import $ from 'jquery'; import Vue from 'vue'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import { GlEmptyState } from '@gitlab/ui'; import filterMixins from 'ee_else_ce/analytics/cycle_analytics/mixins/filter_mixins'; import Flash from '../flash'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import Translate from '../vue_shared/translate'; import banner from './components/banner.vue'; import stageCodeComponent from './components/stage_code_component.vue'; import stageComponent from './components/stage_component.vue'; import stageReviewComponent from './components/stage_review_component.vue'; import stageStagingComponent from './components/stage_staging_component.vue'; import stageTestComponent from './components/stage_test_component.vue'; import stageNavItem from './components/stage_nav_item.vue'; import CycleAnalyticsService from './cycle_analytics_service'; import CycleAnalyticsStore from './cycle_analytics_store'; Vue.use(Translate); export default () => { const OVERVIEW_DIALOG_COOKIE = 'cycle_analytics_help_dismissed'; const cycleAnalyticsEl = document.querySelector('#cycle-analytics'); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: '#cycle-analytics', name: 'CycleAnalytics', components: { GlEmptyState, banner, 'stage-issue-component': stageComponent, 'stage-plan-component': stageComponent, 'stage-code-component': stageCodeComponent, 'stage-test-component': stageTestComponent, 'stage-review-component': stageReviewComponent, 'stage-staging-component': stageStagingComponent, 'stage-production-component': stageComponent, GroupsDropdownFilter: () => import('ee_component/analytics/shared/components/groups_dropdown_filter.vue'), ProjectsDropdownFilter: () => import('ee_component/analytics/shared/components/projects_dropdown_filter.vue'), DateRangeDropdown: () => import('ee_component/analytics/shared/components/date_range_dropdown.vue'), 'stage-nav-item': stageNavItem, }, mixins: [filterMixins], data() { return { store: CycleAnalyticsStore, state: CycleAnalyticsStore.state, isLoading: false, isLoadingStage: false, isEmptyStage: false, hasError: false, startDate: 30, isOverviewDialogDismissed: Cookies.get(OVERVIEW_DIALOG_COOKIE), service: this.createCycleAnalyticsService(cycleAnalyticsEl.dataset.requestPath), }; }, computed: { currentStage() { return; }, }, created() { // Conditional check placed here to prevent this method from being called on the // new Cycle Analytics page (i.e. the new page will be initialized blank and only // after a group is selected the cycle analyitcs data will be fetched). Once the // old (current) page has been removed this entire created method as well as the // variable itself can be completely removed. // Follow up issue: if (cycleAnalyticsEl.dataset.requestPath) this.fetchCycleAnalyticsData(); }, methods: { handleError() {; return new Flash(__('There was an error while fetching cycle analytics data.')); }, initDropdown() { const $dropdown = $('.js-ca-dropdown'); const $label = $dropdown.find('.dropdown-label'); $dropdown .find('li a') .off('click') .on('click', e => { e.preventDefault(); const $target = $(e.currentTarget); this.startDate = $'value'); $label.text($target.text().trim()); this.fetchCycleAnalyticsData({ startDate: this.startDate }); }); }, fetchCycleAnalyticsData(options) { const fetchOptions = options || { startDate: this.startDate }; this.isLoading = true; this.service .fetchCycleAnalyticsData(fetchOptions) .then(response => {; this.selectDefaultStage(); this.initDropdown(); this.isLoading = false; }) .catch(() => { this.handleError(); this.isLoading = false; }); }, selectDefaultStage() { const stage = this.state.stages[0]; this.selectStage(stage); }, selectStage(stage) { if (this.isLoadingStage) return; if (this.currentStage === stage) return; if (!stage.isUserAllowed) {; return; } this.isLoadingStage = true;[], stage);; this.service .fetchStageData({ stage, startDate: this.startDate, projectIds: this.selectedProjectIds, }) .then(response => { this.isEmptyStage = !;, stage); this.isLoadingStage = false; }) .catch(() => { this.isEmptyStage = true; this.isLoadingStage = false; }); }, dismissOverviewDialog() { this.isOverviewDialogDismissed = true; Cookies.set(OVERVIEW_DIALOG_COOKIE, '1', { expires: 365 }); }, createCycleAnalyticsService(requestPath) { return new CycleAnalyticsService({ requestPath, }); }, }, }); };