/** * A Yaml Editor Extension options for Source Editor * @typedef {Object} YamlEditorExtensionOptions * @property { boolean } enableComments Convert model nodes with the comment * pattern to comments? * @property { string } highlightPath Add a line highlight to the * node specified by this e.g. `"foo.bar[0]"` * @property { * } model Any JS Object that will be stringified and used as the * editor's value. Equivalent to using `setDataModel()` * @property options SourceEditorExtension Options */ import { toPath } from 'lodash'; import { parseDocument, Document, visit, isScalar, isCollection, isMap } from 'yaml'; import { findPair } from 'yaml/util'; export class YamlEditorExtension { static get extensionName() { return 'YamlEditor'; } /** * Extends the source editor with capabilities for yaml files. * * @param {module:source_editor_instance~EditorInstance} instance - The Source Editor instance * @param {YamlEditorExtensionOptions} setupOptions */ onSetup(instance, setupOptions = {}) { const { enableComments = false, highlightPath = null, model = null } = setupOptions; this.enableComments = enableComments; this.highlightPath = highlightPath; this.model = model; if (model) { this.initFromModel(instance, model); } instance.onDidChangeModelContent(() => instance.onUpdate()); } initFromModel(instance, model) { const doc = new Document(model); if (this.enableComments) { YamlEditorExtension.transformComments(doc); } instance.setValue(doc.toString()); } /** * @private * This wraps long comments to a maximum line length of 80 chars. * * The `yaml` package does not currently wrap comments. This function * is a local workaround and should be deprecated if * https://github.com/eemeli/yaml/issues/322 * is resolved. */ static wrapCommentString(string, level = 0) { if (!string) { return null; } if (level < 0 || Number.isNaN(parseInt(level, 10))) { throw Error(`Invalid value "${level}" for variable \`level\``); } const maxLineWidth = 80; const indentWidth = 2; const commentMarkerWidth = '# '.length; const maxLength = maxLineWidth - commentMarkerWidth - level * indentWidth; const lines = [[]]; string.split(' ').forEach((word) => { const currentLine = lines.length - 1; if ([...lines[currentLine], word].join(' ').length <= maxLength) { lines[currentLine].push(word); } else { lines.push([word]); } }); return lines.map((line) => ` ${line.join(' ')}`).join('\n'); } /** * @private * * This utilizes `yaml`'s `visit` function to transform nodes with a * comment key pattern to actual comments. * * In Objects, a key of '#' will be converted to a comment at the top of a * property. Any key following the pattern `#|` will be placed * right before ``. * * In Arrays, any string that starts with # (including the space), will * be converted to a comment at the position it was in. * * @param { Document } doc * @returns { Document } */ static transformComments(doc) { const getLevel = (path) => { const { length } = path.filter((x) => isCollection(x)); return length ? length - 1 : 0; }; visit(doc, { Pair(_, pair, path) { const key = pair.key.value; // If the key is = '#', we add the value as a comment to the parent // We can then remove the node. if (key === '#') { Object.assign(path[path.length - 1], { commentBefore: YamlEditorExtension.wrapCommentString(pair.value.value, getLevel(path)), }); return visit.REMOVE; } // If the key starts with `#|`, we want to add a comment to the // corresponding property. We can then remove the node. if (key.startsWith('#|')) { const targetProperty = key.split('|')[1]; const target = findPair(path[path.length - 1].items, targetProperty); if (target) { target.key.commentBefore = YamlEditorExtension.wrapCommentString( pair.value.value, getLevel(path), ); } return visit.REMOVE; } return undefined; // If the node is not a comment, do nothing with it }, // Sequence is basically an array Seq(_, node, path) { let comment = null; const items = node.items.flatMap((child) => { if (comment) { Object.assign(child, { commentBefore: comment }); comment = null; } if ( isScalar(child) && child.value && child.value.startsWith && child.value.startsWith('#') ) { const commentValue = child.value.replace(/^#\s?/, ''); comment = YamlEditorExtension.wrapCommentString(commentValue, getLevel(path)); return []; } return child; }); Object.assign(node, { items }); // Adding a comment in case the last one is a comment if (comment) { Object.assign(node, { comment }); } }, }); return doc; } static getDoc(instance) { return parseDocument(instance.getValue()); } static locate(instance, path) { if (!path) throw Error(`No path provided.