import * as d3 from 'd3'; import { sankey, sankeyLeft } from 'd3-sankey'; export const calculateClip = ({ y0, y1, source, target, width }) => { /* Because large link values can overrun their box, we create a clip path to trim off the excess in charts that have few nodes per column and are therefore tall. The box is created by M: moving to outside midpoint of the source node V: drawing a vertical line to maximum of the bottom link edge or the lowest edge of the node (can be d.y0 or d.y1 depending on the link's path) H: drawing a horizontal line to the outside edge of the destination node V: drawing a vertical line back up to the minimum of the top link edge or the highest edge of the node (can be d.y0 or d.y1 depending on the link's path) H: drawing a horizontal line back to the outside edge of the source node Z: closing the path, back to the start point */ const bottomLinkEdge = Math.max(y1, y0) + width / 2; const topLinkEdge = Math.min(y0, y1) - width / 2; /* eslint-disable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */ return ` M${source.x0}, ${y1} V${Math.max(bottomLinkEdge, y0, y1)} H${target.x1} V${Math.min(topLinkEdge, y0, y1)} H${source.x0} Z `; /* eslint-enable @gitlab/require-i18n-strings */ }; export const createLinkPath = ({ y0, y1, source, target, width }, idx, nodeWidth) => { /* Creates a series of staggered midpoints for the link paths, so they don't run along one channel and can be distinguished. First, get a point staggered by index and link width, modulated by the link box to find a point roughly between the nodes. Then offset it by nodeWidth, so it doesn't run under any nodes at the left. Determine where it would overlap at the right. Finally, select the leftmost of these options: - offset from the source node based on index + fudge; - a fuzzy offset from the right node, using Math.random adds a little blur - a hard offset from the end node, if random pushes it over Then draw a line from the start node to the bottom-most point of the midline up to the topmost point in that line and then to the middle of the end node */ const xValRaw = source.x1 + (((idx + 1) * width) % (target.x1 - source.x0)); const xValMin = xValRaw + nodeWidth; const overlapPoint = source.x1 + (target.x0 - source.x1); const xValMax = overlapPoint - nodeWidth * 1.4; const midPointX = Math.min(xValMin, target.x0 - nodeWidth * 4 * Math.random(), xValMax); return d3.line()([ [(source.x0 + source.x1) / 2, y0], [midPointX, y0], [midPointX, y1], [(target.x0 + target.x1) / 2, y1], ]); }; /* createSankey calls the d3 layout to generate the relationships and positioning values for the nodes and links in the graph. */ export const createSankey = ({ width = 10, height = 10, nodeWidth = 10, nodePadding = 10, paddingForLabels = 1, } = {}) => { const sankeyGenerator = sankey() .nodeId(({ name }) => name) .nodeAlign(sankeyLeft) .nodeWidth(nodeWidth) .nodePadding(nodePadding) .extent([ [paddingForLabels, paddingForLabels], [width - paddingForLabels, height - paddingForLabels], ]); return ({ nodes, links }) => sankeyGenerator({ nodes: => ({ ...d })), links: => ({ ...d })), }); }; export const labelPosition = ({ x0, x1, y0, y1 }, viewOptions) => { const { paddingForLabels, labelMargin, nodePadding, width } = viewOptions; const firstCol = x0 <= paddingForLabels; const lastCol = x1 >= width - paddingForLabels; if (firstCol) { return { x: 0 + labelMargin, y: y0, height: `${y1 - y0}px`, width: paddingForLabels - 2 * labelMargin, textAlign: 'right', }; } if (lastCol) { return { x: width - paddingForLabels + labelMargin, y: y0, height: `${y1 - y0}px`, width: paddingForLabels - 2 * labelMargin, textAlign: 'left', }; } return { x: (x1 + x0) / 2, y: y0 - nodePadding, height: `${nodePadding}px`, width: 'max-content', wrapperWidth: paddingForLabels - 2 * labelMargin, textAlign: x0 < width / 2 ? 'left' : 'right', }; };