import $ from 'jquery'; /* This module provides easy access to the CSRF token and caches it for re-use. It also exposes some values commonly used in relation to the CSRF token (header key and headers object). If you need to refresh the csrfToken for some reason, just call `init` and then use the accessors as you would normally. If you need to compose a headers object, use the spread operator: ``` headers: { ...csrf.headers, someOtherHeader: '12345', } ``` see also and */ const csrf = { init() { const tokenEl = document.querySelector('meta[name=csrf-token]'); if (tokenEl !== null) { this.csrfToken = tokenEl.getAttribute('content'); } else { this.csrfToken = null; } }, get token() { return this.csrfToken; }, get headerKey() { return 'X-CSRF-Token'; }, get headers() { if (this.csrfToken !== null) { return { [this.headerKey]: this.token, }; } return {}; }, }; csrf.init(); // use our cached token for any $.rails-generated AJAX requests if ($.rails) { $.rails.csrfToken = () => csrf.token; } export default csrf;