`); const blob = instance.getValue(); const doc = parseDocument(blob); const pathArray = toPath(path); if (!doc.getIn(pathArray)) { throw Error(`The node ${path} could not be found inside the document.`); } const parentNode = doc.getIn(pathArray.slice(0, pathArray.length - 1)); let startChar; let endChar; if (isMap(parentNode)) { const node = parentNode.items.find( (item) => item.key.value === pathArray[pathArray.length - 1], ); [startChar] = node.key.range; [, , endChar] = node.value.range; } else { const node = doc.getIn(pathArray); [startChar, , endChar] = node.range; } const startSlice = blob.slice(0, startChar); const endSlice = blob.slice(0, endChar); const startLine = (startSlice.match(/\n/g) || []).length + 1; const endLine = (endSlice.match(/\n/g) || []).length; return [startLine, endLine]; } setDoc(instance, doc) { if (this.enableComments) { YamlEditorExtension.transformComments(doc); } if (!instance.getValue()) { instance.setValue(doc.toString()); } else { instance.updateValue(doc.toString()); } } highlight(instance, path) { // IMPORTANT // removeHighlight and highlightLines both come from // SourceEditorExtension. So it has to be installed prior to this extension if (this.highlightPath === path) return; if (!path) { instance.removeHighlights(); } else { const res = YamlEditorExtension.locate(instance, path); instance.highlightLines(res); } this.highlightPath = path || null; } provides() { return { /** * Get the editor's value parsed as a `Document` as defined by the `yaml` * package * @param {module:source_editor_instance~EditorInstance} instance - The Source Editor instance * @returns {Document} */ getDoc: (instance) => YamlEditorExtension.getDoc(instance), /** * Accepts a `Document` as defined by the `yaml` package and * sets the Editor's value to a stringified version of it. * @param {module:source_editor_instance~EditorInstance} instance - The Source Editor instance * @param { Document } doc */ setDoc: (instance, doc) => this.setDoc(instance, doc), /** * Returns the parsed value of the Editor's content as JS. * @returns {*} */ getDataModel: (instance) => YamlEditorExtension.getDoc(instance).toJS(), /** * Accepts any JS Object and sets the Editor's value to a stringified version * of that value. * * @param {module:source_editor_instance~EditorInstance} instance - The Source Editor instance * @param value */ setDataModel: (instance, value) => this.setDoc(instance, new Document(value)), /** * Method to be executed when the Editor's was updated */ onUpdate: (instance) => { if (this.highlightPath) { this.highlight(instance, this.highlightPath); } }, /** * Set the editors content to the input without recreating the content model. * * @param {module:source_editor_instance~EditorInstance} instance - The Source Editor instance * @param blob */ updateValue: (instance, blob) => { // Using applyEdits() instead of setValue() ensures that tokens such as // highlighted lines aren't deleted/recreated which causes a flicker. const model = instance.getModel(); model.applyEdits([ { // A nice improvement would be to replace getFullModelRange() with // a range of the actual diff, avoiding re-formatting the document, // but that's something for a later iteration. range: model.getFullModelRange(), text: blob, }, ]); }, /** * Add a line highlight style to the node specified by the path. * * @param {module:source_editor_instance~EditorInstance} instance - The Source Editor instance * @param {string|null|false} path A path to a node of the Editor's value, * e.g. `"foo.bar[0]"`. If the value is falsy, this will remove all * highlights. */ highlight: (instance, path) => this.highlight(instance, path), /** * Return the line numbers of a certain node identified by `path` within * the yaml. * * @param {module:source_editor_instance~EditorInstance} instance - The Source Editor instance * @param {string} path A path to a node, eg. `foo.bar[0]` * @returns {number[]} Array following the schema `[firstLine, lastLine]` * (both inclusive) * * @throws {Error} Will throw if the path is not found inside the document */ locate: (instance, path) => YamlEditorExtension.locate(instance, path), initFromModel: (instance, model) => this.initFromModel(instance, model), }; } }