/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, quotes, consistent-return, no-return-assign, no-param-reassign, one-var, no-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-unused-vars, prefer-template, object-shorthand, comma-dangle, max-len, prefer-arrow-callback */ /* global Pager */ window.CommitsList = (function() { var CommitsList = {}; CommitsList.timer = null; CommitsList.init = function(limit) { this.$contentList = $('.content_list'); $("body").on("click", ".day-commits-table li.commit", function(e) { if (e.target.nodeName !== "A") { location.href = $(this).attr("url"); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } }); Pager.init(parseInt(limit, 10), false, false, this.processCommits); this.content = $("#commits-list"); this.searchField = $("#commits-search"); this.lastSearch = this.searchField.val(); return this.initSearch(); }; CommitsList.initSearch = function() { this.timer = null; return this.searchField.keyup((function(_this) { return function() { clearTimeout(_this.timer); return _this.timer = setTimeout(_this.filterResults, 500); }; })(this)); }; CommitsList.filterResults = function() { var commitsUrl, form, search; form = $(".commits-search-form"); search = CommitsList.searchField.val(); if (search === CommitsList.lastSearch) return; commitsUrl = form.attr("action") + '?' + form.serialize(); CommitsList.content.fadeTo('fast', 0.5); return $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: form.attr("action"), data: form.serialize(), complete: function() { return CommitsList.content.fadeTo('fast', 1.0); }, success: function(data) { CommitsList.lastSearch = search; CommitsList.content.html(data.html); return history.replaceState({ page: commitsUrl // Change url so if user reload a page - search results are saved }, document.title, commitsUrl); }, error: function() { CommitsList.lastSearch = null; }, dataType: "json" }); }; // Prepare loaded data. CommitsList.processCommits = (data) => { let processedData = data; const $processedData = $(processedData); const $commitsHeadersLast = CommitsList.$contentList.find('li.js-commit-header').last(); const lastShownDay = $commitsHeadersLast.data('day'); const $loadedCommitsHeadersFirst = $processedData.filter('li.js-commit-header').first(); const loadedShownDayFirst = $loadedCommitsHeadersFirst.data('day'); let commitsCount; // If commits headers show the same date, // remove the last header and change the previous one. if (lastShownDay === loadedShownDayFirst) { // Last shown commits count under the last commits header. commitsCount = $commitsHeadersLast.nextUntil('li.js-commit-header').find('li.commit').length; // Remove duplicate of commits header. processedData = $processedData.not(`li.js-commit-header[data-day="${loadedShownDayFirst}"]`); // Update commits count in the previous commits header. commitsCount += Number($(processedData).nextUntil('li.js-commit-header').first().find('li.commit').length); $commitsHeadersLast.find('span.commits-count').text(`${commitsCount} ${gl.text.pluralize('commit', commitsCount)}`); } gl.utils.localTimeAgo($processedData.find('.js-timeago')); return processedData; }; return CommitsList; })();