import { graphTypes, symbolSizes, colorValues, annotationsSymbolIcon } from '../../constants'; /** * Annotations and deployments are decoration layers on * top of the actual chart data. We use a scatter plot to * display this information. Each chart has its coordinate * system based on data and irrespective of the data, these * decorations have to be placed in specific locations. * For this reason, annotations have their own coordinate system, * * As of %12.9, only deployment icons, a type of annotations, need * to be displayed on the chart. * * Annotations and deployments co-exist in the same series as * they logically belong together. Annotations are passed as * markLines and markPoints while deployments are passed as * data points with custom icons. */ /** * Deployment icons, a type of annotation, are displayed * along the [min, max] range at height `pos`. */ const annotationsYAxisCoords = { min: 0, pos: 3, // 3% height of chart's grid max: 100, }; /** * Annotation y axis min & max allows the deployment * icons to position correctly in the chart */ export const annotationsYAxis = { show: false, min: annotationsYAxisCoords.min, max: annotationsYAxisCoords.max, axisLabel: { // formatter fn required to trigger tooltip re-positioning formatter: () => {}, }, }; /** * Fetched list of annotations are parsed into a * format the eCharts accepts to draw markLines * * If Annotation is a single line, the `startingAt` property * has a value and the `endingAt` is null. Because annotations * only supports lines the `endingAt` value does not exist yet. * * @param {Object} annotation object * @returns {Object} markLine object */ export const parseAnnotations = (annotations) => annotations.reduce( (acc, annotation) => { acc.lines.push({ xAxis: annotation.startingAt, lineStyle: { color: colorValues.primaryColor, }, }); acc.points.push({ name: 'annotations', xAxis: annotation.startingAt, yAxis: annotationsYAxisCoords.min, tooltipData: { title: annotation.startingAt, content: annotation.description, }, }); return acc; }, { lines: [], points: [] }, ); /** * This method generates a decorative series that has * deployments as data points with custom icons and * annotations as markLines and markPoints * * @param {Array} deployments deployments data * @returns {Object} annotation series object */ export const generateAnnotationsSeries = ({ deployments = [], annotations = [] } = {}) => { // deployment data points const data = => { return { name: 'deployments', value: [deployment.createdAt, annotationsYAxisCoords.pos], // style options symbol: deployment.icon, symbolSize: symbolSizes.default, itemStyle: { color: deployment.color, }, // metadata that are accessible in `formatTooltipText` method tooltipData: { sha: deployment.sha.substring(0, 8), commitUrl: deployment.commitUrl, }, }; }); const parsedAnnotations = parseAnnotations(annotations); // markLine option draws the annotations dotted line const markLine = { symbol: 'none', silent: true, data: parsedAnnotations.lines, }; // markPoints are the arrows under the annotations lines const markPoint = { symbol: annotationsSymbolIcon, symbolSize: '8', symbolOffset: [0, ' 60%'], data: parsedAnnotations.points, }; return { name: 'annotations', type: graphTypes.annotationsData, yAxisIndex: 1, // annotationsYAxis index data, markLine, markPoint, }; };