import VueRouter from 'vue-router'; import { escapeFileUrl } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; // To allow special characters (like "#," for example) in the branch names, we // should encode all the locations before those get processed by History API. // Otherwise, paths get messed up so that the router receives incorrect // branchid. The only way to do it consistently and in a more or less // future-proof manner is, unfortunately, to monkey-patch VueRouter or, as // suggested here, achieve the same more reliably by subclassing VueRouter and // update the methods, used in WebIDE. // // More context: export default class IDERouter extends VueRouter { push(location, onComplete, onAbort) { super.push(escapeFileUrl(location), onComplete, onAbort); } resolve(to, current, append) { return super.resolve(escapeFileUrl(to), current, append); } }