import autosize from 'autosize'; import $ from 'jquery'; import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import GfmAutoComplete, { defaultAutocompleteConfig } from 'ee_else_ce/gfm_auto_complete'; import { disableButtonIfEmptyField } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; import dropzoneInput from './dropzone_input'; import { addMarkdownListeners, removeMarkdownListeners } from './lib/utils/text_markdown'; export default class GLForm { /** * Create a GLForm * * @param {jQuery} form Root element of the GLForm * @param {Object} enableGFM Which autocomplete features should be enabled? * @param {Boolean} forceNew If true, treat the element as a **new** form even if `gfm-form` class already exists. * @param {Object} gfmDataSources The paths of the autocomplete data sources to use for GfmAutoComplete * By default, the backend embeds these in the global object gl.GfmAutocomplete.dataSources. * Use this param to override them. */ constructor(form, enableGFM = {}, forceNew = false, gfmDataSources = {}) { this.form = form; this.textarea = this.form.find('textarea.js-gfm-input'); this.enableGFM = { ...defaultAutocompleteConfig, ...enableGFM }; // Disable autocomplete for keywords which do not have dataSources available let dataSources = (gl.GfmAutoComplete && gl.GfmAutoComplete.dataSources) || {}; if (!isEmpty(gfmDataSources)) { dataSources = gfmDataSources; } Object.keys(this.enableGFM).forEach((item) => { if (item !== 'emojis' && !dataSources[item]) { this.enableGFM[item] = false; } }); // Before we start, we should clean up any previous data for this form this.destroy(); // Set up the form this.setupForm(dataSources, forceNew);'glForm', this); } destroy() { // Clean form listeners this.clearEventListeners(); if (this.autoComplete) { this.autoComplete.destroy(); } if (this.formDropzone) { this.formDropzone.destroy(); }'glForm', null); } setupForm(dataSources, forceNew = false) { const isNewForm =':not(.gfm-form)') || forceNew; this.form.removeClass('js-new-note-form'); if (isNewForm) { this.form.find('.div-dropzone').remove(); this.form.addClass('gfm-form'); // remove notify commit author checkbox for non-commit notes disableButtonIfEmptyField( this.form.find('.js-note-text'), this.form.find('.js-comment-button, .js-note-new-discussion'), ); this.autoComplete = new GfmAutoComplete(dataSources); this.autoComplete.setup(this.form.find('.js-gfm-input'), this.enableGFM); this.formDropzone = dropzoneInput(this.form, { parallelUploads: 1 }); if (':not(.js-no-autosize)')) { autosize(this.textarea); } } // form and textarea event listeners this.addEventListeners(); addMarkdownListeners(this.form);; if (this.isAutosizeable) this.setupAutosize(); if ('autofocus') === true) this.textarea.focus(); } setupAutosize() { // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/no-global-event-off'autosize:resized').on('autosize:resized', this.setHeightData.bind(this)); // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/no-global-event-off'mouseup.autosize').on('mouseup.autosize', this.destroyAutosize.bind(this)); setTimeout(() => { autosize(this.textarea); this.textarea.css('resize', 'vertical'); }, 0); } setHeightData() {'height', this.textarea.outerHeight()); } destroyAutosize() { const outerHeight = this.textarea.outerHeight(); if ('height') === outerHeight) return; autosize.destroy(this.textarea);'height', outerHeight); this.textarea.outerHeight(outerHeight); this.textarea.css('max-height', window.outerHeight); } clearEventListeners() { // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/no-global-event-off'focus'); // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/no-global-event-off'blur'); removeMarkdownListeners(this.form); } addEventListeners() { this.textarea.on('focus', function focusTextArea() { $(this).closest('.md-area').addClass('is-focused'); }); this.textarea.on('blur', function blurTextArea() { $(this).closest('.md-area').removeClass('is-focused'); }); } get supportsQuickActions() { return Boolean('supports-quick-actions')); } }