/* eslint-disable no-new */ /* global Flash */ import Vue from 'vue'; (() => { const Store = gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore; window.gl = window.gl || {}; window.gl.issueBoards = window.gl.issueBoards || {}; gl.issueBoards.RemoveIssueBtn = Vue.extend({ props: { issue: { type: Object, required: true, }, list: { type: Object, required: true, }, }, methods: { removeIssue() { const issue = this.issue; const lists = issue.getLists(); const labelIds = lists.map(list => list.label.id); // Post the remove data gl.boardService.bulkUpdate([issue.globalId], { remove_label_ids: labelIds, }).catch(() => { new Flash('Failed to remove issue from board, please try again.', 'alert'); lists.forEach((list) => { list.addIssue(issue); }); }); // Remove from the frontend store lists.forEach((list) => { list.removeIssue(issue); }); Store.detail.issue = {}; }, }, template: `
`, }); })();