import * as utils from './utils'; import * as types from './mutation_types'; import * as constants from '../constants'; import { isInMRPage } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils'; export default { [types.ADD_NEW_NOTE](state, data) { const note = data.discussion ? data.discussion.notes[0] : data; const { discussion_id, type } = note; const [exists] = state.discussions.filter(n => === note.discussion_id); const isDiscussion = type === constants.DISCUSSION_NOTE || type === constants.DIFF_NOTE; if (!exists) { const noteData = { expanded: true, id: discussion_id, individual_note: !isDiscussion, notes: [note], reply_id: discussion_id, }; if (isDiscussion && isInMRPage()) { noteData.resolvable = note.resolvable; noteData.resolved = false; = true; noteData.resolve_path = note.resolve_path; noteData.resolve_with_issue_path = note.resolve_with_issue_path; noteData.diff_discussion = false; } state.discussions.push(noteData); } }, [types.ADD_NEW_REPLY_TO_DISCUSSION](state, note) { const discussion = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, note.discussion_id); const existingNote = discussion && utils.findNoteObjectById(discussion.notes,; if (discussion && !existingNote) { discussion.notes.push(note); } }, [types.DELETE_NOTE](state, note) { const noteObj = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, note.discussion_id); if (noteObj.individual_note) { state.discussions.splice(state.discussions.indexOf(noteObj), 1); } else { const comment = utils.findNoteObjectById(noteObj.notes,; noteObj.notes.splice(noteObj.notes.indexOf(comment), 1); if (!noteObj.notes.length) { state.discussions.splice(state.discussions.indexOf(noteObj), 1); } } }, [types.EXPAND_DISCUSSION](state, { discussionId }) { const discussion = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, discussionId); Object.assign(discussion, { expanded: true }); }, [types.COLLAPSE_DISCUSSION](state, { discussionId }) { const discussion = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, discussionId); Object.assign(discussion, { expanded: false }); }, [types.REMOVE_PLACEHOLDER_NOTES](state) { const { discussions } = state; for (let i = discussions.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const note = discussions[i]; const children = note.notes; if (children.length && !note.individual_note) { // remove placeholder from discussions for (let j = children.length - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) { if (children[j].isPlaceholderNote) { children.splice(j, 1); } } } else if (note.isPlaceholderNote) { // remove placeholders from state root discussions.splice(i, 1); } } }, [types.SET_NOTES_DATA](state, data) { Object.assign(state, { notesData: data }); }, [types.SET_NOTEABLE_DATA](state, data) { Object.assign(state, { noteableData: data }); }, [types.SET_USER_DATA](state, data) { Object.assign(state, { userData: data }); }, [types.SET_INITIAL_DISCUSSIONS](state, discussionsData) { const discussions = discussionsData.reduce((acc, d) => { const discussion = { ...d }; const diffData = {}; if (discussion.diff_file) { diffData.file_hash = discussion.diff_file.file_hash; diffData.truncated_diff_lines = utils.prepareDiffLines( discussion.truncated_diff_lines || [], ); } // To support legacy notes, should be very rare case. if (discussion.individual_note && discussion.notes.length > 1) { discussion.notes.forEach(n => { acc.push({ ...discussion, ...diffData, notes: [n], // override notes array to only have one item to mimick individual_note }); }); } else { const oldNote = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions,; acc.push({ ...discussion, ...diffData, expanded: oldNote ? oldNote.expanded : discussion.expanded, }); } return acc; }, []); Object.assign(state, { discussions }); }, [types.SET_LAST_FETCHED_AT](state, fetchedAt) { Object.assign(state, { lastFetchedAt: fetchedAt }); }, [types.SET_TARGET_NOTE_HASH](state, hash) { Object.assign(state, { targetNoteHash: hash }); }, [types.SHOW_PLACEHOLDER_NOTE](state, data) { let notesArr = state.discussions; const existingDiscussion = utils.findNoteObjectById(notesArr, data.replyId); if (existingDiscussion) { notesArr = existingDiscussion.notes; } notesArr.push({ individual_note: true, isPlaceholderNote: true, placeholderType: data.isSystemNote ? constants.SYSTEM_NOTE : constants.NOTE, notes: [ { body: data.noteBody, }, ], }); }, [types.TOGGLE_AWARD](state, data) { const { awardName, note } = data; const { id, name, username } = state.userData; const hasEmojiAwardedByCurrentUser = note.award_emoji.filter( emoji => `${}` === `${data.awardName}` && === id, ); if (hasEmojiAwardedByCurrentUser.length) { // If current user has awarded this emoji, remove it. note.award_emoji.splice(note.award_emoji.indexOf(hasEmojiAwardedByCurrentUser[0]), 1); } else { note.award_emoji.push({ name: awardName, user: { id, name, username }, }); } }, [types.TOGGLE_DISCUSSION](state, { discussionId, forceExpanded = null }) { const discussion = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, discussionId); Object.assign(discussion, { expanded: forceExpanded === null ? !discussion.expanded : forceExpanded, }); }, [types.SET_EXPAND_DISCUSSIONS](state, { discussionIds, expanded }) { if (discussionIds?.length) { discussionIds.forEach(discussionId => { const discussion = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, discussionId); Object.assign(discussion, { expanded }); }); } }, [types.UPDATE_NOTE](state, note) { const noteObj = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, note.discussion_id); if (noteObj.individual_note) { if (note.type === constants.DISCUSSION_NOTE) { noteObj.individual_note = false; } noteObj.notes.splice(0, 1, note); } else { const comment = utils.findNoteObjectById(noteObj.notes,; noteObj.notes.splice(noteObj.notes.indexOf(comment), 1, note); } }, [types.APPLY_SUGGESTION](state, { noteId, discussionId, suggestionId }) { const noteObj = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, discussionId); const comment = utils.findNoteObjectById(noteObj.notes, noteId); comment.suggestions = => ({ ...suggestion, applied: suggestion.applied || === suggestionId, appliable: false, })); }, [types.SET_APPLYING_BATCH_STATE](state, isApplyingBatch) { state.batchSuggestionsInfo.forEach(suggestionInfo => { const { discussionId, noteId, suggestionId } = suggestionInfo; const noteObj = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, discussionId); const comment = utils.findNoteObjectById(noteObj.notes, noteId); comment.suggestions = => ({ ...suggestion, is_applying_batch: === suggestionId && isApplyingBatch, })); }); }, [types.ADD_SUGGESTION_TO_BATCH](state, { noteId, discussionId, suggestionId }) { state.batchSuggestionsInfo.push({ suggestionId, noteId, discussionId, }); }, [types.REMOVE_SUGGESTION_FROM_BATCH](state, id) { const index = state.batchSuggestionsInfo.findIndex(({ suggestionId }) => suggestionId === id); if (index !== -1) { state.batchSuggestionsInfo.splice(index, 1); } }, [types.CLEAR_SUGGESTION_BATCH](state) { state.batchSuggestionsInfo.splice(0, state.batchSuggestionsInfo.length); }, [types.UPDATE_DISCUSSION](state, noteData) { const note = noteData; const selectedDiscussion = state.discussions.find(disc => ===; note.expanded = true; // override expand flag to prevent collapse if (note.diff_file) { Object.assign(note, { file_hash: note.diff_file.file_hash, }); } Object.assign(selectedDiscussion, { ...note }); }, [types.CLOSE_ISSUE](state) { Object.assign(state.noteableData, { state: constants.CLOSED }); }, [types.REOPEN_ISSUE](state) { Object.assign(state.noteableData, { state: constants.REOPENED }); }, [types.TOGGLE_STATE_BUTTON_LOADING](state, value) { Object.assign(state, { isToggleStateButtonLoading: value }); }, [types.TOGGLE_BLOCKED_ISSUE_WARNING](state, value) { Object.assign(state, { isToggleBlockedIssueWarning: value }); }, [types.SET_NOTES_FETCHED_STATE](state, value) { Object.assign(state, { isNotesFetched: value }); }, [types.SET_NOTES_LOADING_STATE](state, value) { state.isLoading = value; }, [types.SET_DISCUSSION_DIFF_LINES](state, { discussionId, diffLines }) { const discussion = utils.findNoteObjectById(state.discussions, discussionId); discussion.truncated_diff_lines = utils.prepareDiffLines(diffLines); }, [types.SET_DISCUSSIONS_SORT](state, sort) { state.discussionSortOrder = sort; }, [types.DISABLE_COMMENTS](state, value) { state.commentsDisabled = value; }, [types.UPDATE_RESOLVABLE_DISCUSSIONS_COUNTS](state) { state.resolvableDiscussionsCount = state.discussions.filter( discussion => !discussion.individual_note && discussion.resolvable, ).length; state.unresolvedDiscussionsCount = state.discussions.filter( discussion => !discussion.individual_note && discussion.resolvable && discussion.notes.some(note => note.resolvable && !note.resolved), ).length; }, [types.CONVERT_TO_DISCUSSION](state, discussionId) { const convertedDisscussionIds = [...state.convertedDisscussionIds, discussionId]; Object.assign(state, { convertedDisscussionIds }); }, [types.REMOVE_CONVERTED_DISCUSSION](state, discussionId) { const convertedDisscussionIds = [...state.convertedDisscussionIds]; convertedDisscussionIds.splice(convertedDisscussionIds.indexOf(discussionId), 1); Object.assign(state, { convertedDisscussionIds }); }, [types.SET_CURRENT_DISCUSSION_ID](state, discussionId) { state.currentDiscussionId = discussionId; }, [types.REQUEST_DESCRIPTION_VERSION](state) { state.isLoadingDescriptionVersion = true; }, [types.RECEIVE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION](state, { descriptionVersion, versionId }) { const descriptionVersions = { ...state.descriptionVersions, [versionId]: descriptionVersion }; Object.assign(state, { descriptionVersions, isLoadingDescriptionVersion: false }); }, [types.RECEIVE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION_ERROR](state) { state.isLoadingDescriptionVersion = false; }, [types.REQUEST_DELETE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION](state) { state.isLoadingDescriptionVersion = true; }, [types.RECEIVE_DELETE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION](state, descriptionVersion) { state.isLoadingDescriptionVersion = false; Object.assign(state.descriptionVersions, descriptionVersion); }, [types.RECEIVE_DELETE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION_ERROR](state) { state.isLoadingDescriptionVersion = false; }, [types.UPDATE_ASSIGNEES](state, assignees) { state.noteableData.assignees = assignees; }, };