import Vue from 'vue'; import { deprecatedCreateFlash as Flash } from '~/flash'; import Translate from '~/vue_shared/translate'; import { __ } from '~/locale'; import { setUrlFragment, redirectTo } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import PipelineGraphLegacy from './components/graph/graph_component_legacy.vue'; import createDagApp from './pipeline_details_dag'; import GraphBundleMixin from './mixins/graph_pipeline_bundle_mixin'; import legacyPipelineHeader from './components/legacy_header_component.vue'; import eventHub from './event_hub'; import TestReports from './components/test_reports/test_reports.vue'; import createTestReportsStore from './stores/test_reports'; Vue.use(Translate); const SELECTORS = { PIPELINE_DETAILS: '.js-pipeline-details-vue', PIPELINE_GRAPH: '#js-pipeline-graph-vue', PIPELINE_HEADER: '#js-pipeline-header-vue', PIPELINE_TESTS: '#js-pipeline-tests-detail', }; const createLegacyPipelinesDetailApp = mediator => { if (!document.querySelector(SELECTORS.PIPELINE_GRAPH)) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: SELECTORS.PIPELINE_GRAPH, components: { PipelineGraphLegacy, }, mixins: [GraphBundleMixin], data() { return { mediator, }; }, render(createElement) { return createElement('pipeline-graph-legacy', { props: { isLoading: this.mediator.state.isLoading, pipeline:, mediator: this.mediator, }, on: { refreshPipelineGraph: this.requestRefreshPipelineGraph, onResetDownstream: (parentPipeline, pipeline) => this.resetDownstreamPipelines(parentPipeline, pipeline), onClickUpstreamPipeline: pipeline => this.clickUpstreamPipeline(pipeline), onClickDownstreamPipeline: pipeline => this.clickDownstreamPipeline(pipeline), }, }); }, }); }; const createLegacyPipelineHeaderApp = mediator => { if (!document.querySelector(SELECTORS.PIPELINE_HEADER)) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el: SELECTORS.PIPELINE_HEADER, components: { legacyPipelineHeader, }, data() { return { mediator, }; }, created() { eventHub.$on('headerPostAction', this.postAction); eventHub.$on('headerDeleteAction', this.deleteAction); }, beforeDestroy() { eventHub.$off('headerPostAction', this.postAction); eventHub.$off('headerDeleteAction', this.deleteAction); }, methods: { postAction(path) { this.mediator.service .postAction(path) .then(() => this.mediator.refreshPipeline()) .catch(() => Flash(__('An error occurred while making the request.'))); }, deleteAction(path) { this.mediator.stopPipelinePoll(); this.mediator.service .deleteAction(path) .then(({ request }) => redirectTo(setUrlFragment(request.responseURL, 'delete_success'))) .catch(() => Flash(__('An error occurred while deleting the pipeline.'))); }, }, render(createElement) { return createElement('legacy-pipeline-header', { props: { isLoading: this.mediator.state.isLoading, pipeline:, }, }); }, }); }; const createTestDetails = () => { const el = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.PIPELINE_TESTS); const { summaryEndpoint, suiteEndpoint } = el?.dataset || {}; const testReportsStore = createTestReportsStore({ summaryEndpoint, suiteEndpoint, }); // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new Vue({ el, components: { TestReports, }, store: testReportsStore, render(createElement) { return createElement('test-reports'); }, }); }; export default async function() { createTestDetails(); createDagApp(); const { dataset } = document.querySelector(SELECTORS.PIPELINE_DETAILS); let mediator; if (!gon.features.graphqlPipelineHeader || !gon.features.graphqlPipelineDetails) { try { const { default: PipelinesMediator } = await import( /* webpackChunkName: 'PipelinesMediator' */ './pipeline_details_mediator' ); mediator = new PipelinesMediator({ endpoint: dataset.endpoint }); mediator.fetchPipeline(); } catch { Flash(__('An error occurred while loading the pipeline.')); } } if (gon.features.graphqlPipelineDetails) { try { const { createPipelinesDetailApp } = await import( /* webpackChunkName: 'createPipelinesDetailApp' */ './pipeline_details_graph' ); const { pipelineProjectPath, pipelineIid } = dataset; createPipelinesDetailApp(SELECTORS.PIPELINE_DETAILS, pipelineProjectPath, pipelineIid); } catch { Flash(__('An error occurred while loading the pipeline.')); } } else { createLegacyPipelinesDetailApp(mediator); } if (gon.features.graphqlPipelineHeader) { try { const { createPipelineHeaderApp } = await import( /* webpackChunkName: 'createPipelineHeaderApp' */ './pipeline_details_header' ); createPipelineHeaderApp(SELECTORS.PIPELINE_HEADER); } catch { Flash(__('An error occurred while loading a section of this page.')); } } else { createLegacyPipelineHeaderApp(mediator); } }