator: enabled: false SpaceBeforeBrace: enabled: false StringQuotes: enabled: false TrailingSemicolon: enabled: false TrailingWhitespace: enabled: false UnnecessaryMantissa: enabled: false UnnecessaryParentReference: enabled: false VendorPrefix: enabled: false # Omit length units on zero values, e.g. `0px` vs. `0`. ZeroUnit: enabled: true