export function createCveIdRequestIssueBody(fullPath, iid) { return `### Vulnerability Submission **NOTE:** Only maintainers of GitLab-hosted projects may request a CVE for a vulnerability within their project. Project issue: ${fullPath}#${iid} #### Publishing Schedule After a CVE request is validated, a CVE identifier will be assigned. On what schedule should the details of the CVE be published? * [ ] Publish immediately * [ ] Wait to publish \`\`\`yaml reporter: name: "TODO" # "First Last" email: "TODO" # "email@domain.tld" vulnerability: description: "TODO" # "[VULNTYPE] in [COMPONENT] in [VENDOR][PRODUCT] [VERSION] allows [ATTACKER] to [IMPACT] via [VECTOR]" cwe: "TODO" # "CWE-22" # Path Traversal product: gitlab_path: "${fullPath}" vendor: "TODO" # "Deluxe Sandwich Maker Company" name: "TODO" # "Deluxe Sandwich Maker 2" affected_versions: - "TODO" # "1.2.3" - "TODO" # ">1.3.0, <=1.3.9" fixed_versions: - "TODO" # "1.2.4" - "TODO" # "1.3.10" impact: "TODO" # "CVSS v3 string" # https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln-metrics/cvss/v3-calculator solution: "TODO" # "Upgrade to version 1.2.4 or 1.3.10" credit: "TODO" references: - "TODO" # "https://some.domain.tld/a/reference" \`\`\` CVSS scores can be computed by means of the [NVD CVSS Calculator](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln-metrics/cvss/v3-calculator). /relate ${fullPath}#${iid} /label ~"devops::secure" ~"group::vulnerability research" ~"vulnerability research::cve" ~"advisory::queued" `; }