import { s__, __ } from '~/locale'; import { NAME_SORT_FIELD } from './common'; // Translations strings export const CONTAINER_REGISTRY_TITLE = s__('ContainerRegistry|Container Registry'); export const CONNECTION_ERROR_TITLE = s__('ContainerRegistry|Docker connection error'); export const CONNECTION_ERROR_MESSAGE = s__( `ContainerRegistry|We are having trouble connecting to the Container Registry. Please try refreshing the page. If this error persists, please review %{docLinkStart}the troubleshooting documentation%{docLinkEnd}.`, ); export const LIST_INTRO_TEXT = s__( `ContainerRegistry|With the GitLab Container Registry, every project can have its own space to store images. %{docLinkStart}More information%{docLinkEnd}`, ); export const LIST_DELETE_BUTTON_DISABLED = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Missing or insufficient permission, delete button disabled', ); export const REMOVE_REPOSITORY_LABEL = s__('ContainerRegistry|Remove repository'); export const REMOVE_REPOSITORY_MODAL_TEXT = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|You are about to remove repository %{title}. Once you confirm, this repository will be permanently deleted.', ); export const ROW_SCHEDULED_FOR_DELETION = s__( `ContainerRegistry|This image repository is scheduled for deletion`, ); export const FETCH_IMAGES_LIST_ERROR_MESSAGE = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Something went wrong while fetching the repository list.', ); export const FETCH_TAGS_LIST_ERROR_MESSAGE = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Something went wrong while fetching the tags list.', ); export const DELETE_IMAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|Something went wrong while scheduling %{title} for deletion. Please try again.', ); export const ASYNC_DELETE_IMAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE = s__( `ContainerRegistry|There was an error during the deletion of this image repository, please try again.`, ); export const DELETE_IMAGE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|%{title} was successfully scheduled for deletion', ); export const EMPTY_RESULT_TITLE = s__('ContainerRegistry|Sorry, your filter produced no results.'); export const EMPTY_RESULT_MESSAGE = s__( 'ContainerRegistry|To widen your search, change or remove the filters above.', ); // Parameters export const IMAGE_DELETE_SCHEDULED_STATUS = 'DELETE_SCHEDULED'; export const IMAGE_FAILED_DELETED_STATUS = 'DELETE_FAILED'; export const GRAPHQL_PAGE_SIZE = 10; export const SORT_FIELDS = [ { orderBy: 'UPDATED', label: __('Updated') }, { orderBy: 'CREATED', label: __('Created') }, NAME_SORT_FIELD, ];