import { setAttributes } from '~/lib/utils/dom_utils'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { getBaseURL, relativePathToAbsolute, joinPaths } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; const SANDBOX_FRAME_PATH = '/-/sandbox/swagger'; const getSandboxFrameSrc = () => { const path = joinPaths(gon.relative_url_root || '', SANDBOX_FRAME_PATH); return relativePathToAbsolute(path, getBaseURL()); }; const createSandbox = () => { const iframeEl = document.createElement('iframe'); setAttributes(iframeEl, { src: getSandboxFrameSrc(), sandbox: 'allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms', frameBorder: 0, width: '100%', // The height will be adjusted dynamically. // Follow-up issue: height: '1000', }); return iframeEl; }; export default async (el = document.getElementById('js-openapi-viewer')) => { const wrapperEl = el; const sandboxEl = createSandbox(); const { data } = await axios.get(wrapperEl.dataset.endpoint); wrapperEl.appendChild(sandboxEl); sandboxEl.addEventListener('load', () => { sandboxEl.contentWindow.postMessage(data, '*'); }); };