/* eslint-disable comma-dangle, object-shorthand, func-names, quote-props, no-else-return, camelcase, no-new, max-len */ /* global CommentsStore */ /* global ResolveService */ /* global Flash */ import Vue from 'vue'; (() => { const ResolveBtn = Vue.extend({ props: { noteId: Number, discussionId: String, resolved: Boolean, canResolve: Boolean, resolvedBy: String, authorName: String, authorAvatar: String, noteTruncated: String, }, data: function () { return { discussions: CommentsStore.state, loading: false }; }, watch: { 'discussions': { handler: 'updateTooltip', deep: true } }, computed: { discussion: function () { return this.discussions[this.discussionId]; }, note: function () { return this.discussion ? this.discussion.getNote(this.noteId) : {}; }, buttonText: function () { if (this.isResolved) { return `Resolved by ${this.resolvedByName}`; } else if (this.canResolve) { return 'Mark as resolved'; } else { return 'Unable to resolve'; } }, isResolved: function () { if (this.note) { return this.note.resolved; } else { return false; } }, resolvedByName: function () { return this.note.resolved_by; }, }, methods: { updateTooltip: function () { this.$nextTick(() => { $(this.$refs.button) .tooltip('hide') .tooltip('fixTitle'); }); }, resolve: function () { if (!this.canResolve) return; let promise; this.loading = true; if (this.isResolved) { promise = ResolveService .unresolve(this.noteId); } else { promise = ResolveService .resolve(this.noteId); } promise.then((response) => { this.loading = false; if (response.status === 200) { const data = response.json(); const resolved_by = data ? data.resolved_by : null; CommentsStore.update(this.discussionId, this.noteId, !this.isResolved, resolved_by); this.discussion.updateHeadline(data); } else { new Flash('An error occurred when trying to resolve a comment. Please try again.', 'alert'); } this.updateTooltip(); }); } }, mounted: function () { $(this.$refs.button).tooltip({ container: 'body' }); }, beforeDestroy: function () { CommentsStore.delete(this.discussionId, this.noteId); }, created: function () { CommentsStore.create({ discussionId: this.discussionId, noteId: this.noteId, canResolve: this.canResolve, resolved: this.resolved, resolvedBy: this.resolvedBy, authorName: this.authorName, authorAvatar: this.authorAvatar, noteTruncated: this.noteTruncated, }); } }); Vue.component('resolve-btn', ResolveBtn); })();